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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. GRATZ!! They posted their name in description ... what a fail :) I hope they go to jail. btw i would kill these motherfuckers one by one. I hate that kind fucking pussies.



    WESLEY WU - grey hoodie, main kid attacking the man, deleted facebook.

    EASLEY WU - big puffy jackey with fur hood, blue striped adidas pants

    RAYMOND PALOMINO - white guy with no mask

    TODD RAMOS - grey and black hoodie

    JOHNNY LI - blue hoodie and blue snap back on

    DANNY HUI - dressed in all black

  2. Diablo 3 will be a fail, because by the time they started to create it, they used a rendering tochnology form way back and, it took them 2 years in wich software renderings have evolved way better, example: Assassins creed 1 medium graphics on my machine around 25-30 fps, Assassins Creed 2 with visible improved graphics full detail maxed out 35-40 fps.

    It will happen as it did with starcraft 2 the more human players on the map the less fps because its cpu rendered, AI players are gpu rendered better optimized, ancient technology, they fixed that isue with multyplayer games long ago

    Who care for -beep-ing graphic if u'll get -beep-ING DIABLO III?!?! It's all about story not -beep-ING GRAPHIC ... OMG!


    If you playing game ONLY with nice graphic GL then. Dont even buy Diablo 3... Anyawy u didnt even try and judge it will fail ? Shame on you idiot!@

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