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Everything posted by symeon24

  1. 1 den exi klisi se 10 lepta ton exw 1 mina kai 2 den exw problem ektos apo to guts me frenzy
  2. gia sas pedia exw l2jdot kai 8ele na me help se kati aftos p eftia3e to pach to l2jdot m ipe oti to 1 skil apo ta 2 h to Guts h to Frenzy einai san buffs kai mpris na ta koumpsis dld ti alai repi na kanw?? to id ton skill to briskw dld pigenw eki alla den 3erw ti na ala3w gia na einai ok.... thx
  3. 8a i8ela na sikosos 2 online server an kai 3erw oti prepi na ala3w ta port apo to game server config kai server to 7777 na gini p.x 7778 pite oti to kanw afto meta prepi na kanw kai sto router? 8a prepi na ala3w kai alla port gia na gini on ektos apo to l2jdb2 p prepi na to kanw????
  4. basika file 3afnika to ebgale dld to bgazi 3afnika apotin ora p einai on.... kapies fores dld mesa se 5-7 ores mpori na to emfanisi 1 fora mpori na ginete apo tous alous chars dne perasa patches sto pack tpt kai m to ebgale gt?
  5. pedia 8a i8ela na skasw ban ip pos ginete??? pigene login server brisko eki p grafi ban ip grafto tin ip p.x alla tpt kanw kai safe bebea otan anigw to login server lei mono 2 ip ban :S
  6. ok kai pio einai to anti-hack gia na min pernoune item dld GB Festival adena kai tetia ??? mipos mporis na me help kai se afto :D
  7. gia sas pedia exw 1 problima sto login server dld m parousiazi kati 8a sas to grapso to ti edo kita3te ti einai afto???? java.net.unkownhostexeption:(tin no ip m) at java.net.inet6Addressiml.lookupAllhostadddr<nativ Method> at java.net.inetaddress$1.lookupallhostaddr<unknow source at java.net.inetaddrecss.getaddressFrinameService<Unkown Source> at java.net.inetaddrecss.getallbyname0<unkown source> at java.net.inetaddrecss.getallbyname<unkown source> at java.net.inetaddrecss.getByname<unkown source> at com.l2dot.loginserver.serverpackets.sererlist.write<serverlist.java:135 at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.selectorthread.preparewrite buffer<sekecttorthread.java:606 at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.selectorthread.writepacker<selectorthread.java:530 at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.selectorthread.run<selectortheread.java:232 ti error einai afta mipos xalase kanenas java kai xriazete pali egatastasi??? gt egw afto lew na kanw.... :S
  8. exw psa3i poli kala alla tpt alla 8a m pis den psaxno sosta isos alla edo kai kero apo tin 1 mera psaxnw p ani3a ton server alla tpt.... afto to video dixni pos na fix anti-hacks?
  9. oreos re file gt exw kati problem egw kai den mpwro dld me kati hack kai den 3erw na fix egw dld mipos mporouses na me help ta bug ta eftia3a.... liga akoma minane.... symeon@exilian.tk
  10. den 3erw na fix egw tpt gt eimai new arage mipos mporis na me help na prospa8isw na fix dld kati gia na fix ton server m gt den 3erw tpt dld 1 site?? p na lei pos gignete??
  11. nao to 3erw to ixa katebasi gt ixa di anti-hack p elege alla telika @@ ta pack pp m les exoune ati hacks? h @@?
  12. Gia sas pedia 1 apola 8a sas pw na min diagrapsete to post dld min to parete alou gt mpori na help kai alous lipon Exw 1 problima me to L2jatacker dld to l2jatack version 2 lipon 8a i8ela na kanw block na min exw eki problima opos kai kati alo 8a i8ela na me help kai se kapio problima p exw ston server m mpenoun kapia atoma kai pernoun items dld GB FA me kapio hack 8a i8ela na m pi kapios pos na to fix afto dld afta ta 2 gia na min exw problima Eimai kai new DVl dld akoma ma8eno 1 m Server einai kai 8a i8ela na me help na to fix odigies kai tetia..... 8a me rotisete ti pack exw kai ipa na sas to pw L2Jdot C6 o server mporo na pw oti 1 mina p asxoloume me server kala ta paw dld kai ton kratao kala kai apo error einai mono to l2jatack vercion 2 kai to alo p sas ipa pio pano p pernoune item kapos an mpori kanenas na me kani kai add sto msn m kala 8a itane alla na me help :P Symeon@exilian.tk thx!!!
  13. opos ipa stin arxi l2jatack p parousiazi error me liga logia hack dld xriazete kai tin no-ip t server h kai tin stat ip t gia na hack...
  14. thx file basika 8a i8ela na me kanis add msn m gia na se rotisw kati sto ucoz p 8elw symeon@exilian.tk 8a i8ela na m pis pos mporo na balw na lei an einai on o server kai tetia dld na ma8o an mporis pes m thx
  15. dld dne mporo na to bro me tpt?? ektos apoa fto posa atoma to exoune re..... :S
  16. gia sas pedia 8a i8ela na m dosete 1 site h pou mporo na bro to l2jatack gia 1 server p 8elw..... l2j attack version 2 thx
  17. 8elw na kanw kati dld p m kanane kai 3erw pios..... dne 8elw na tin pataw mono egw mporis na m to dosis an to 3eris???
  18. dose m 1 site gia na to katebaso plizzz brika kati p m dixni afto = Version = How to find the version of the server. '''Note:''' '''Version''' and '''Revision''' in the following files mean the same thing. (I have no idea why they switched words)[[bR]] So version=2096 means the revision is 2096. '''builddate''' is not the revision number, it is the date and time that your copy of a revision was compiled.[[bR]] (You could take revision 1 and compile it, giving it todays date, when in fact it is really years old) == Server == Open your /gameserver folder. Open the /config folder. Open the l2j-version.properties file.[[bR]] The info should be in there.[[bR]] {{{ version=777 builddate=20070504_0111 detailed info: http://l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer_It'>http://l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer_It http://l2jserver.com/svn 2007-05-03T19:04:16.979804Z 777 Sami }}} If it only says ${l2j-revision}, then you may want to install the subversion commandline utility.[[bR]] http://subversion.tigris.org/getting.html'>http://subversion.tigris.org/getting.html [[bR]] The subversion commandline is optional. It is not needed to run the server. == Datapack == Open your /config folder. Open the l2jdp-version.properties. As of early May 2007, the version can be found in 2 places in both files mentioned above: == Eclipse == In Eclipse, in the Navigator window, Right click L2_GameServer > Properties >Subversion {{{ #!html <b>I get this error when compiling with Eclipse:</b><br> <br> <font COLOR=red>[exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: svnversion -n . error=2</font><br> <br> The reason for this <u>non critical error</u> is that you do not have subversion commandline installed. You have the subversion plugin for Eclipse.<bt> <b>It is not needed, it is optional.<b><br> If you looked down a little bit it says <b>BUILD SUCCESSFUL</b>.<br> }}} == Installing the commandline version of Subversion == If you would like the commandline subversion you can get it [http://subversion.tigris.org/getting.html'>http://subversion.tigris.org/getting.html here] Again, this is not needed. Only optional.[[bR]] Server will compile and run just fine without commandline subversion installed.[[bR]] == Learning more about Subversion == Subversion is a powerful version control software, here is the [http://subversion.tigris.org site] and here their cool [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ book]. Take a look, you could be the next one to commit here :)
  19. gia sas pedia 8a i8ela na m dosete 1 site h pou mporo na bro to l2jatack gia 1 server p 8elw..... l2j attack version 2 thx
  20. xm eimai new arage den m einai kai poli efkolo ....
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81783.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61820.0
  22. kai em ti anigi re pedia den exw prospa8isi kan pite oti kanw afta p lei gia na mpi to anti-hack meta prepi na kanw rr server kai ok h amesos ok einai??
  23. a ok dld kanw oti lene kai telos dld p.x dne xriazete na to ani3w me simiomaterio tpt tetio??
  24. nai den xriazete program opos lene gia na ta ani3is ta arxia java gia na balw anti-hacks? h papargies lene kapia atoma??? h an xriazete doste na download exw c6 server !!!!
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