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Everything posted by lamle1112

  1. oh Thank you. Done I used doDie method as you say. Best Regards
  2. Hi, As title I said. I want to edit Summon from skills for item will die if owner dead. As normal, When owner dead, his summon have still attacked target. How to edit this? To stop attack or unused summon. Thanks for reading
  3. Thanks vago and Coyote™ . This is usefull.
  4. Hi, first of all, I am newbie of this forum. So, i need to edit some files java but i don't know how to edit it. I used Java Decompiler from this topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61768.0 When i have already edited config.class, but i don't know how to save it with config.class. Use Java Decopiler can't save with extension .class (only save with .java =.=!) I need to help to compile from those files to l2server.jar I have already read Guide using Eclipse from http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=73559.0 . But i had source and i want edit this source but download again. Please help me.
  5. Can you make gatekeeper for next npc ??? Thx
  6. Is it for Epilogue ??? I found this text in system. "Freya Weapons to Gracia Final by Chandy"
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