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Everything posted by manos2864

  1. Re paidia paizo ston Azrama vol 2.... Alla gia na balo ena bot pou dinane eprepe na katebaso ena modify system to opoio exei aperioristo zoom to opoio katantaei kourastiko pos mporo na to bgalo?? katebasa to file edit ekana edit to user.ini (sto maxzoomingdist to ebala 250 apo 65000 pou to eixe) alla akoma to idio...
  2. you are greek man?
  3. Man can you help me with teamviewer?? if it is so easy... you will do it in 2 minutes.. !!
  4. in the guide say : At UpdatesUrl Put The Folder Where You WIll have your files that the other will download example http://localhost/Upload (This is local test) i create in my site a folder Upload and i put inside them my system... how i will create html for Upload folder?? for example http://L2TheKingdoms/Upload ???
  5. [Eng]i go inside my web site.... i create a folder Updates... i put inside my system folder... (some files) after??? (i read the guide but not say there for this... i create my site from www.webs.com....) i think now i must create a html for my folder updates!! Can you tell what commands i must put inside my html ?? [Gr]Mpika mesa sto web site mou... dimiourgisa ena fakelo updates.. ebala mesa se auton to system mou...(merika arxeiakia pou exo tropopoiisei)meta omos??? (exo diabasei ton odigo alla den leei kati gia to 8ema mou.... exo dimiourgisei to site mou apo to www.webs.com..) Nomizo oti prepei na dimiourgiso ena html arxeio gia to fakelo updates!!! Mporei na mou pei kapoios ti commands prepei na balo mesa sto html arxeio gia na pigainei ston fakelo updates??
  6. and inside update i will put my l2system ??
  7. [Eng]Guys pls someone help me.... i want a updater for my server... but ... i cant understand something... into (l2updater folder)-->compiled-->client--->_settings--->in this line UpdatesUrl= what i must put?? Someone tell me!!And tell me if i need other program for updater... [Gr]Re paidia 8elo na peraso enan updater ston server mou alla den katalabaino kati... mesa sto fakelo tou l2updater--->compiled-->client--->_settings-->se auti tin seira UpdatesUrl= ti prepei na balo ?? As mou pei kapoios re paidia!!! kai as mou pei kapoios an xreiazomai kapoio allo programa gia ton updater...
  8. ok file mou apla 8a perimeno apantiseis gia na eimai sigouros.... (peite re paidia ama kano update 8a xaso ta java codes pou exo perasei i oxi?)
  9. to 8ema einai oti den 8elo na xaso ta java codes pou exo perasei ston server mou ...
  10. nai (aplos an uparxei ena guide sta ellinika) sta agglika mperdeutika :D pou brika ena
  11. Pos mporo na kano update ston server mou meso tou eclipse xoris na xaso java codes pou exo perasei?? xerei kaneis filos ? :D pls peite mou paidia!!!
  12. Hello Max Cheaters!!!! This is my first [share] topic :) I think its usefull :) Olympiad without s/s80/s84 grade armors/weapons and jewels com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.useitem.java import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameTimeController; +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.useitem.java // NOTE: disabled due to deadlocks // synchronized (activeChar.getInventory()) // { L2ItemInstance item = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(_objectId); if (item == null) return; + int lolz0r = item.getItem().getCrystalType(); + if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || Olympiad.getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(activeChar) || activeChar.getOlympiadGameId() > 0) + { + if (lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84) + { + activeChar.sendMessage("You cant use items up to Grade A in the Grand Olympiad Games."); + return; + } + } if (item.isWear()) com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.olympiad.java import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item; import com.l2jserver.util.L2FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.olympiad.java /* * if (_compStarted) { * noble.sendMessage("Cant Register whilst competition is under way"); * return false; } */ + int weaponGrade = noble.getActiveWeaponItem().getCrystalType(); + int armorGrade = noble.getActiveChestArmorItem().getCrystalType(); + if (weaponGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || armorGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || weaponGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || armorGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || weaponGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84 || armorGrade == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84) + { + noble.sendMessage("You cannot join the grand olympiad games using S/s80/s84 grade equipment."); + return false; + } + if (!_inCompPeriod) com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/L2ItemInstance.java public boolean isOlyRestrictedItem() { + if (getItem().getItemGrade() > 4) + return true; return (Config.LIST_OLY_RESTRICTED_ITEMS.contains(_itemId)); } For this code i was searching weeks but nothing i found.... (i found one code but not working in epilogue)... Credits go to: Me and Parizakis :D
  13. ok topic lock
  14. 8elo na balo sto site mou.... na mou stelnoun apeu8eias mia etisi sto email mou... pos 8a to kano auto?? dld na grafoun oti grafoun.... se ena keimeno k meta na patane ena koumpaki kai na stelnete apeu8eias auto pou grapsane sto email mou... pos to kano?
  15. re paidia 8elo na peraso enan l2updater... alla den katalabaino kati... mesa sto fakelo _settings ti bazoume edo?? --> UpdatesUrl=http://localhost/Upload
  16. epeidi xereis poso 8a mou parei na to hostaro to site mou? k pes mou mia kali k ftini etairia na to hostaro pls
  17. thanks for help topic lock :)
  18. I will put them like this??? pls tell me exactly # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Herbs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Herb of Power, Herb of Magic, Herb of Attack Speed, Herb of Casting Speed, Herb of Critical Attack, Herb of Speed # Default: 15 RateCommonHerbs = 0 # Herb of Life, Herb of Mana # Default: 10 RateHpMpHerbs = 0 # Greater herb of Life, Greater Herb of Mana # Default: 4 RateGreaterHerbs = 0 # Superior Herb of Life, Superior Herb of Mana # Default: 0.8 RateSuperiorHerbs = 0.0 # Herb of Warrior, Herb of Mystic, Herb of Recovery # Default: 0.2 RateSpecialHerbs = 0.0
  19. but this is for autoloot... :S not for disable... i want mobs dont drop herbs...
  20. how i can disable herbs???
  21. sto www.webs.com... den ginete na balo account creation?
  22. kai pos 8a kanoun account mono apo to site mou?
  23. Pos mporo na balo na ginonte account mono apo to site mou ??? pos bgazo to autocreate acc?
  24. topic lock thanks gia tin boi8eia paidia :D
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