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About AxelFoley001

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  1. I need arsv file for OOG walker 10.9.7 now i can;t connect to game server maybe its some protect i have no idea atm. I use Waby and 10.9.7 OOG it's dont work maybe you can fix it
  2. How u make it working on DN what hosts, IP's did you used any others programs or just l2.net ?
  3. I need arsv file for OOG walker 10.9.7 now i can;t connect to game server maybe its some protect i have no idea atm. I use Waby and 10.9.7 OOG it's dont work maybe you can fix it thx
  4. Try log char without use walker make unstuck then use walker. If u can log normal way but not with walker try change char lociation PS Share with others "how to" set this HB walker for DN :) thx
  5. and how about OOG can you configure that one ?
  6. Anyone have l2asrv for walker 10.9.6 ? link it plz
  7. I tried to use it on Dragon-Network Hellbound servers, I get trough Game Guard, get servers IP ports protocol and when i chosed server that i wanna play something happend with host. "01:36:45 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Nie można odczytać danych z połączenia transportowego: Istniejące połączenie zostało gwałtownie zamknięte przez zdalnego hosta" "01:36:45 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread :[it's kind of] Can't read information from tranport connection, Exist conneting was immiediatly closed by host" If anyone can slove this... or had other Dragon-Network host post here or send me pm and maybe OOG DN bot will be ps. I know that my english sux ^^
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