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Everything posted by manos2864

  1. i edit my previous reply pls check it... if its something serious
  2. this will fix my error? EDIT L2ItemInstance item = noble.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(_objectId); int lolz0r = item.getItem().getCrystalType(); if (item != null) { if (lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84) { noble.sendMessage("You cannot use S grade equipment at the Grand Olympiad games."); return false; } } when i put in the end the }then in if (item != null) say redudant null check:the variable item cannot be null at this location but if i delete } then everything its ok
  3. olympiad not work :S and in gameserver(window) say: [Character: [Admin]Imperfect[268479864] - Account: manos2864 - IP: ] sent bad RequestBypassToServer: "npc_268463562_OlympiadNoble 5" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad.registerNoble(Olympi ad.java:478) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2OlympiadManagerInstan ce.onBypassFeedback(L2OlympiadManagerInstance.java:119) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer. runImpl(RequestBypassToServer.java:143) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run (L2GameClientPacket.java:93) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  4. I put this if (lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S) but again say L2item cannot be resolve
  5. how i will add import for l2iteminstance in olympiad.java??? com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.l2iteminstance;??? EDIT ok i add the import i solve the problem with l2iteminstance.... but not with multiple markers :S
  6. Re paidia me ksexasate mou fainete... :S toulaxiston doste mou 1 link me kanena guide gia to pos na bazo active/passive skills pano sta armors/weapons.....
  7. L2ItemInstance item = noble.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(_objectId); int lolz0r = item.getItem().getCrystalType(); if (lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84) { It say L2iteminstance cannot be resolve to a type and multiple markers at this line: l2item cannot be resolve
  8. ok bazo 1:50 bgazei error ston gameserver k kleinei.... :S to ebala 26 alla den anoixe tora stis 2... :S mipos eprepe na to balo sketo 2?\ edit topic locked to elusa to problem :)
  9. pao sta configs sto gameserver... sto olympiad... k pou to bazo se 5 min?
  10. Pos kano tin olympiada na anoixei tora ston server mou????? 8elo na dokimaso ena code pou perasa k 8elo na to testaro ..... pos ginete?
  11. :O What you mean?? **EDIT** in useitem.java --->where i must add the import?? (my useitem.java)-->http://pastebin.com/5WY4ZVKs and in olympiad.java i cant find where i must add this code + private int _objectId; my olympiad.java-->http://pastebin.com/2GsdGYFR and + L2ItemInstance item = noble.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(_objectId); + int lolz0r = item.getItem().getCrystalType(); + if (lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S80 || lolz0r == L2Item.CRYSTAL_S84) has problem :S
  12. i add only your code but nothing happen.... when i participate in olympiad it allow me enter with s grade armor / weapon
  13. man i just ask you only if i must add only your code or and others codes from parizakis... :/
  14. i will add only this code??
  15. l2jserver epilogue compile
  16. ama to balo etsi? import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad; epeidi ego exo l2jserver... k etsi na to kano dld import com.l2jserver.gameserver.olympiad; mou bgazei cannot resolve.... eno etsi opos to exo pano mou bgazei ena kitrinaki
  17. thanks file mou :D 8a prospa8iso na to kano **EDIT** Toulaxiston pos mporo na peraso to ReflectDamage to skill tou hellknigh san passive skill stin aspida?? mporei na mou pei kapoios??? den mporo na to kano me mul order k val klp klp... :/
  18. oxi apo oti xero.... dustixos :S
  19. logika re file prepei na ma8eis apo java codes.... apo oti 8umame to rebirth system gia na mpei prepei na exeis compile pack... kai meso tou eclipse 8a to peraseis.... pare auto to guide k dokimase bima bima :D http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=134605.0
  20. gia na peftoun ta curse weapons... prepei na puraxoume ena arxio pou na einai mesa sto gameserver-->data--->cursedweapons oraia?? ti akribos na tou ru8miso ? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <item id="8190" skillId="3603" name="Demonic Sword Zariche"> <dropRate val="1" /> <!-- 100000 for 100% --> <duration val="300" /> <!-- in minutes --> <durationLost val="3" /> <!-- in minutes --> <disapearChance val="50" /> <!-- in % --> <stageKills val="10" /> <!-- Integer --> </item> <item id="8689" skillId="3629" name="Blood Sword Akamanah"> <dropRate val="1" /> <!-- 100000 for 100% --> <duration val="300" /> <!-- in minutes --> <durationLost val="3" /> <!-- in minutes --> <disapearChance val="50" /> <!-- in % --> <stageKills val="10" /> <!-- Integer --> </item> </list>
  21. den egine tpt :S sto site pou mou edoses tora... na ftiaxo ena pou na ksekinaei me mul order / mul val / add order ????? auto den exo katalabaei an mou eksigiseis poies einai oi diafores metaxi tous.... 8a mporousa na to ftiaxo monos mou :D
  22. Really sry for double post but i am waiting many hours... :/ Please guys someone help me with this java code.....!!!
  23. 8elo na balo se mia aspida ena skill reflect dmg... to exo balei kapos etsi... alla den leitourgei... i toulaxiston den mou bgazei kapoio passive skill pou na dixnei oti kanei ontos reflect.... xerei kapoios pos tin kano na dinei passive skill reflect dmg??? kapoios mou to eipe k to ebala etsi...alla den poianei... <item id="6721" name="Monster Only(Shield of Imperial Warlord Zombie)"> <for> <sub val="8" order="0x10" stat="rEvas" /> <add val="8" order="0x10" stat="reflectDam" /> <set val="47" order="0x08" stat="sDef" /> <set val="20" order="0x08" stat="rShld" /> <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="sDef" /> </for>
  24. go into your gameserver folder--->data--->stats--->skills--->and search for 2000-2099.xml open it and replace id=2005 with this from rafole
  25. topic locked.... den uparxei help edoo....!! (mono sto english section -_-)
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