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    I <3 Lineage II!!! www.l2.lt

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server is opening today at 18:00 EET +3, don't miss.
  2. All are from lithuanian, all i know in real life. We are 4. :)
  3. Look on our website www.l2.lt for more information. And other ideas were will be came out, we don't want to publick for now. But you should know what will be awesome, i promise you.
  4. See you on the game! ;) Thanks.
  5. Or htm design is really exclusive, so it's importan to us. And your buffer have similary draft, colors, progress bar. See your self on screen shots. :) And we don't know what you have done more similary thinks. p.s. we don't jugde you, but you need to think about your self design. ;) [LT] Susigalvokit savo dizainą tu html, nejaugi norit turėti nemalonumų? Juk gi iš to naudos nebus nei vienam. Taikos ir ramybės, būkit sąžiningi, nors ir kokie lietuviai bebūtumėt.
  6. Its really great example to do something special. And I do it: Thx for share! :)
  7. If you have l2off you really need this program.
  8. I have added this to my server thxs.
  9. Just install winrar...
  10. asus is the best or dell computer. But apple is biger.,
  11. Your hack look to simple. Not interested.
  12. This npc buffer showing animation when buffing?
  13. Some mask looks pretty well, but it just some.. thx for share
  14. please write line of the helmet..
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