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About epiks

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  1. Is this the best l2j pack out there? Whats it like compared to l2jbrick and l2jhidden? Do you guys prefer the stable or beta version for live servers? Sorry for then n00b questions ive been outta the game for like 3-4 years. Not since L2Anarchy days.
  2. SERVER : MAGMELD WTS >> LVL 82 GHOST HUNTER WTS >> LVL 85 FEOH WIZARD [FULL R GRADE] WTS >> LVL 85 ISS ENCHANTER [+1 DUAL R BLUNTS] Please SEND OFFER VIA PM or EMAIL jboulinger[at]gmail[dot]com I have sceen shots, proof, I can play the character in game and show you too...
  3. dude..the source is for the BETA..you read it..
  4. does anyone have the source for this i REALLy need it!!
  5. Yes, I have source code for regular L2JServer. But my problem is I Using the [stable] release so it's pre compiled
  6. Hi, I'm looking for an L2J dev for a few addons. I currently have L2JServer High Five [stable] pack. Here is what I need done! -Add Vote Reward System -Add Auto Donate System -Add PK Rewards -Edit EXP needed lvl81-85 x3 Thats it! Only 1-2hrs for experienced dev! EDIT: Meant to put in [Request] Section but didnt post right..please feel free to move it if you feel necessary
  7. I'm just using the L2JServer High Five pack so I don't have the source files. Am I not able to change this?
  8. Hi guys, I need a way that once you pk someone there is a lets say 10% chance of a custom item spawning in the pkers inventory. NOT from the dead guys inventory! Lets say I PK someone I should have a 10% chance of spawning item: "Certificate of PK" into pkers inventory. Is there a way possible to do this? Also-- Is there a way to change specific drop rate % for certain mobs? Lets say I wanted to add vespar items to valakas. But I only want the vespar item to have 1% drop rate. How would I do that? Thanks ahead of time guys!
  9. I'm in the market for a GF pack. Must be a solid pack no bullshit files. I know about fredbr but his is a little expensive...contacting Vanganth now but want to know if anyone of you are reselling packs!!! Or if you got any cheaper ones! I Need a pack ASAP! PLEASE be trusted..if you have 7 posts and nobody knows you dont expect me to just send you hundreds of dollars and HOPE you send me the files...which may or may not exist.
  10. A -- Why even list A? I said I'm not going to spend that much. B -- Isn't his the same price? Can you link me to thread? C -- There are no complete cracks -- All links are dead D -- I would love to! But as i said all links are megaupload. thanks anyways
  11. links no work..please re-upload!! anyone got info on gracia final pack let me knw!i can pay!
  12. I'm looking for a custom pack for 3.3.5a that is blizzlike. Very stable. And has a few custom addons. If you cannot create a new pack from scratch, and you still know how to dev WoW servers..I will pay you to help be a dev with our current pack (Jeutie's repack)
  13. Please re-upload. Megaupload got shut down
  14. I'm looking for a decent free OFF pack. Doesn't have to be totally bug free or anything just something that works and wont crash every 5 mins. I'm also willing to buy a pack, I just dont want to spend 1k on freds. I'm willing to spend a few hundred tho.
  15. So I should buy 2x500 instead of 1k lol? How come 1k is more expensive then 2x500 that makes no sense...and are you still selling votes? You should PM me
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