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  1. Delete topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278905.0
  2. Doesn't work, I can only see 'I have nothing to say to you<br>Quest'. Imports changed for l2jfrozen. Maybe you need to link it with htm file?
  3. Check last post: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278905.0 "We have some lag issues. Until we resolve them the server will be offline. Sorry for any inconvenience." Can we restore this thread after its junked/moved? Edit: We have fixed the lag issues. Don't junk this thread.
  4. Yes, sometimes e-mails go to spam folder check there.
  5. Please delete this thread: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=278781.0 I own this server and I want to repost it.
  6. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Twra borw na pe8anw yshxa 0xa0x0ax0a0x0ax0a0x afto i8ela na akusw pragmatika. @Maxtor 3ereis ti ine to tarpit? http://www.secureworks.com/research/threats/ddos/
  7. Kai na crackareis ton kwdiko ths NASA ginete, mono pu 8elei kamia 20k PC na trexun gia xronia, mono pu alazun ton kwdiko ka8e 6 mhnes . . . Kai sto katw katw gia na gia na ka8isun na tus vrun prepei na exun pira3ei kamia istoselida ths amerikanikhs kyvernhshs, tote tus psaxnei to FBI kai pali dn ine 100% epityxia. Gia tus mxc pios 8a tus psa3ei? H ellhnikh diw3h hlektroniku eglhmatos? xD Episis alos tropos ine afto pu ekanan kapioi anonymous, phran laptop, pigan se ena parko pu den ipirxan kameres, epernan internet apo public hotspot, hackaran to fbi nmz dn 8imame pio, ekanan post afta pu 3e8apsan sto internet ke sth synexeia dielysan to laptop. Pes mu pws 8a tus piaseis??
  8. Den ime enadion sou, aplws 8elw na se enhmerwsw. 1on an plirwnun gia to booter, to opio vriskete se server pu den tus anikei tote den boreis na tus kaneis kan mynhsh. 2on an usarun VPN to opio vriskete sthn Souidia, pou symfwna me ton souidiko nomo oi eteries VPN DEN prepei na kratane logs tote den bories na tus piaseis. Alla akoma k an usarun VPN pou krataei logs, den boreis na zitiseis voi8ia apo thn diw3h ilektroniku eglhmatos epidi kanun DdoS to mxc. 3on akoma kai na mhn usarun kan VPN kai den kanun hide ip, ama exun botnet oi IPs pou 8a fenete oti kanun kai 8a kanun attack to mxc 8a ine apo trojanned PCs. Kai ine ligo dyskolo na vreis ena apo ta 8ymata tu botnet + na usareis to PC tu gia na vreis se pia IP anigei connection o trojan. 4on akoma k na kanun attack oi idioi xwris proxies, trojans, hide ip ktlp ama trexun dos apo virtual machine tu opiu o virtual diskos vriskete se ena krimeno fakelo pou anigei me ena programa sto opio xriazete 64 digit kwdikos + yparxei fake kodikos pu anigei ton idio fakelo kai afth th fora periexei 3ekarfwta arxia, kai mynhsh na tus kaneis kai na tus elen3un tus sklirus den 8a vroun tpt + oti dn borun na ine siguroi an h sigekrimenh IP ekane attack apo to sigekrimeno PC ektos an tus voi8isei h ISP edos 6 mhnwn + oti borun na isxiristun oti ixan trojan ke htan 8ymata enos botnet...
  9. symfwnw kai epaf3anw
  10. Gia pia milas?
  11. A re dask fovase ee, sthn arxh mas ta eprizes gia th suzana su k twra sto poll kwlwses. Da3 se dikaiologo, ine fysiko na kwlwneis brosta sto iaponezaki. . .
  12. A re xrisavghth.. iaponezaki se allh poza:
  13. Iaponezaki se allh poza:
  14. Polla guest vlepw.. Kovw to kefali mu o dask fortwnei bots...
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