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Everything posted by SmOd

  1. btw make some activity to forums guys!there is no fun there!Gogogo!Lets spam their forum :))) btw server reccomended for all!its the greatest gracia that i played!
  2. yeah server pwnz!already took one PVP QQ all
  3. server atm sucks after they had the prob with the database prob the gms was giving free items!so i took most of em with rr teh modem and begging that i lost my char! So Q.Q i got Screens if u want
  4. Btw I registered in forum but i didnt take any e-mail to verify acc!Is there any need about this?
  5. lol.I am gonna log Right now thnx FLOWER!
  6. i am sorry i didnt notice that
  7. relax soon there ll be more ppl on
  8. anyway xD seems to me good server
  9. glider. are dropable by DARTH mobs :)
  10. with some coins !farmable not retail like
  11. Yeah its true Lineage2media.com opened a server so Features : ►servers are runningLineage 2: Gracia 3 Final (700Xp/1000Adena). The server is oriented towards PVP without giving up the PVE or Raid Events ► Gracia Areas are Populated with Mobs ► It`s all free and the system is balanced ► New lvl 81 and 83 skills included and functional ► Attribute system functional ► New Mounts (Steam Beatle, Lion and Rideable Horse) ►All the new accesories and agathions are included (over 60 new accesories and 40 new agathions) ► New Epic Raids. Lindivor The Wind Dragon and more ► Rates are optimized for a balanced gameplay with a main focus on the pvp side of the game. ► S84 Vesper Weapons and Armors added with fully functional SA and attributes. Cloacks added. ► Team vs. Team event every 10 minutes with special rewards ► GM Shop, Global GK price system don`t unbalance the game. ► Buffer features 3 hours of classic buffs. Standard 20 buffs and 12 song/dances. ► Champion Mobs have the title "Darth" and they have a chance of dropping glittering medals. Beware: they are very strong, like mini raids. ► Wedding System Implemented ► Aerial transformations, airships, Gracia continent ► Enchant rates are those of official. 66% chances of succes. ►GM support daily. No bans for anything, except attempts of botting and exploits or in very extreme cases ►The server is constantly updated ►Server prices are balanced for a stable long running economy ►No whipe. Ever. ►Olympiad System, Normal Nobless System wich 1 item = Nobless, no raid required or quest. ►Server Hardware constantly upgraded ►Game testers are constantly adding new feature and balancing the system ►Donation System is implemented in a way that doesen`t unbalance the gameplay, but helps the server and rewards the donator ► Gracia Mobs drop Full Items S84/Icarus/Dynasty ► Champion Mobs (Darth) drop glittering medals ► Glittering Medals are Earned in TVT EVENTS (automatic every 20 minutes) Create Acc : http://www.lineage2media.com/acm/index.php Here Download Patch : http://www.lineage2media.com/downloads.php Have FUN I am here just to advertise the server i am not a staff member!
  12. i ll join this server for sure!waiting for more infos!
  13. check pms
  14. Can u explain what this stuff doing?
  15. Hello members of MxC community! I am a new here!The reason that make me take part in this forum is that i am bored of l2 and want to learn something more! And guess what?! I want to learn to develop a server etc etc!So if u can be helpful i ll really appreciate that! -SmOd
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