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About lamle1112

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  1. Your internet from mountain ?
  2. Upgrade global bandwidth :)
  3. No prolems. The ping is high when server is high traffic :) Plss comment about the gameplay, no comment about ping or website :)
  4. L2Forever is the PVP High Five Server. Our Server is a amazing Custom about the glow effect , weapon but we still keep the Offical Option on every Amor ! Our Server was opened 5 months ago and it continued improving for everyday ! I hope everyone love Lineage2 and interested in some beautiful custom will join our Server ! Join it and take it, you will write your name on the Olympia statue ! Well come to everyone ! PVP HIGH FIVE SERVER-L2 FOREVER II- High Rate 1000x Some Information about our server: Rate Exp: 1000x Rate SP: 1x Rate Enchant: Safe : +3 Max Weapon:+10 Max Armor, Jewel : + 6 Normal enchant : 56% step 7 Bless enchant : 76% step 7 GM shop : Free : ALL AMOR/JEWELRY ( VESPER) , Cloak, belt….. Element Attribute: MAX lev 7. Level 4 sell in GM Shop, Level 7 sell in Mammon Giant’s codex: 500 coin /1 Giant codex and 1000 coin/1 Giant Codex Mastery Boss Jewelry : 10000 coin for 1 boss Jewelry Quest Items : Raid boss Quest items in GM shop. Clan items(clan skill,NL up clan lev 3,4,5) Farming Zone: Safe zone : Gracia Area 5-10 coin Chocolate Cookie, Enchant Armor S, Enchant Weapon S PVP zone: Talking Island Mod drop 10coin-20coin/mod Chocolate Cookie, Enchant Armor S, Enchant Weapon S SPECIAL TVT EVENT Time: 9h30, 12h20, 15h, 18h, 20h, 21h, 23h, 0h 5 buff slots" Mage: Empowe, acumen, berserker, wild magic, wind walk Fighter: Haste, focus, death whisper, might, wind walk ANTI DUAL BOX, MULTI ACC Reward: Team Win :Bless Enchant Amor/ Weapon + 5000 coins Bonus: 1 Lift Stone per kill. Reward for Killl: First Blood : 1 BEAS + 1BEWS Killing Spree : 100 coins Dominating : 200 coins Mega Kill : 500coins. When you are mega kill , your color is RED. Unstoppable: 1BEAS Wicked Sick: 1BEWS Monster Kill : 1BEAS + 1BEWS Godlike: 2BEAS + 2BEWS Beyond Godlike: 3BEAS + 3BEWS Special in TvT: You will not see any target's name. Your target's name is "Be la Sieu Nhan". Can't see real race, real weapon. That's so interesting. You only register one character per computer. PVP-PK System Name Color will be change when you get high PVP score! You will also get Clan point when you kill another player from another clan ! When you are killed by a person who has lower pvp points, you will be excepted your pvp points. RAID BOSS Some BOSS Offical lev 71 > 85 will be lev 85 drop Bless ENCHANT weapon and amor, FA, Materials .... EPIC BOSS Drop 1-3 Boss Jewelry; Bless ENCHANT, Bamboo hat, Shirt Cp,Ice Amor... Siege System: Weekly at Saturday and Sunday with DION , GUDIO and Every Month with GRIAN, ADEN Time: 1 hour and 30 min More and more, come here and relax ...!!! Homepage : http://l2forever.info/home.html Register: http://l2forever.info/register.html Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ib66xlrl68cp1xk Any Question? Send Email : socute.vinamilk@gmail.com
  5. Thanks popld. I have made it. CLosed! :P
  6. Had made in there http://l2forever.info/home.html :P
  7. Having opened for 3 months. Some pics from server : Free Vesper Weapon Ice Weapon: And Next update, Freya weapon:
  8. Thanks! i will notice next time. :P So, Freya WP don't need these items, i will make for freya wp when i have free time :P Do you like some these pics ? http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f30/ozeniz/Shot00005-1.jpg[/img] http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f30/ozeniz/Shot00004-1.jpg[/img]
  9. I don't know that server. But Lineage is forever with me :P Sorry if i steal name of other server.
  10. So as title of Topic. I want to make random spawn mobs when the character exit peacezone I have added +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; ... protected void onExit(L2Character character) { character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE, false); + int loc_X = character.getX(); + int loc_Y = character.getY(); + int loc_Z = character.getZ(); addSpawn(29001,loc_X,loc_Y ,loc_Z ,306,False,0,False,0); } But That's problem . I don't know how to spawn mob near that character >"< Help me! Thanks.
  11. L2Forever is the PVP Epilogue Server. Our Server is a amazing Custom about the glow effect , weapon but we still keep the Offical Option on every Amor ! Our Server was opened 3 months ago and it continued improving for everyday ! I hope everyone love Lineage2 and interested in some beautiful custom will join our Server ! Join it and take it, you will write your name on the Olympia statue ! Well come to everyone ! Some Information about our server! PVP SERVER-L2 FOREVR II- High Rate 1000x Rate: 1000x Exp Xp Spoil Adena Enchant Safe : +4 Max :+16 Normal enchant : 50% step 3 Bless enchant : 80% step 3 GM shop : Free : ALL AMOR/JEWELRY ( VESPER) , Cloak, belt….. Enchant: AMOR S: 10 coin WEAPON S: 20 coin Bless AMOR S: 100 coin Bless WEAPON S: 200 coin Element Attribute: MAX lev 4 , 100 coin/ for 1 Life Stone: 100 coin/ for 1 Giant’s codex: 500 coin /1 Giant codex và 1000 coin/1 Giant Codex Mastery Boss Jewelry : 10000 coin for 1 boss Jewelry Quest Items : Nobles 1000 coin (Gold Bar in Luxury Shop) Clan items(clan skill,NL up clan lev 3,4,5), quest EPIC boss…….. PVP Items exchange : 5000 coin for Amor và 10000 coin for Weapon. -Add: ICE AMOR with a Special Custom -Add: ICE WEAPON with a Special Custom -Add: ICE GLOW with a Special Custom -Add: Destiny Accessory -Materials Zone, FA farming Zone Farming Zone: Safe zone : Mod drop 1 coin/ mod Location : Fatasy Island PVP zone: Mod drop 2coin-3coin/mod Location : Imperial Tomb TVT EVENT Team Win :Bless Enchant Amor/ Weapon Bonus: 5 slot buff Mage: Empowe, acumen, berserker, wild magic, wind walk Fighter: Haste, focus, death whisper, might, wind walk ANTI DUAL BOX, MULTI ACC PVP-PK System Name Color will be change when you get high PVP score! You will also get Clan point when you kill another player from another clan ! RAID BOSS Some BOSS Offical lev 71 > 85 will be lev 85 drop Bless ENCHANT weapon and amor, FA, Materials .... EPIC BOSS Drop 1-3 Boss Jewelry; Bless ENCHANT, Bamboo hat, Shirt Cp,Ice Amor... Siege System: Everyweek at Saturday and Sunday with DION , GUDIO and Every Month with GRIAN, ADEN Time: 1 hour and 30 min More and more, come here and relax ...!!! Homepage : http://l2forever.info Register: http://l2forever.info/dang-ky.html Download: http://hoaphuongdo.a4u.vn/Patch_Full.zip Any Question? Send Email : socute.vinamilk@gmail.com
  12. This video about VietNam Tours :D Join and Enjoy some wonder places in VietNam in here http://vietnamtours24h.com ^^ VietNam Tours VietNam Tours VietNam Tours VietNam Tours VietNam Tours VietNam Tours
  13. You can download and search id to replace in weapongrp.dat http://vietnamtours24h.com/vietnam-tours.zip or copy from html http://vietnamtours24h.com/vietnam-tourism.html This is very interesting weapon glow i have fixed. That make you feel better! Some pic form GLoW hero: Enjoy VietNam Tours in here :D
  14. Thank Matim! But i don't know where can it put this code? "Auto Chat' means is a function which the players can see in trade channel with a loop time same as auto announcement in TvT or Olympaid. But this code will auto show guild of server in trade channel :P
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