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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. noone donate there

    if u say about aio buffers it was gift for active clans it was in the forum too and other staff was just given by the gms


    Actually I saw someone saying that his friend donating and he get a lot more for cheaper price than it show on price but whatever.


    About AIO they wrote they give it for clans 15 20+ ppl. I was in turk clan where there were 3 ppl and they had aio too. You know turk staff + turk clan = get gift! KEBAB ... :>


    Announcement on forum at segue is epic ... WHAT A IDIOT ADMIN hahha he is proud about corruption on his server?! :D




  2. it was a nice server just corrupted gms


    Was cool but it could be better without donation, about corrupted gms - admin should take some trustful mature members and I think it wont happen but im dreaming :>


    segue 5 days server and ppl donate there ... ;D

  3. it was a nice server just corrupted gms


    Was cool but it could be better without donation, about corrupted gms - admin should take some trustful mature members and I think it wont happen but im dreaming :>


    segue 5 days server and ppl donate there ... ;D

  4. Are you sure what this is corrupt??? L2off havent balance when become PvP server and you have full buffs



    Cat Queen buff and 1 Epic Ring Dark elf archer deal crazy dmg and wear and heavy armor...? if server havent penatly or something else and balance become archer all server or dagger :)


    Dude  ofc its unbalanced also epic give some bonus but not 1k. Me with GS+CAT full buff aio deal max 4k dmg here is over 5k? I said it's corrupted server but KEEP PLAYING GUYS!


    "THE BEST MID AROUND!" hahahahaha


    ISNT it strange that its DOWN without any info? THERE ISNT INFO?! SUCH BIG COMMUNITY WAITINHING FOR SERVER AND NOTHING?!?! PRO STAFF  ... They clear history I believe hahaha. NOOBS

  5. They're giving AIO to friends. I saw you need 15-20 members at least to get aio. Now clan with 5 ppl get own AIO + they gave me acc to this aio. They scammed me and then pm to gm for new aio cause im stole it since I had acc (they told me ID PASS).  They could change e-mail and chage pass and I wont know acc, what was the problem. Instead they get another new aio. Idiots ;)


    Tiny gm is the biggest idiot I ever saw. He just come in game and make event(if it can be called an event ...) "Spawn barakiel" 1 clan always is formed in time and they get Q. I mean he spawn just for them to get it and then  ANNOUCEMENTS: EVENT OVER. The most horrible staff I ever seen. Also they promoting scammers and giving them new AIO. I saw a lot bitching on shout about this crap called 'event'.


  6. You cry since u cant ddos it?  SAD ...


    He is retard but he is right also. Omg stop crying about the weap drops, yea many now have S and? this would happen anyway in some weeks, now it's  enchant era, let's +10 some shit bitches chill peace


    im not crying since i left this corrupted sh1t yesterday.

  7. Server has 0 corruption we play fairly and try to constantly update our features to provide the best gaming experience for all.


    This server is also l2OFF.


    Aha sure ... Stop lying also making pt zone with drop S wpns is stupid idea. Now people prefer go farm it or buy for lower price than this is in shop ... IDK who made this idea but must be stupid or not thinking about wpns in shop. Runes are useless now, very cheap also enchant nerfed and Im 100% sure. Yesterday make 2x som+7+a and som+8+a today with 4gb all broke on 4-5. Fuck this sh1t corrupted, server for money in 1-2 weeks down.

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