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About Sintaxik

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    Czech Republic

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I haw 2 new account activated i want to sell them ;)
  2. I have activated APB reloaded acc with 40+ rank US server girl with 50K dolars (lots of guns items symbols etc.) and Rank 25 on EU server with 15k dolars I can sell for Euros trough paypal How much euro ? bid here in topic or in pm or icq 322-090-387 (i sell only acc; ingame money and chratacters are bonus for free)
  3. Hey luxus ;) work for me on all protected servers ;)
  4. yes server located in LT ;) we have 130+ players but we have more but some one Ddos atak on server and that couse lags and people leave but most of them stick with us ;) Admin team do allmost to fix this ;)
  5. What do you dont understud in "server is clean beta is wiped " ? ;o) server is now after wipe beta mode is end ;) server opening today 18:00 GTM+2 ;)
  6. Hello i want to invite you to new L2 Server Techtrix. Server start 25.feb.2011 18:00 (GTM+2) In beta testing they fix all bugs what playes found ;) server is clean beta is wiped ;) http://l2.techtrix.eu Rates: Exp : 75x Sp : 75x Party exp : 1.5x Drop : 50x Spoil : 50x Aden : 100x Quest item : 15x Quest reward : 10x Raid drop : 10x Epic jevels : 1x Echant : Retail(66% /Max 16) Other information: NO-DONATIONS ( Fully suported by http://Techtrix.eu and http://darkforestgroup.com ) Shops up to B grade. Low grade materials in Shop. All materials recipes in Shop. Npc Buffer with all buffs exept Resists ( buffs 2h ) CC gatekeeper Mammons in giran Daily events as TvT/CFT ect.. Offline Shops Working Olympiad/epic raids etc. Skills reworked by global server. Friendly and helpfull staff. Noblesse quest 65LvL Letter : 500kk aden Noblesse quest 75LvL Letter : 100kk AA + 1.5kkk Aden Boss Info: Antharas spawn time 120h +/- 8h random Valakas spawn time 120h +/- 8h random Baium spawn time 60h +/- 5h random Ant Queen spawn time 24h +/- 12h random Orfen spawn time 24h +/- 12h random Core spawn time 24h +/-12h random Frintezza spawn time 48h Zaken spawn time 32 +/- 4h random Flame Of Splendor Barakiel(75 LvL) spawn time 3h
  7. Server is best i play beta This server have best setings annywhere and GM team best helpfull ewer ;) they listen players and fixing problems really fast and they are open to discus everything ;) 1000% recomended from me ;) I thing its best of new (starting) Interlude high rate servers with no100% enchanting (its like they listen to my complains about 100% enchant servers and no GM team online on new started servers that fails like epic xD)
  8. LOL 100% is gay for kids ;o)
  9. Ha another one with 100% bless omg no more words >:(
  10. L2 Epic Fail xD omg if you create new server you must be online to help players not start server and no GM staff online ;) buy dedicated buy site do good server with ench rate 70 % (bless 80 % ) some custom zones and coins (not too many coins do it simple becouse simple is beter ) max ench 25 + safe +7 tatoos and turn on good geodata and have GM online helping players and listening problems try fix problems be active dont ban people who reports bugs and dont delete topic on forum ;) do some low donate for hair items or this craps (no selling +++ wepns etc.) + do wote reward = good server and more and more players come ;) thats all from me and it for you admin of this server and for oters admins of crap home made fail servers with no players ;) Ps.: Dont create more crappy servers with 100% bless its gay and for kids ;) these type of servers are too many ;)
  11. 100% blessed = no fun ultra fail kids starwars Stop make that servers ! its full of them no need more ;) set 85 % it will be good ;)
  12. All server with gey 100% enchant are fail ;D
  13. Becouse i want only beter Zoom (i like view my char from high like a diablo ;) and colors mesages and LvL of monsters becouse i play with this from C1 and im realy nervous without it :/
  14. Hi i play on raidfight and i like colored msges zoom hack and more but raidfight have own encription or something protection for change system files i try to hexaedit all .dlls even exe file but i dont find any clasic protection imports :( pls can anyone help me to mod raidfight server system files ?;)
  15. I follow guide and works for me i boted no problem 5 hours but only yesterday i start pc today run tcp tunel +L2walker and in game say verify fail :( how it posible ?whot is wrong ?what i need do to work again ? (sry for my bad english)
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