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Everything posted by Dj_Draggy

  1. idiots say that playing l2 for 11 years I've been on 11 and l2 not there 11 years are all simple
  2. i need (BUG) for GB for Gracia 2 please that know tell me Urgently! >:(
  3. very nice ;]]]
  4. First of all,u go to gold bar exchanger and open the tab,dont press ok....after bring near your 2nd char and press trade.In the trade u put all the adenas and click ok in same time u will have taken the gb from the exchanger and the adenas will be taken to the 2nd char <<<< It did not operate to me :/
  5. i need (BUG) for GB for Gracia 2 please that know tell me Urgently! :-X
  6. nice..
  7. First of all,u go to gold bar exchanger and open the tab,dont press ok....after bring near your 2nd char and press trade.In the trade,u put all the adenas and click ok in same time u will have taken the gb from the exchanger and the adenas will be taken to the 2nd char... gooooooooooooD
  8. Raigon i can't Log In 1000 times give me Critical Error :@:@:@
  9. show me i can't work with l2phx ;(
  10. me problem is: you give me http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 Click where it says: ==> L2 Phx <== this version no have send ..Packed Send/Send .. i no have Send what is the problem ?!?
  11. http://darkzone.net why have full bugger(s) TvT remove all bufs and buggers TvT no remove buffs what is bugg ? show me ??!??
  12. i have a problem :?
  13. Who play http://l2darkzone.net who play this server i need bug(s) for this server pls tell me.. -Thenks :)
  14. plsss show me where i download l2phx [no virus] for (Gracia 2) Thx :D
  15. very good for what the chronicle ?
  16. Server is Gracia 2 http://l2darkzone.net this server.. If you know something tell me ;]
  17. yes why ?? know ;]
  18. Hello ;] i want dependable as well 100% bug for enchant _____________________________________________ me english is bad... :-\
  19. Hello All I Want Bug for (TvT) Event - Glittering Medal(s) or Event - Medals and Gold Bar/Adena ____________________________ Thx
  20. yes GM Request sorry guys me english is bad ;/
  21. Hello friends play Lineage 2 from 11 years and I search a server in which am (Game Master) I to be active 14/15/16/17/18 hours of day even sometimes at 20 reels Happen rarely Harbor If Somebody searched to write me to... dj.draggy_promo@abv.bg Thank you... ;) ;D :P
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