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Everything posted by shadowman

  1. killer remake the link plz...is dead... :) thnx in advance /offtopic you have any c6 pack? :D
  2. 3eri kanis i exi...kana pack c6?(xoris custom items...extos an m pi pos na ta bgalo..kai na a3izi gia na gini online o server...)kai 8elo an exete kana pack me npcs etima... thnx in advance
  3. exo mpi sto noima:) arxisa me tou killer to pack apla 8elo ena kalo(oxi pos tou killer den ine)apla to 8elo xoris custom k na exi arketa pramata..min tou lipoun pola...(gia na mi po tpt xexe:P) thnx pantos kano search ala ama bris tpt alo postareto an den s kani kopo:) thnx again
  4. ok 8a perimeno! :D stile k to msn s an exis.. k 8es na to dosis... ta leme
  5. evo mporis n m pis ti akribos 8a kano? :P k kt akoma evo...ta site pou m edoses gia ta packs...mporis na m pis pou 8a pao gia na kano download i na balis 3ana ta link me etimo to download? :P thnx
  6. axxx ok :) auto me to heroaura...malon den douleuh se auto to pack....ine c6 pantos...den 3ero an exi simasia auto... a k to id pou m dosate gia tin gata pou alazis class den douleuh... den pirazi :) 8a psa3o eki p m ipes elpizo na bro kati .. :) thnx again :D
  7. kt alo...pos ginete na min psofane ta npc mesa stin poli? i mono o admin-gm mpori na ta skotosi?...
  8. paidia epidi ontos mperdeutika..(evo :* ) den ta kanete mia ola mazi gt ta exasa...k an ine eukolo na grapsete se pia erotisi apantate...gt psaxnome ime pou ime asxetos... k pl thnx k kati akoma ta site pou m dosate gia pack...mpika ala den brisko pou ine to download gia to pack...isos mporite na m pite? :) thnx in advance
  9. ok darky thnx ;)kitaxte k tis ales erotisis...sry an ginome kourastikos...ala ime kenourgios... aa k kati akoma mia pou m ir8e tora buffs ston eauto m an ime admin pos kano? kai pos alazo class an den iparxi i gata? i pos bgazo tin gata gia tin alagi... ps: to //sethero den douleuh mporite na m pite pos na to kano akribos? (to super haste ok mia xara thnx :) )
  10. thnx gia tin boi8ia:) mastropos ok bre k go plaka s ekana siga :) episis 8a i8ela na rotiso an iparxi kana readme me tis entoles...? kitaxte k sto proto post m exo kani edit gia kati ala pragmata aa k kati akoma auto pou ipes gia to pack ti enois..? san C dld c4 ktl? den exo problima...apla 8elo ena kalo k sta8ero pack xoris custom items...den 3ero an boi8ise auto.. :P thnx k pali guys
  11. den brika kati analogo...ti enois den ginete to super haste na to pari enas admin???gia to pack den to sxoliazo :P
  12. 1on:pos enas admin-gm (dld pia ine i entoli)gia super haste k hero aura....i an exete kana full guide me tis entoles... :P 2on:exete na m protinete kana kalo pack? den 8elo custom pramata...ala na ine arketa kalo(gia na mi po telio :P ) c4 i c5 i kai c6 arki na ine kalo.. 3on:pos mporo na balo npc i gm shop k tetia se ena server k na ta apo8ikeuso? aaa!! k kati akoma epidi exo sini8isi sta bat files pou exi o killer...you know auta pou arxizis ton login k game server k to host... auta mporo na ta paro apo to pack you killer k na ta balo se opiodipote pack? lol k kati akoma :P auto to arxio pou anigi to host se mia selida...mporo na to paro k auto apo alo pack? gt se ena pou dokimaza den m bgazi an ine online o game/login server.... thnx in advance!;) ps:apo 3 erotisis pigame stis 5 :P xexe
  13. koyfo na s po re c...den m bgazi download sto link p m edoses..... mporis n m pis pos 8a to kano? thnx :)
  14. mpori na dosis ta link me ola ta arxia? thnx :)
  15. killer ola ok man :) to eftia3a ;p epitelous...na rotiso kati tora.... pou 8a bro tin epilogi na exoun oli dikeomata admin? thnx
  16. oxxxxx sry!! 3exastika me tin off topic sizitisi :PP lipon kita ta config tou login server in auta... # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http://l2jserver.com # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname= # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname= # Bind ip of the loginserver, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname=* LoginserverPort=2106 LoginTryBeforeBan=20 GMMinLevel=100 # The port on which login will listen for GameServers LoginPort=3306 # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown # It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True) ShowLicence = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login=root Password=root MaximumDbConnections=10 # Useable values: "true" - "false", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created # automatically or not. AutoCreateAccounts=true # The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (usefull when their ip is dynamic) IpUpdateTime=15 # ============================================================== # Test server setting, shoudnt be touched in online game server # ============================================================== Debug = False Assert = False Developer = False # Enforce GG Authorization from client # Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication ForceGGAuth=True #FloodProtection. time in ms EnableFloodProtection=True FastConnectionLimit=15 NormalConnectionTime=700 FastConnectionTime=350 MaxConnectionPerIP=50 k i foto ine auti....(entometa3i ala m ebgale tora....ala prin....po ta neura m eleos :S) re si gia na mi pedeuomaste gt malon 8a exo kani kamia mlkia.....den m les bima bima ti na kano na to 3ekiniso apo tin arxi...?(i apo msn otan pas home i genika apo to forum gia na to doun k ali ama exoun prob....opote mporis...;)
  17. killer??ti egine ise kala? mi mas pa8is k tpt prin telioso to server :P plakitsa :):) nice mod deusex ali8ia pio mod ine auto? axaxaxax tora to ida auto me ta recent post x0a0xa0x0a eliosa ps: exoume 3efigi apo to topic e.. :p ps1:killer mipos exis msn?an 8es stilto m se pm i edo..oti 8es...kai an 8es!! enoite auto :P ;)
  18. thnx gia tis plirofories killer k deusexin(ali8ia simeni kati to names s? :D),den 3anakano 2plo post sry.. :) (ma8eno siga siga :P) ante pame piso sto topic mas tora :PP ps:oreo!!den to ixa psa3i ;)
  19. ti enois ti alo exo??ti enois an ta exo ola?
  20. suse, debian, i redhat........hmmm den ta 3ero auta....pantos 8a dokimaso auta p m egrapses ty vm ;) kati akoma ta ultimate pou les...ti enois auta den exoun probs?san ta ala..?
  21. m anigi kanonika ti selida...apla leo stin proti selida tou post...auto pou blepis tora..an pas sto post tou darky 8a dis tin proti foto pou exi postari...auti akribos m bgazi....apla gia na mi kano upload to leo...ama 8es den exo problima na sti kano upload :p
  22. xexe pos ta katalabenis killer ;) nai exo kani kati mod more sta xp m ;p gt den antexonte ta xp!! >:( ps:asxeto...tin bdomada pou mas erxete perno ta vista :p gia na doume ti 8a doume ^^ ps1:sry!!! gia to diplo post:S 3exastika.. :/
  23. to start.bat m bgazi akribos tin idia foto me tou darky kita tin proti foto pou exi bali.... mnimi exo 1giga
  24. darky 8a to dokimaso...thnx :) lipon kita3e tis foto tou game/login server auti ine tou login... auti...bebea ixe gramena k kati akoma ala htan pios eftia3e to bat k tetia... pisteuo den xriazonte... kai i ali ine t game... autes ine...dite k pite m... thnx :)
  25. an rotas gia mena exo c5...ala to broblima den ine sto client...den anigi kan o login/game server... spawn123 sry re file!....den asxoli8ika me tis foto me to PrtScn gia na to 3ero kiolas...tsp thnx
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