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About Ð¥‡‚“‚Ÿ—š€×غ»™≠√†ß™

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. -Age/Gender: I'm 16 years old and I'm a male. -Country/Main Language/Other Languages: I'm from Greece, . My main language is english & Greek, but I learned deutsch at school and it's pretty good to be honest. -Previous GM experience? If so, how long and on what servers. Importantly, what have you learned from it?:Well, to start with, I've been GM on L2Destiny, that was an old L2J C4 server, that was some years ago, there was about 200 players there, it was not a big deal, but still, and I've been there for about 5 months before the server closes. The other one and the most important, I've been GM on L2Dreams during about 1 year and then I became HGM during about 6 months, and the reason why I left is because there was some missunderstood with me and the owner, so I decided to leave instead of making trouble there. What I learned from it ? I learned many things, such as how to use your power without abusing it, how to respect every single players even if they are not very polite, that's maybe just because they are pissed off sometimes, and that happens to everyone. I also learned most of the GM commands obviously, I learned how to spare my time between GMing and playing, I mean, even if I wanna play so bad, I have a job to do first, I'm not here to play. -Why do you want to be a GM here?: Well, I'm checking the GM action here since sometime, and it seems really interesting, I also wanna help players, such as doing support, sitting in a town and answering players there without refusal on so we can take it to PM if it's necessary. I also wanna improve the rules here, many players don't respect them, so I'd like to help "Catching them", etc. -In an event you make,what will you do? what measures will you take and what rules will you set?: First of all, if it's a pvp event, I would first ask the players what kind of pvp event they would prefer, such as korean, 1vs1, 2vs2, etc. After I got most of the PM's, I will announce wich kind of event I'll do. Then, I'll set the rules, for example, if I wanna add some specific max gears so new players have chance to win, I will announce it and then I'll give them some time to prepare their items, etc. Then I will announce when I will open the registration, and go in refusal off, while people will be pming me, I'll teleport them to coliseum or where I will be doing it, and I'll ask them to sit down on the sides while I'll be porting the other players/teams, depending on wich kind of event im hosting. When I'll have the good number of people, I will announce when the event registration will be closed, and I will start it. -What benefits do you think that you get if you became a GM?: I have the benefits to get the right to make the rules respected, and to support some players who needs help. I also get the benefits to host events, to make the server funnier (Not saying it isn't) -What do you think that makes you uniquely more qualified than other people applying for GM too?: Well, first of all, I got many experience in GMing over L2, also, I'm playing here since a long time, that means I know how it works, and I also know how to support players with all the frequent problems. I'm also a very kind person, so I will always respect a player, except if he's getting on me without any reason, even there, I will just chatban that person and won't reply. I also know I won't get on nerve without any serious reasons, I'm not a stressed person, I know how to handle many players at the same time. That's what I think, and nobody said the opposite before. If u are interested Add me at Zehro@live.com
  2. apla t pedi niothei na pezei {ektos an ekanes donate}:P
  3. Pos mporo na kano ++ skills enos player?????
  4. No its not. Paladin have stats decrased and dagger too. Now about Archers are normally But crit Rate is decrased Join Now
  5. All Rights i present u my server that opened today.... L2Aiolia.. Server was Launched today at 5:00 And we had 69 players on. Last Time i checked were 154 (Before 4 hours) Server's Features: Server Rates Exp: x10000 Sp: x10000 Adena: x10000 Enchant Rates Safe: +50 Max: +50 Rate: 100% Siege Works 100% Clans make by GM lvl 8 with a Petition TvT Event Work 100% Buff Time: 2 hours Clan Hall System Work 100% I ll dont say anythink more Like Interlude skills 100% Or Weeding 100% Etc These are BullSh1t From Me. If u wanna Test a stable Private Lineage ][ Server then Join Here : www.l2aiolia.ucoz.com As i said server opened Today So its Logical If u find any Bugs or Mistakes. U can Type .online To see The Current Online Players. Soon we ll make Olympiad Like when the match finish u dont have to w8 like other servers but it ll port u back to town. We Wait New Suggestions To Improve Our GameServer So if anyone of u hav some just Post them to our forum. From Line][Age Aiolia Staff,
  6. The Farm IS Soooooo Difficult for eg Farming mobs drop 12-10 Silvr Zero and 1 part of vesper set costs 5000 Crazy LOL Fix Farm and its going to be the BEST server but fix it i meanmake mobs drop 100 or smth
  7. i ll join dling patch... i hope it ll be as good as the old server and it WONT Close at 1 month :(
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