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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Firstly,


    I would like to apologise we deserve every insult we get, we made bad judgements and thought we were fully protected.Our intentions were never to lie to anyone.


    But, if server was made for money why will we be continuously trying and spending large sums of money in order to provide optimal gameplay for all.I know that it might be hard to continue to believe what we say, but we have 5x better protections and we are 99% sure we will provide lag free and enjoyable gameplay to all. We spent many sleepless nights working on this project for all and we really hope you guys come to witness the server that was made just for you!


    Just to recap i'm extremely sorry on the delay we never wanted or intended for this... but we really you guys give us a second chance!

    Keywordw: When server will be on? I want see if you dont lag.

  2. Yea yea, keep showing us your Oxford University english and insulting everywhere. I would reply ya, but I dont speak with illiterate people.


    Btw, romeos asslicker? Nope im brkoza asskicker! Also, Cant I express my opinion as you express yours or what?


    Yea thx University is cool, you cant even write my nick correct, as I said brain damage. You can say what you want and you know I will answer back but I dont want such lawyers. I speak to romeo so it's not ur bussiness mr lawyerwannabe ...

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