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About TheLover

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  1. Hello im buying adena on l2.bnb.gr send me a pm on forum or post some infos below (trusted sellers only)
  2. Yep but the problem is that i cant edit the buffer...i want to add buffs or change the buff time and i cant...
  3. Anyone can tell me another way? How can i know if i can edit the java files?and how can i do that? Ive downloaded trance pack from the topic on shares
  4. how i can do this? and what you mean have access on the source? there isnt another way to add a buffer?
  5. hello guys ive downloaded trance pack of l2gold and i want to add a buffer. Ive found one for acis but im not sure how to add it ive only added on other packs and this one seems different...on a topic ive found (http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192244-simplest-buffer-acis/?hl=%2Bacis+%2Bbuffer) it says something about creating an instance on a .java file...can someone help me to do that? i only know how to add a buffer via html/scripts...thanks in advance :)
  6. Looking for a faction server.
  7. any shared bypass or can anyone pm me with it? thanks
  8. Got this error : Line 758 (File " C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\Bot\Launcher.exe"): Error: Object referenced outside a "With" statement.
  9. ok done, thanks mate! another question...how can i put the icon on a weapon i want? lets say i want my new wep to have an icon i downloaded from google or created by myself! what i do?
  10. ohh xd any link for a legit one? also which version should i save to? 413?
  11. cool i tried to do this but when i save the weapongrp i get en error on fileedit! "Cannon open file C:\ ........ " why?
  12. cool thanks, and what about the grade?anyone can help?
  13. thx,what exactly i need to change on weapongrp to put another icon?
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