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Everything posted by McAfee

  1. hi, I have a buffer, you can go any place after opened buffer window and can use restore button, how can put a range? thanks
  2. yayy why didnt I think, than you dude does vanganth have a console to delete mats(animal bone,coal ec) also?:P
  3. Hi ı have a buffer ı want to add cov also but cant I made a new cow with skill level 2, changed scopes, tried bypass menu_select?ask=1&reply= also bypass buff_player?skillID= still cov doesnt work thank you
  4. no any ideas?
  5. any1 have clean 1x npcdata? it is not 1x, or s1 can say rates for this npcdata.txt?
  6. 06/28/2011 14:02:22.361, Error sql: SELECT npc_class_id, death_time FROM NpcDeath (0) 06/28/2011 14:02:22.361, Error 42S02:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Invalid object name 'NpcDeath'. 06/28/2011 14:03:49.487, Error sql: select [augmentation], [mana_left], [life_time] from [user_item] where [item_id] = 1 (0) 06/28/2011 14:03:49.487, Error 42S22:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][sql Server]Invalid column name 'life_time'. hi I have these errors on cached but it doesnt effect to game I mean I dont see any proplem in game how can I fix? thx
  7. Good Luck i Follow with Forum !
  8. Error Message's Please Help Me.
  9. go join
  10. I think about 40 online , not bad for first day
  11. Server is good, join ppl
  12. Hi, Im selling 35k l2 player mails, these mails used in last 2 months...Leeched from lin2dbs, if u interesting, p.m me , see ya thanks
  13. oO server is recalling ppl? forum have population anymore eh?
  14. check website
  15. I think poeple should join:)
  16. Its not my problem
  17. Becaused i atacket you Cursed Death Link noob go read Lineage2 And i didnt say 4k coin i say WTB 4x Coin noob i fucking ur Eye's and i dont have 2x s grade set only 1x imperial armor. And one S grade weapon (Angel Slayer Haste ) If u have problem with me ? Fucking u go play high rate pvp server and go killing newbie's.
  18. If U Create Video or Screen ?
  19. i Play Here Good server ;)
  20. I Play L2-Wave You Want Help and Pm Me. (McAfee)
  21. how time after and opening server?
  22. I Write Passaword: root ! And again Error
  23. I Need Help Who Can help me :( :( :(
  24. All hackers Go www.L2Native.com This server offical But No have Server Shield's (Dont have DepmaX and other Programs) And Use PHX Maybe working... Good Luck ;) ;)
  25. Who can help me for OOG Packet Error Packet Error...
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