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Everything posted by Legend™

  1. seems cool, GJ tell me smth skulls can be obtained by farming also ,is that corect? BTW when did server open there are heros allready
  2. //AGREE but also add that prices increased like tatoo it was 2k now its 10k BE so those that were lucky bought it cheap
  3. an kanis ena search tha vris pola guides
  4. looks nice ,since its a high rate server, lvl85 on start,make auto learn skills also,(suggestion),i think drops could be boosted in low lvl area,and all areas i guess,prices in fact are to high,(Vesper armor 20k blue eva) my suggestions anyway good luck
  5. Raule hope you read this,is there a possibility to change the font and size in phx?
  6. I am sure this is not 100% enchant,what happens when item brakes?how many items must you have in inventory for enchant? be more specific since the quide is for nobs anyway good job
  7. One more thing. it works great with xp but win 7 i get access violation error on phx
  8. There is no such file ,I get this in log 03.07.2010 03:34:21 Library loaded M:\phx\inject.dll 03.07.2010 03:34:21 Startup of L2ph v3.5.33.164 03.07.2010 03:34:21 Local server registered on 7788 03.07.2010 03:34:33 Patched l2.exe (488) 03.07.2010 03:35:06 (Inject.dll) connect on ignored 03.07.2010 03:35:14 (Inject.dll) connect on ignored anyway to bypass it?
  9. your guide is very nice,but what if you open phx enter l2 and you dont see any packets,phx is just blank,than what do you do?
  10. if you can buy a +0 weap means phx is fixed (fixed an just about if not all servers)and does not work
  11. Anyone has a working phx for l2Atlantis? http://www.l2atlantis.ro/news.php really appreciate it
  12. stop the spam how can you say these things when you can not try it BC links are dead
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=158027.0 posted allready
  14. http://www.l2atlantis.ro and i have seen it also at http://l2thunder.tk/
  15. does anyone know how you can put on your title special fonts/characters,instead of the normal fonts? i have seen this on some serversI dont know if this is in wrong section,if it is pls move it
  16. so when will the server open? 4 days have passed
  17. you know that previews are not allowed,lock it or a mod will do it, anyway gl with your server
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153304.0 posted before
  19. its not only SS,see the energy stones cost 1 adena sell 200
  20. I fixed that problem like an hour into Live. There was an exploit where you could buy SS are resell for a HUGE profit. However, I fixed the exploit and everything is now running smoothly. Come and give the server a try players are saying the following about it: its not only SS,see the energy stones cost 1 adena sell 200
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