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Everything posted by ^Exte

  1. I klepse ta items enos paidiou apo net sto L2, pigaine sto net kai pes oti to kane enas allos kai tha exis kai pali ksylo me 10xrona.
  2. Ta lete auta epidi den exete paiksei lowrates, Haste all the way duh. CD mono kalo gia farm.
  3. Did I ever said it's my frag? Stop owning your self with my INVISIBLE or NEVER SAID words. :o
  4. Lol, can I do it like this? Duh, i'm such a noob. I played the video and *STOP* print screen *STOP* Print screen and all that stuff, lol.
  5. Flaming is what I'm telling you at MSN, not these pussy words, lols.
  6. TO AS:CD den anevazei Critical Power opos nomizete polloi apo esas, apla anevazei to P. Atk otan kaneis Critical Hit. Diladi, exo ego 1000 P atk kai kano Critical Hit to P atk tha anevei. ;) Kai opos polloi kseroun, o Daggeras den xriazete P atk (Sto PVP fisika) kai etsi to AS: CD ginete axrhsto. Angel Slayer Haste diladi.
  7. Rikste mia matia :o http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78870.0 YUSH!
  8. Oi to all! Yesterday I got banned from MxC's community cause a douchebag called M1X0S reported me for some what-supposed to him flame, the banning reason can be found here! (Clicky clicky) So, since M1X0S looks to be freaking wannabe moderator (Impersonating moderator in some way, which is bannable :o) and reports me on that post, not to mind his previous action and giving me -1 Karma (Which Darius took care off, thanks to that guy) cause I said to some random guy that he has low IQ and the other guy got no punishment eventho (AstraLized* to be more extact) his next post was more offensive, but still no punishment. So, since M1X0S looks to be hating me for being cooler than him reported me and also decreased my karma since he's so WTFButthurt. Now, after all these explanation for you people to get into the story, I want to get Astralized* punished with -1 Karma as they did to me and also getting unbanned on my main account (Exte., with the dot included) cuz saying that a lineage2 server fails just like M1X0S is not in ANY WAY a flame but some kind of jiggling to that kiddo. Feel free posting your opinions, I don't want random kids spamming here in NO WAY, also no posts like "YOU ARE RIGHT", "YOU ARE WRONG". If you wanna say anything, I want something REASONABLE, so explain your statements.
  9. I think I'm gonna make love to it
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