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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. it will be good as x500 like l2refused

    Only buffer with buffs

    and special pvp,farm areas


    or only dynasty!

    Tottaly aggre with u!! :O

    L2Refused was awesome!! :O

    S grade items normal price and Dynasty items 2x S grade price It was fucking awesome !! :P

    Without any custom !! :P

    On l2refused only enchant was bad (safe 3 or 4 max 30 and chance 75% that was worst) Better max 20-25 and safe chance same :P

    I remember i broke there Dyna Bow +25 on 26 uhh =/

  2. Hey guys there is any programe who can remove Pass for Unpack ?

    Or there is any other way ? =/

    Please i need it ... I dl Paranormal Activity and this movie fcking awesome  :'( :'(

  3. Bugs are being fixed whenever we have time. Someone wants to get a trivial bug fixed, someone else wants an event, third one wants a custom item... We'll get to everything eventually, just don't accuse us of looking away lol.

    LoL Wipe srv or close it and only GM staff can enter and try to fix all ...

    If u done already open it at beta phase and then ppl tell u bugs and other sh1ts.


  4. yes, we're know, when L2 MxC will be opened! Its still secret, but we will announce it soon!

    Its nice to hear it will be secret ;P xD

    I like secret's :O


    Time for me:

    RateXP: 100x

    Adena: 200x

    (Other isnt important)

    About items and buffer:

    NPC: With pp buff's only 2h time (all buffs), and 3rd buff's like CoV, PoF, PoV 20 min's or retail like :P

    GM shop: All till A grade, Custom shop for S items for example 200kk each one weapon and 50kk each one part S armor.

    Custom Farm: Hmmm farm like reagent pouch monster but from those bag's when u click it 2 time u have chance's to get Adena from them ... 20kk 5%, 15kk 10%, 10kk 15%, 7kk 20%, 5kk 25%, 2kk 35%. (Smth like that ;P)

    Event's: TvT, Fort's Def, CTF.

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