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Everything posted by Theavadon

  1. Hello I would like to apply for beta tester. I have good english and aproximately 5-6 years of l2 experience. Interlude is my favourite version so I think that I will be able to help you alot exactly with beta testing. So if you are interested you can contact me here. Thank You!
  2. Would there be a forum section where we could give suggestions and they would not be ignored as in previous server ?
  3. Hello, I'm playing in gracia epilogue and after the 384 update I'm unable to use l2net in this version of l2. My point is that I was using an older version-378 and I had no problems now with the new version l2net does not recognise all my skills and items. Is there a way to fix this or to use again the older version. Also I've noticed that sometimes stuck while attacking, not attacking the closest mob, combat options not working too, I haven't tried scripts yet. Thank You! P.S. Very good program, I have windows 7 64 bit and it just saved me, started like a alternative program but in time I found features of l2net that are remarkable and make it unique and very usefull!
  4. Oracle you are the god of l2 :))))))) top job with systems !:)
  5. Hiz well I can't turn off this account control I just don't have the options you mantioned in my control panel-->Accounts control and that's it no option account conrtol or something like this. :( Would be happy if someone gives me exponation how to do it Thx !
  6. One fr had sent me a working walker on his pc but here the problem is same :(( this windows suxx pls help ppl also I noticed that edditing host file does not effect server joining ussing system file of no specific surver :( hope someone help me. Thank You!
  7. Hi so the problem is- when i show the path to my l2.exe(bin) I get some sort of a windows system error- ""l2.exe has stopped working" and I have two options check online for solution or close the program I'm now with windows 7 but I got same error on XP where the options were- send error, don't send error the idea is that there after 4-5 try I always managed to start the game but here eaven after 10++ nothing happens. This problem I got with 3 walkers- 2.13, 2,12, oracle l2 walker in 3 different pc's I would be glad if someone help me :)
  8. Oh you are Gold m8, you are Gold! :P I thought so toobtw afterlot ofthinking the problem is that i have two acc, donated adena and loots of stuf y i'm low lvl but it is like i havent boted first time i leave it afk and this naab comes most of times i sit and just watch what happens :D oki rly thx!
  9. Hi I play in teon and today i think that one animal facker reported me- he hit me and i was talking to phone and when turned saw half cp gone and the naab gone also .. so if he had reported me what is the best thing to do? Thx!
  10. Hi there i've read alot and downloaded loots of guides but still i'm unable to understand some stuff so my request is simple can someone give me working script which does: go to exp spot, start exp, exp some time when newbie buffs are over go town take some shots rebuff go to same place and do all the same, + use for exampl chant of life when hp of pt member is below 30% i did it in pt heal but it heal non-stop and i need it casted only once. Also if it is written "SET ([ FIGHTSTART|FIGHTSTOP ])" this mean that it will use settings configured in pathing or it needs to be used enable/disable walker ? Pls help and am if it is possible someone to recommend me some good spot at 52 (plains walker and Wc, Teon surver) . Thank You!
  11. Hi I've read some guilds, etc but still it seems that i'm unable to make good oh no Working script all commands which I can use are Move(x,y,z) so i would very thankfull if someone post me some good working script- for example: move to a, attack in a in some radii, move to b do same, etc (i use in catacombs , I find it very hard moving from room to room i made it with pathing but it is sooooo suck and + that i stuck at walls non-stop :S so plx someone post me some good script to have some example). P.S. a yeah it will be cool if you have also script from type go to a buff(with your own buffer) kill, kill, die, take shots, use gk go to a (just an idea :DD ) Thank You!
  12. Everything is ok working with disabled game guard. Thanks for help guys! :P
  13. Work perfectly with disabled GG thx guys :)
  14. LOL guys am well oki-my computer, properties, hardware, Device Manager, i see name of PC right click and i have only available "Scan for hardware changes" :( can you help me boys ? :S and also i have very small knowedge about the pc is there any chance this to harm my pc cause it is not mine and i'm abit afraid. :D thx :P
  15. LOL thx maid rly sorry i've checked but it seems i'm naab oki thx again ! :)
  16. Hi i've downloaded eL2Walker2.13 from towalker.com everything ok i start game, set some actions (spoil, sweeper), use record function (of scripts) and i press "End" button and nothing happens i see mobs lvl hp. Do I need crack or something like this to run the walker and if i need i hope someone from here tell me how i can get it (i'm new to walkers and i know almost nothing) well guys i hope you will help me! Thank You! P.S. Btw is it possible to arrange somehow stuff so that for example i would spoil mobs till i get "spoil condition activated" or maybe when dagger or blunt mastery triggers-than to start use some skills. Thx again!:P
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