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Everything posted by McKill

  1. Well its not beta, its just time to get used to files etc. Use this link btw: http://www.graciafinal.ru/?p=news&lang=en
  2. Same files as RPG-CLUB, fresh start, I heard even same admins. http://www.graciafinal.ru/ Server is full functional Gracia Final. Client and server languages: Russian and Enlish. Test-server rates x2000 Official rates: Exp: X20 SP: X20 Adena: X20 amount (100% chance) SealStone: X5 amount (100% chance) Drop: X20 chance Drop: X2 chance, X10 amount (for stock items) Spoil: X10 amount Quest: X5 amount (drop items, some quests) Quest rewards: X10 (for exp and adena) Server will go live at : 17.10.2009 11:00 (+3 GMT)
  3. wanna test it :)
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