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About l2renegade

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  1. http://www.l2equal.lt/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=41
  2. New lineage 2 Interlude server, create now your server low rate or high rate AEW galera hj am here to post a new version of Interlude server and version 4.0 included with anti veem Rack (phx anti, anti Hlapex), I would have been 3 years working in this rev, CREDITS: first in my "PACK" and especially to all those who helped in other forums for the server was done to perfection (obs: I could not post the credits of the forums that helped caused some of the restrictions here) (I thank the work and effort of all parabens! ) Shops Fulls Grocery shop em todas cidades Shop grade S em goddard Shop grade A em aden Shop grade B em oren Shop grade C em giran Shop grade D em todas cidades Shop no-grade em todas cidades Citys principais giran heine goddard aden oren Cities PvP Innadril heine floran village Npc buffer em todas cidades NPC buffer Full (config buffs 3 horas) NPC anti-pk Npc TvT manager NPC class manager NPC wyvern manager NPC augmentation NPC tattuador NPC casamento NPC quest items Gatekeeper Glogal Seven signs (funcionando) Quest nobless (funcionando) Olimpiadas hero (funcionando com anti bot) Customs areas drops: monastery of silence imperial tomb e heine territoty dropam ancient adena e hero adena Todos os mobs dropam ticket weapon S/A fire crystal reagent for right magic fusion Teleporte players para todos os boss Obs: todos npc estao localizados e spawnados em todas as cidades e villages, de acordo com a necessidade do local Obs: sao mais de 30 npc customs caso vc precise de um ou queira mudar ARMORS CUSTOMS: epic titanium dynasty ice vesper icarus WEAPONS CUSTOMS: dual gm hero (dual infinity bow, dual dagga hero, dual rod hero... ETC) epic titanium dynasty ice vesper icarus JEWELRY CUSTOMS: dynasty epic titanium vesper icarus Links para downloads: http://sharex.xpg.com.br/files/2997664290/server_interlude_c6_4.0.rar http://sharex.xpg.com.br/files/5157137052/java_mysql_navicat.rar http://sharex.xpg.com.br/files/3064373322/patch_part_1.zip http://sharex.xpg.com.br/files/2595364788/patch_part_2.rar http://sharex.xpg.com.br/files/9158409560/tutorial_como_ligar_o_server_para_que_todos_possam_logar.rar FREE SERVICES DISCLOSURES 1 - Need ultilizar one of our revs in a while so we're working on a Interlude gracia 2 - You can make the changes you want if you use our rev you can change what you want to your taste 3 - With the ultilização of our rev vcs help people divulgalas and entaum disclose your server for you .. and an exchange of favors and so much in profits as vcs 4 - Our goal is to create perfect servers ... so that in future we can open a company authorized to sell servers l2 5 - In your server share through our msn: (divulgue_seu_servidor@hotmail.com) and our community on orkut: (discloses its server) have contact with more than 100 thousand people are playing servers that are configured by us ..
  3. server bug skill bug ... have? and patch where? misch shop dissolve giveme tatoo
  4. to give proper information ? And full server bug?
  5. Hidden Text: You need 200 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it] lol
  6. man pzl 50 post make or message link giveme?
  7. He sometimes nods as part of a game generates not be problematic use
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