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About DrHouse__

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    L2J Inner Circle - Core JAVA developer

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Have you changed port on client side or are you using a port forwarding service from no-ip?
  2. Completly agree. Please, try to be more sensible when starting a new project and going public. Many people can wrongly trust you and ruin their servers. I'm sure you'll become a good dev after studying hard sun java tutorial and getting familiar with l2j source code but, for now, I would just work privately or place a huge warning like "we dont certainly know what we are doing" in your main page
  3. Imho this can be done with simple shell script, no need to go visual here
  4. You can run as many loginservers and gameservers that your machine physically allows. However, l2 client always connects to same port (2106) so your machine needs 'n' different ip addresses in which the 'n' loginservers can bind in that port. You can also mod the client (which is illegal) so it connects to other port different from 2106. This way you dont need different ip addresses, just make each loginserver to bind on different port with same ip address.
  5. It is funny how guys with poor knowledge like you laugh at guys with just a little less knowledge (well... I dont really know if you can code a "hello world" in vb). You just cannot afford laughing at this guy
  6. I recommend you to use ti.ttle as a summary of the topic. Such kind of titles make everyone evade your thread due to "noob alert", so less chance for you to be helped
  7. Just add to it a little svn client to check out sources instead of external download and your program will go further than kingstyle knowledge
  8. Well... no need to use l2phx, you can use any sniffer and then decode the data or code your own sniffer to automatically decode the data
  9. Well, with connection I mean connection between sockets, just basic network connection
  10. mm? getting problems really? Just disable unk packet log or filter out ips requesting new connection to loginserver/gameserver too fastly
  11. That's why you should not use navicat =) It saves you some work but also it prevents you to know how things really work. So when a problem comes up, like this, you have 0 experience to work it out. I recommend you to read mysql user guide easy fix: do what Nik said good fix: use a shell script to do it
  12. Cant remember, try following givebuffs bypass
  13. Omg... some piece of the code is trying to register a shutdown hook when shutdown is already in progress. Bad design, programmer fault and you'll need to edit your sources to fix it almost 100% sure
  14. [spanish] Te han bajado el karma por spamear y por hablar inglés incomprensible. Intenta buscar un traductor mejor o sencillamente dedícate a leer hasta que logres hablar inglés mejor. Contacta por PM si tienes más dudas[/spanish] You got your karma points down due to bad english and spam. Try to find a better translater or just read until your english becomes clear enough to be human readable. Use pm message for further information
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