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Everything posted by xyon123

  1. My guide to play Vayne and OWN to 1700+ ELO is this Skill Order: Q(or W if u are at blue team and do golems) -1 E(Q if u did golems) -2 W (E if u did golems) -3 Q -4 Q -5 R -6 Q -7 W -8 Q -9 W -10 R -11 W -12 W -13 E -14 E -15 R -16 E -17 E -18 Builds to win with vayne (early, mid, late game): Black Cleaver, Bsk Greaves, PD, PD, QSS, IE or BT (Works too well to get early win) Black Cleaver, Bsk Greaves, Trinity Force, IE, QSS, BT (Works too well to get mid game win) BT, Bsk Greaves, BD, IE, QSS, LW (Works too well to get mid/late game win) My prefer build is this one: http://leaguecraft.com/builder/Vayne/?items=73,83,89,60,97,33&runes=38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,57,57,57,57,57,57,57,57,57,10,10,10&masteries=0301400410013030110304001000000000000000000000000&level=18 Lvl 1 Boots +3 Pots If u can affort rush BF Sword if not buy 1 or 2 Doran's Blade then BT Get PD Too much CC owning u? get QSS if not get IE Get IE or QSS if u dont have it Get LastWhisper and win ur game
  2. What u mean about dungeons?
  3. **Normal Rates** - Exp x40 (we have lvl zones so dont worry about lvl up) - Sp x40 - Adena Drop x200 - Drop Rate x1 - Quest Drop x30 **Enchant Rates** - Safe Enchant: +3 - Max Enchant Weapon: +20 - Max Enchant Armor/Jewels: +20 - Normal Scroll: 60% - Blessed Scroll: 77% - Attribute Max: level 4 - Attribute Success Rate: 50% **Raids, and Grand Bosses** - Drop Custom (Medals, Jewells, LS) - Baium change lvl to 85 - Barakiel change lvl to 80 - Wait Time of Baium, Valakas and Antharas (when u enter in his room): 5 Min. - Respawn Time Baium, Valakas, Antharas, Zaken, Frintezza: 45 hours and 1 random. - Respawn Time Queen Ant, Core, Orfen: 20 hours and 1 random. - Respawn Barakiel time 3 hours (u can obtain the caradines letter for only need to kill barakiel and few mobs to be nobless) **Champions Features** - Title: Im Ur Dead - Hp x5 - Drop Reward: x7 - Adena Reward: x5 **Sieges Features//Clans Features** - Fortress: 50 Fame every 1 min - Castle: 125 Fame Every 1 min - Ballista: 500 Clan Flame - Take Fortress: 2500 Clan Fame - Take Castle: 7500 Clan Fame - Defend Castle: 5000 Clan Fame - Clan Members need to lvl 6/7 (10) lvl 8/9 (15) lvl 10/11 (20) - Max Num Of Clans in ally: 4 - No Life Crystal need for skills **Others** - Auto Acc - Max SubClass level: 85 - Max SubClasses: 3 - No Subclass Quest needed - Olympiad System (Every 2 Weeks Heros) - TvT every 2 hours (Rewards: Farm coins, 2 Giant's Codex) - Retail Time Sieges - Siege System Custom - Fortress System Custom - GrandBosses Custom Drop - Wedding System - Augmentations - Mana potion restores 500 mp - Autolearn Skills 81-83 - Medium Farm - Custom Farming Zones - Custom Gatekeeper - Custom Buffer--> duration: 2 hours - Max Buffs/Dances/Songs: 40/22 - GmShop Full (with Raid Boss Jewell) - Spawn Protection --> 20 sec - PKs for drop 20 - Unstuck 15 sec - Quest Boss Items In GmShop - Announced PvP/Pk Kills - Certificacions Working 100% - Tattoo of Absolute (only give P Def) - NO Giant's Codex Masterys (so u dont go to see any skill +30) - Nerfed Steal Divinity for 10 min reuse - Nerfed Curse of Divinity DMG - DONATIONS OFF ATM (but if we put they dont give any desbalance custom item for the server or ++ on weapon/armor/jewell) - Experienced and Active GM Staff **Working On** - CFT - Global Announcement when a clan register to any castle siege - PvP Reward (PvP Coins Coming Soon) - Top PvP/PKs - Top Heros - Balanced every class - Web Creation - Acc Creator FORUM: http://l2-celestial-heavens.foroactivo.com/ SYSTEM: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3FI17OV or http://www.mediafire.com/?r3komhf0pl0o33t
  4. Already share: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=156049.msg1145983#msg1145983 Search before posting ;)
  5. ************* General Rates: ************* XP = 25 SP = 25 ADENA = 40 PARTY = 1.5 SPOIL = 25 ************* Quest rates: ************* Drop Quest = 15 Reward XP = 5 Reward SP = 5 Reward Potion = 10 Reward Scroll = 2 Reward Recipe = 1 Reward Material = 15 ************* Enchant Rate: ************* Normal Enchant = 66% Blessed Enchant = 88% Max Weapon Enchant = 20 Max Armor & Jewls Enchant = 16 ************* Server: ************* Full Epilogue features working 80% Skills 81-83 working 100% / Auto learn Fortress, Clan Halls & Castles Working 100% NPC GMShop till B grade, mana potions, exchanger of AA, and etc items NPC GMBuffer 28 buff slots 20 dance/song slots Blacksmith craft without recipe material section Merchant and Blacksmith of Mammon located in Giran Shout Chat (!) Global 3 Subs max lvl 83 ************* Instance: ************* Kamaloka all lvls Pailaka Rim Kamaloka Sanctum of the Lords of Dawn Hide out of the Dawn Dark Cloud Mansion Crystal Caverns Chamber Of Delusion(East, Great, Nort, Sout, Tower, West) Seed of Destruction Seed of Infinity Hellbound Town & Steel Citadel and Tower of Infinitum NO DONATIONS 7 Days Onlines; PPl online 80-100+ and grown every day :D WEB: http://l2ophylia.no-ip.info/en/index.php FORUM: http://l2ophylia.no-ip.info/Forum/ PD: im not a gm/admin im only a player :)
  6. 5912
  7. 5904
  8. 4800
  9. 4796
  10. 4794
  11. 4790
  12. Its normal, becouse its a hellbound-gracia skill not interlude :(
  13. yes after hellbound or after gracia pt 1 i dont know...
  14. Its used mainly in factions servers Gracia Pt1 - Epilogue (u need kill others pp to get some adenas, but if u send a weapon C like Duals u will get 12kk of adenas) PD: its fixed in little servers, when u sell anything its 0, but in this servers not... When server its up i will edit the post with screens :D
  15. http://shoock.es But now its closed by admin (will be released soon) Not, only in this server (Gracia Pt1 - Epilogue work 80%) Not, its skill name: Summon Merchant Golem and it use Crystal Grade D. Summon Merchant Golem description: Summons a trader association golem who can do basic transactions. Consumes 5 D-grade Crystals when summoning.
  16. Well this bug is tested in L2 Shoock Faction U only need: 1 char dwarf class Maestro Cristals D Grade, and Weapons or other stuff Go to imperial tomb or any place without people. Use the skill Summon Merchant Golem. http://img17.imageshack.us/f/shot00007pj.jpg Talk with the NPC and clic on Sell. http://img413.imageshack.us/f/shot00011g.jpg I sell demon dagger and give me 5kk (normally 1 pvp its 40 adena so its TOO MUCH) http://img686.imageshack.us/f/shot00012w.jpg Have fun :) PD: sorry for my english, url of server: http://shoock.es/
  17. Well this is a trick with only using the skill STEAL DIVINITY the trick is for buff the kamael with self buff of other classes ex: deflect arrow, majesty, empowering echo, etc.... u only need 2 accounts or a friend to do this trick... well u friend or u need add subclass or hav the class to "STEAL" the buff ex: Phoenix Knight go to any zone without people ex: Alligator Island, do duel with the phoenix knight and soulhound(or character with the skill STEAL DIVINITY) buff the phoenix knight(or other class) with the self buff since deflect arrow and with the kamael use Steal Divinity in the other character and.... :o u have now deflect arrow with kamael :P
  18. only luck my friend u can enchant a weapon +16 in one day and later u cant echant other weapon +16 in a month xD!
  19. sage xD!
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