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Everything posted by Vadfex

  1. Pretty nice balance if gladiator can easily take a mage and archer on a pvp server where mages and archers are full buffed while archers on interlude aren't nerfed. Also like you said, your duals are better than usual s grade duals, probably your duals are over-enchanted more than is needed. I wont argue with you, you said your opinion- I said mine. Good night.
  2. Yeah.... and people say "-beep- epilogue", while they are playing on interlude servers with full of custom shit, seriously, dynasty textures, some kind of op dual swords that are glowing green(nothing bad about glowing), wings? Also, your duelist wears light armor, or I am wrong? (talking about first video)
  3. What kind of l2 are you playing when items doesn't matter? o.O
  4. Not really, since there's a nice guide when you reach minimum level of quest/instance and others, spellbooks for skills are not required anymore, items are much easier to obtain, skill description is clear, skills are WoW-like. They only would have problems with "What dyes should I put on Treasure Hunter?".
  5. So.... this guide works the same way like "Opera turbo" option? I mean sites are loading faster. Or does it actually improve download speed? Also, any of router users tried this thing? Does it work for you?
  6. Also, Freya has a bunch of things that attract new people into Lineage 2, for example instanced areas(pailaka, kamaloka and etc)- it's easier to level up your char, common items are great, after high five update low a grade full items in luxury shop. Every single update NCsoft makes- makes Lineage 2 become easier and at the same time harder, like appearance of s84 low and high grade sets and so on. Now on Freya chronicle, B grade is like C grade was in c6, after High five update, A grade will have the same value like B grade has in Freya(dunno if I said what I think about it clearly enough :( )
  7. I kinda like farming in "Forest of mirrors"- it's such a beautiful place to kill lizardmens, orcs and evil spirits.
  8. I'm surprised about Tauren Paladins, but when I've read about them more it seems like a great idea- to worship The Sun!
  9. Freya>Interlude, without progress and only Interlude on servers, Lineage 2 EU server would already be f2p. Also I wouldn't play Lineage 2 anymore, would had quit it 2 years ago, but with new things I keep it playing.
  10. Name: Can't remember Race: Elf Class: Plains walker Chronicle: C1 Server: Battle For Dawn (x3)
  11. L2 was never that great, I've started hating it after 2 years of grinding it. The god damn game feeds on people brains!
  12. Dwarfs cannot be killed in open area battle, cuz of tons of cp pots, but he's at the same time is not so good at killing others, but still he's really strong close combat support char. At c3-c6 he was a bit like a meat shield, now after dwarfs got fatal strike, some more passives, buffs and other stuff they are a force to be reckoned with
  13. Currently looking for freya pvp server with easy farm ;/ Can't find the damned server
  14. Ahh I think I've seen the video in this discussion, too bad that this bug reached publicity, and people started exploiting it, also a shame that now you can exploit it with moded textures.
  15. According to current chronicles, I'll say that easiest to play with- are nukers, they can easily power-level-up with mana rechargers, they can easily kill people when server started, until 40lvl they can lvl up with devotion set, after with karmian until dc/avadon set than easily go to primevel isle and mass farm mobs. Archers after interlude are weaker and became more dependable on meat shields, they are really mana dependable(not talking about he and ph until they get pain of sagi), they almost cannot find a party, since everyone needs meelee dd's who are much more effective at lvling with party, since they don't need healer/rechargers, since vampiric rage/dance are too cool for leveling. Ofc archers are still strong as hell if they are fully supported. At late game archer party>nuke party, but before it comes archer can /emoquit 2-3 times, ofc if he return after first /emoquit. Hardest class to handle would probably be.... hmmm... dunno until hellbound I'd say that dwarfs were weak, but now with spoil attack boost and with warsmith's golem/golem buffs/golem heal/party buffs I'll say that there's no more hard classes, since healers got inquisitor transform, tanks have vanguard transform(both transforms are great for leveling, vanguard is really strong against non-stun chars), se/ee/prp/bs has augumentations(easier to pwn enemies at cs/tw and so on), ol's can buff their party even if they are not in their clan/ally.
  16. Those are registered, but let's not forget about people near 11lvl's, I've started uploading logs after I hit 30lvl =DD
  17. Maybe... maybe... ^^ Also Udyr is really rare. Taric is often when he's in cycle of free champ, but mostly he's rare.
  18. Well, I encounter Heimerdinger and Corki often, can't say the same about Alistar and Malphite. In my entire playing career I've seen only 3-4 times someone other besides me playing as Malphite. About Alistar, he's quite an often fella at ~15lvl games.
  19. Garen- not cheap, but really easy to play with, high attack, high armor, strong ulti. Warwick- easy,quite cheap, to pwn with you need to have 3-5 round experience. Master Yi- very easy, very cheap, but as someone said at lvl 30 playing as Yi is hard as hell, I agree with that, since I've tryed not long time ago. Ashe- a cheap pwner champ, but to pwn you must have experience with her and know an ultimate built, also tank-dependable, cuz she's really squishy. Mordekaiser- a pwn char tank, very rare at ~10lvl games, but really often at ~30lvl games, can be built as dps, tank or nuke. I prefer tank built, since with other builts he's quite a squishy guy. Malphite- my favorite support champ, also easy to pwn with, I remember when I've tried him, I had 16/0 k/d ratio, it was on ~13lvl game and I've never seen that champ until I've bought him, so it makes him the most rarest champ to see in game. ^^
  20. Imho ultimate ashe items are blood thirster, phantom dancers, infinity edge, boots of mobility/berserk(depends on enemies),another phantom dancer and finally last whisper or starks fervor(if u prefer life steal and aura to enemies -armor)
  21. As long as they keep going into enemy team I don't really care. :>
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