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Everything posted by NexiM

  1. Pffff !!! Paides kante kai kanena Search Gia Packs...:/ !!! mas exoun faei ta Topic Gia Packs...Enw yparxoun 10.000 Diaforetika Pack... What Ever... Exw na sou protinw 2 Pack(s) Kai Pistevw Pws Ine Kala Gia newbie(s) 1o Link : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76825.0 2o Link : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75690.0 Check It And Good Luck!!!
  2. Geia Sou File Mou..1on Dn katalavenw Gt Oloi kanete Topic gia na vrite kapoio pack..an to psaxeis exei 10000000 Pack(s) !!mporeis na vreis para polla pack..alla na 3ereis pws ola tha vgaloun kapoio problem.....ena etimo Kalo pack (gia emena) ine : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76825.0 !!!! Checkareto Kai an s aresei DownLoad...!!!!
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76825.0 <--- Check It..i Think Is Very Good Pack..;) Many Bug(s) Fixed.... Anti PHX(system) And More More Else..;)
  4. gt na kanw kainourgio topic k na paroun oi alloi tsampa posts me tis @@ries pou tha m poun :D... to eipa edw mpas k to dei kaneis pou vlepoun k polloi.. :D
  5. Pesta re Frank etc... Epeidi stn simea iparxei o savros dn paei na pei tpt afto... stn simea mpike o stavros gia na timithi o vasilias kostantinos k gia tpt allo pistevo egw... k oso gia ta alla pou lete peri stavron k eikonon (dn eimai o real aftou tou account eimai o NoSti* o ALVANOS opos me theorite)lew oti opoios goustarei eikones k pistevei se afta mporoun na pistevoun k dn tous to apagorevei kaneis enw kapoioi alloi pou theloun na legontai atheoi k satanistes mporoun na exoun tn dikia tous pisti.. alla opos oloi 3eroume se aftn tn koinonia pou zoume simera vlepoume enan na exei mia diaforetiki apopsi k thriskia k tn plakonoume stis vrisies ti na peis omos... afti einai i simerini koinonia k dn mporoume na kanoume tpt gia na tn alla3oume...
  6. re pedia exw kati off files gia se c6 mporeite na me help na stiso c6 off server??? plzz tell me se pm k meta an thelete sas dino k ta files...
  7. Geia sas meloi tou maxcheaters tha ithena tn voitheia sas an mporeite na me help..exw tn server m se eteria k thelw na ani3o kapoies alles ports alla dn einai opos sto pc tou kathenos mas pou vazoume px alla kati allo mporeite na m peite pws tha mporeso na ani3o ports?? plzzz help me anagi!!..
  8. ma stn c: ta exw k ta dio... ti na kanw?? akoma m leei wrong hexid peite m plz..
  9. otan les apo to idio login server dld?? apo ekei pou anigi to 1o gameserver i apo to kanoniko tou to deftero?? pes m plz..
  10. to exw kanei afto kamia 15aria fores pali m vgazei wrong hexid.. :S ti na kanw??
  11. Geia sas maxcheaterakia.. Exw ena prob me to hexid kathe fora pou vazw allo hexid m leei wrong hexid k @@ries ti na kanw gia na mn m to leei afto?? episis exw idi enan proto gameserver anixto alla thelw na ani3o k tn deftero alla to i konsola leei afto pou eipa pio prin wrong hexid ti na kanw??? plzz help me...
  12. Re File Exei Ontws Ola Ayta Ta Fix ayto To Pack???Gt an ontws Ine GG opws Les..Egw prosopika dn tha to ekana Share..:P
  13. gt dn kaneis to poio aplo??? xana pernas to backup s sto navicat. k gg:P
  14. Nai re file vsk ena teteio psaxnw..ena kalo pack gia arxi kai meta otan tha mathw na create eclipse tha ftiaxw..alla twra ime poli new....:/ isa isa pou exw mathi 5 pragmata..edaxi exw kalo dev(HeRoMaN) alla dn mporei na ine osi wra ime egw online..opote ola pernane apo to xeri m..kai dn ime t0s0 kal0s...:/
  15. File Poli kalo to pack s0y alla exei merika problems...px GmSpeed LvL 4 Don't Work..!! Buffer episeis Dn mou Work.....!!Mhpws mporei kapoios na me help!! Dn 3erw k polla ine VERY New..!!:)
  16. An Exw Kanei Kapoio Lathos As Me Diorthosete..egw padws ayto Kanw:)
  17. To BackUp Dn 3ereis ti kaneis??? Leipon Anigeis to Navicat!!! Meta patas se kapoia database i kaneis rename(dn 3r an ginete new ime k egw) Kai ftiaxneis NEW dataBase me Ononma L2JDB Meta afou ftiaxeis tn data patas panw k tha deis kapou panw ena BACKUP(san kaseta ine oi eikonatou)patas leipon Backup kai meta Restore Backup!! Meta Tha s vgalei ena parathiro Ptas start kai otan teliosi an s pei Sussecc ise GG an exeis sftiaxi ta ports k genikos to pack sou Ise GG file mou!!:)
  18. Ok File Egw eixa kanei malakia sto Navicat anti gia jdb eixa valei gdb kai dn to diavazw xD xD xD!!! Alla Ok..!! Ayrio etimazw to system kai logoume!! Ine New O server mou ... www.l2-cyber.tk an thes na checkaris :D
  19. File To pack Gamaei!!! PolH Kalh Douleia Sinexise Etc!!! Idika Gia New Server Ine Oti Prepei !!!!! Kai egw apo ayrio ayto tha xrisimopoio!!!! Tnx Gia to Share Br0!!!!!!!
  20. Poli wraio to pack sou File Mou!!! alla exw 1 problem...eno yparxei ston fakelo tou pack to Backup otan paw na to vrw apo navicat dn m to emfanizei..kai dn 3erw gt....:S
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