Hey, i just recently saw the Share from "magaki13" in which you make a dusk sword with acumen and a decent glow but i noticed that it doesn't work with CT2 or newer version and his Link is broken so i decided to make a guide on how to do it in CT2 so here it it:
First, we will edit the sql file where the dusk sword is included in the weapon.sql file, open it with navicat and replace the stats with these.
(5800, 'Dusk Sword', 'rhand', 'true', 1300, 1, 1, 'adamantaite', 's', 280, 10, 'sword', 8, 0.00000, 0, 0, 0, 379, 0, 180, 95, 0, 2440, 'true')
Second, we will replace the stats for your normal dusk sword into the ones below (ID 5800).
<item id='5800' name="Dusk Sword Acumen">
<set val='280' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>
<set val='180' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>
<set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>
<add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>
<set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>
<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>
<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>
<!-- SA: Acumen -->
<mul val='1.15' order='0x30' stat='mAtkSpd'/>
Now you open the itemname-e.dat file with L2FileEdithttp://www.4shared.com/file/66726742/39c63061/L2-FileEdit_CT2_Gracia_.html?err=no-sess and scroll down till you see the ID 5800 which is the ID of your Dusk Sword and replace the line with this one:
5800 Dusk Sword Acumen a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.\0 -1 a, a, a, a, 0 0 0 a, 1
Phew we are almost done !
Now the last step, Open the Weapongrp.dat file with L2FileEdit and scroll down to find your dusk sword again with the ID 5800, and replace the line you have there with this one:
0 5800 1 1 7 10 0 LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01 -1 1380 1 1 0 0 1 7 1 1 LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp 1 LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp 4 ItemSound.sword_small_1 ItemSound.sword_great_4 ItemSound.sword_mid_2 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4 ItemSound.itemdrop_sword ItemSound.itemequip_sword 10 280 180 1 5 8 0 0 0 0 379 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 LineageEffect.c_u006 2.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 5.5000000 LineageWeapons.rangesample 3.2999997 1.0000000 1.0000000 15.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 -1 -1 -1 -1
Quite easy isn't it?
This is the easiest guide you will ever get so Sticky it :P
Thanks for reading and Have Fun!