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About Arkheon

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  1. Thx for sharing awesome guide but unfortunatly i cant use this on dex when i clik login it waits some seconds than says "Acces failed, try again later.." can anybody help me?? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. it was really helpful but there is another thing, is it possible that you will have cloak on you even you dont even have anything equipped in your cload slot? because kamaels look awesome in cloak :)
  3. i see now... thanks
  4. 1, ty for reply 2,sry my english or my brain isnt good enought but i cant understand i have to edit itemname-e or armorgrp?
  5. Hi, i have a simple question: how can i edit my textures to change an armor look like another? im playing in a server where i s-grade is the best armor u can get but i want it to look like dynasty cuz i like dynasty :D (its gracia so textures are in game) so how can i do it? pls help me
  6. Nice guide, its useful for me thx!
  7. Thanks it helped a lot..
  8. Really nice trick i will try it as soon as i can :D
  9. Hey! You can make this for epilogue?
  10. succes: focus Kris +3 to +4 (enchant) xD -low rate, 3× no GM shop failure: install win7 so i cant play l2
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