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Everything posted by tukekuchi

  1. Grand Open 18/10/2016 15:00 Gtm + 2 RATE SERVER Exp: x100 SP: x100 Adena: x50 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 ENCHANT Safe Enchant +4 Maximum Enchant: +20 Maximum Enchant Crystal: +20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 70% Blessed scrolls Rate: 95% AUGUMENT Mid Life Stone Rate: 10% High Life Stone Rate: 15% Top Life Stone Rate: 20% Passive Augment Skill 1-1 GAMEPLAY Interlude Custom Server Vote System Normal Farm Starting Lv* 1 Sub Class Lv* 40 Buff Slot: 36 Max SubClasses 3 Max Clan on alliance 3 Balanced Classes Auto Learn Skills Auto loot Full Working Wedding L2j off Paid Geodata + Pathnodes OLYMPIAD Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match Olympiad Period 1 week [ Starts 18:00 | Ends 00:00 ] CUSTOM Global Gatekeeper GM Shop Top Manager Castle Manager Npc Vote Manager Clan Manager Information Manager Enchant Skill manager Augment Manager Special Farm & Clan Zone RaidBoss & GrandBoss Zone Custom New Character Spawn Anti-Bot Protection EVENT Giran Town Auto TvT Event Every 2 hours Auto CTF Event Every 2 hours COMMANDS TvT Commands: .tvtjoin , .tvtleave , .tvtinfo CTF Commands: .ctfjoin , .ctfleave , .ctfinfo Information: .menu Donate: .donate Castle manager: .castle http://www.l2-immortal.net/
  2. L2 Originala Features ------------------------------------ Why you should join? No Lag No Rolback 99% of classes balanced 99% of skills balanced ------------------------------------- Server Rates: XP : 1000x SP :1000x Adena : 1000x ------------------------------------- Enchant: Save : +4 Max For Weapons : +16 Max For Armors : +16 Max For Jewels : +16 Normal Rate : 75% Blessed Rate : 100% Crystal Rate : 65% Max 15 ------------------------------------- Killing Spree System Server Information: Server special commands: .menu .rewardme (buff for vote coins) .pvpinfo (character pvp information) .castlemanager (Castle siege registration) .vote_tvt .vote_ctf .sms (write sms to someone) .read (read sms) .sellbuffs (sell buffs to other players) Augmentation System: Top Lifestone Rate: 18% High Lifestone Rate: 12% Mid Lifestone Rate: 8% Events: CTF Event(Auto)-high grade lifestones TvT Event(Auto)-Top grade lifestones Poloponnesian War Castle War Team versus Team Death Match Treasure Chest Protect The Lord General Informations: Olympiad: Validation Period every 1 weeks. Noblesse: Available Nobless Item at Gm Shop Subclass System You are able to make 4 subclasses. Custom Items: Originala Tatto[CP/HP/MP 10%] Dynasty Armor (Full Stats) Dynasty Weapons (Whit SA) Boss Jewels Grand Boss; Valakas 4h Respawn Antharas 4h Respawn Baium 3h Respawn Queen Ant 3h Respawn Zaken 3h Respawn Orfen 2h Respawn Core 2h Respawn Uruka 3h Respawn Embra 3h Respawn Roaring Skylancer 3h Respawn Custom NPCs : Gmshop Global Gatekeeper Raid Boss Gatkepper Buffer Wedding Manager Class Changer Augmenter Pk Cleaner Password Chanager In game Achievements Clan Manager Buf Report Npc Npc Enchanter Boss Manager Npc Pk Guard Fatseas* PvP/Pk List Manager --------------------------------------------------------------------------- L2 Originala Web!! Dowload Patch Cliclk Here
  3. Cronica: Interlude SERVER RATES: Rate Xp: x1000 Rate Sp: x1000 Rate Party Xp: x2 Rate Party Sp: x2 Rate Drop Adena: x1000 Rate Drop Items: x2 RateRaidDropItems: x2 RateDropSpoil: x2 RateQuestDrop: x2 RateQuestReward: x2 ENCHANT: Safe Enchant : +10 Weapon Max Enchant : +25 Armor Max Enchant : +25 Normal Enchant: 70% Crystal Enchant: 100% Server Item: Tattoos Mago-Fight Zaken Hair 1000 CP HP MP Mask Suplement 1-(200 P y M Def) 2(300 P y M Def) 3 (500 P y M Def) Dynasty Set y Wearpon Vesper Comun - Noble y Wearpons Morai set Wearpons jade Hero 7 Dias 60 Ticket Item de spawn Nuevo Wyrvern Nuevo Strider SERVER INFOMACIONES: Auto-Learn Skills Forgotten Auto-Learn Skills Balanced Classes Wedding System Clan Hall System Castle Siege System Sub-Class System Noblesse System(NPC) Hero System Duel System Max Subclasses = 3 Max Subclass level = 80 Max Alliances = 3 Retail-Like Enchant Skills System Every Buff / Dance / Song / 2 Horas Gold Bar System Boss system Npc Boss Status Npc GK Boss Ciudad arriba de Giran: Drop Ticket Donater se va usando wirvern (se dropea en Boss y en eventos) Nuevos boss en Giran Harbor (es la de arriba de giran) :happyforever: Web:http://www.l2rastagames.es.tl/Home.htm :-beep- yeah:
  4. Experience: 5000x Skill Points: 5000x Adena Drop: 10000x Item Drop: 2x Spoil: 1x Enchant Rates Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +25 Enchant Rate: 85% Blessed Enchant Rate: 95% Other Systems Auto-Learn Skills Clan System Clan Hall System Castle Siege System No Grade Penalty Olympiad System fully working like retail Sub-Class System Noblesse System Noblesse Skills fully Working Hero System Hero Skills fully working Duel System, you can use the command .duel too Augmentation System Augmentation Skills Active And Passive fully Working Retail-Like Enchant Skills System Fishing System Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 2 Hours Spawn Protection 20 sec Raid Bosses Respawned Daily Class Changing System .unstuck Command 20 seconds Custom Features Worldwide Gatekeeper Shop selling everything you need and customs too Account manager NPC, repairs your char and changes your password Clan Hall System Castle Siege System NPC Buffer contains Buffs, Dances, Songs and Chants Special Raid Boss Informer Custom PK Killers Custom PK Killers always spawned on leveling zone Custom Farm Zones Custom Leveling Zone Custom coins Custom name colors for top pvp players Double click on adena transfer them to gold bars and the opposite Special settings to protect the server from corruption .unstuck Command 20 seconds Teleport protection from flagged players Custom Vote Reward System Custom Anti-Buff Skill Custom Events TVT Event CTF Event Many Custom Events with Special Prizes Daily Server Machine Intel Core2Quad 9550 8 GB DDR2 RAM 147 GB WD Raptor HDDmit 10k rpm 250 GB Backupspace 1000 FPS Kernel Gaming-Flat Gameserver Machine located in Germany Remember that L2Extinction is managed by an active & experienced team. Administrators - Extinction - Dossier Server Site: http://l2extinctionpvp.es.tl Forum Site: http://l2extinction.forovenezuela.net/
  5. Server Features: Rates * XP: X1000 * SP: x1000 * Drop: x50 * Enjoy: x70 * Adena: x500 * Jewels GrandBoss Drop: x1 * Search Article Award: x20 * Quest Drop: x20 Love * Safe 20 * Price Enchant: 80% * Bless Enchant Rates: 80% * Max 50 Other * Trade On / Crafts. * Shop offline (After restarting the server offline restore shop just 5 days) * Wedding manager * Event TvT * As GMShop Grade B (A - S Crafts Retail Features * Auto-Learn Skills * Individual Grief, mourning party. * Class balance. * Buffer only 1 / 2 Class (1 hour time) * Full working and Pathnode Geodata. * Complete all work assignments. * Full Working Skill All. * Full Working All Raid / Boss Grand (Frintezza, Ice Queen, Qeen Shye, Uruka, Sailren, * High Priestess van Halter and more). * Working Fyll Four Selpucher. * Complete Workplace Castillo. * Full Clan System Working (Privilleges Clan, clan halls, clan wars, the maximum level of 8, Clan * Sub-clans, clan skills, the level of reputation, * Full Working Fortress siege. * Blacksmith of Mammon (No Seven Signs). * Free Class Change (1st.2nd.3rd). * Sub class (free). * Almost full Nobless Quest * GM Shop up to B grd (Including Recipe number, low and ETC.). Increase * (Include complete job skill). * Seven Signs (incl. leveling Rift Alma crystals) * Cursed Weapons (Zariche and Akamanah) * Fishing System * SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10 * SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32 Processor: 4x 2.66 + GHz Intel Xeon W3520 (Xeon technology i7) Memory: 6 GB DDR3 Hard Drives: Intel SSD X25-M 80 Go 2x RAID 1 100 Mbps link public NOT www.l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  6. Server Features: Rates * XP: X1000 * SP: x1000 * Drop: x50 * Enjoy: x70 * Adena: x500 * Jewels GrandBoss Drop: x1 * Search Article Award: x20 * Quest Drop: x20 Love * Safe 20 * Price Enchant: 80% * Bless Enchant Rates: 80% * Max 50 Other * Trade On / Crafts. * Shop offline (After restarting the server offline restore shop just 5 days) * Wedding manager * Event TvT * As GMShop Grade B (A - S Crafts Retail Features * Auto-Learn Skills * Individual Grief, mourning party. * Class balance. * Buffer only 1 / 2 Class (1 hour time) * Full working and Pathnode Geodata. * Complete all work assignments. * Full Working Skill All. * Full Working All Raid / Boss Grand (Frintezza, Ice Queen, Qeen Shye, Uruka, Sailren, * High Priestess van Halter and more). * Working Fyll Four Selpucher. * Complete Workplace Castillo. * Full Clan System Working (Privilleges Clan, clan halls, clan wars, the maximum level of 8, Clan * Sub-clans, clan skills, the level of reputation, * Full Working Fortress siege. * Blacksmith of Mammon (No Seven Signs). * Free Class Change (1st.2nd.3rd). * Sub class (free). * Almost full Nobless Quest * GM Shop up to B grd (Including Recipe number, low and ETC.). Increase * (Include complete job skill). * Seven Signs (incl. leveling Rift Alma crystals) * Cursed Weapons (Zariche and Akamanah) * Fishing System * SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10 * SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32 Processor: 4x 2.66 + GHz Intel Xeon W3520 (Xeon technology i7) Memory: 6 GB DDR3 Hard Drives: Intel SSD X25-M 80 Go 2x RAID 1 100 Mbps link public NOT www.l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  7. Server Features Rates XP : 5000x SP :5000 Adena : 5000x Drop : 1x Spoil : 1x Party : 4x Enchantment Safe : +20 Max For Weapons : +40 Max For Armors : +40 Max For Jewels : +40 Enchant Rate : 80% Crystal Rate : 100% General Features Custom Npcs Custom Zones Buff time 2h Olympiad Works Gracia style 100% Sieges Works 100% Fortress Works 100% Aug. Skill Rate 30% (Domination, Double Domination, Last Man Stand, Lucky Chest, Zombie, TvT) Engine Every Hour Max Ally 3 Max Sub 4 Sub Class System LvL 80 PvP Color System 50/100/200/500/1000 Custom Commands .away .back .votereward .online .info Software We are running on the latest version of L2JZeus Pack That is a private lineage 2 pack writed on java language Hardware RAM 12 GB DDR3 Internet Connection 1000 Up / Down Traffic Unlim. Intel Core i7 920 2.80Ghz (1) Hard Disk 500 GB 10.000 RPM (2) Hard Disk 500 GB 10.000 RPM (Windows Hard Disk) 30 GB SSD Temporality Web: www.l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  8. Server is Now Online ! Sorry fot The Down Time!
  9. Interlude Server InGame world Rates # Experience : 5000x Adena : 5000x Spoil : 1x Karma Drop Rate : 1x Party Experience : 2x Party Esperience : 2x Safe Enchant : + 7 Max Enchant Weapon : + 25 Max Enchant Armor : + 20 Enchant Rates Weapons : 70% Enchant Rates Armors/Jewels : 70% Blessed Enchant Rates Weapon : 90% Blessed Enchant Rates Armors/Jewels : 90% Character Related # Debuff slots. Duel System. Max level is 80. Auto learn skills. 1hours buff times. Spawn Protection. Augmentation Protection System. Custom Start adena. Custom Start title. Grade Penalty Enable. Auto Loot. Allow Wedding. Unstuck interval 15 seconds. Event's # Automated TvT Events every : 3 Hours Reward : (Coming Soon). Server Related # Server Custom Protection for Hacks & L2Phx! Prepaid Geodata System Working Clan System. Central Town is Gludin Village. Exchange Armor & Weapons Shops. Global Gatekeepers and NPC buffers. A Class Changer can be found at all Towns to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class http://arcanial2.es.tl/
  10. Server Rate RateXp = 5000. RateSp = 5000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 15000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Custom- Armor y Weapon Dk-Gold Weapon Icarus Staff: [ADM]-ShuriKen! Temporality Web: www.larcanial2.es.tl
  11. Rates: 100x Exp, 100x Sp, 500x Adena, 1x Drop, 1x Spoil. Enchant: 65% Normal y 80% Blessed. Safe Enchant +3. Max Armas +25 Max Armaduras +15 Custom Items: Titanium Armor, Dinasty Armor y Dusk Shield Custom NPC's NPC Buffer, GM Shop, Custom Shop, GK GLobal. Custom Areas: Monastery Of Silence drop Event Medals Forge of the Gods drop Event Gritteling Medals Raids Ketra/Varka Drops: 1 Star Special 100% 1 Blessed Scroll Enchant Weapon S 75% 1-3 Blessed Scroll Enchant Armor S 75% 1-3 Blessed Scroll Enchant Armor B 75% Web: http://l2forbidden.jimdo.com/
  12. Lineage II venezuela ® Lineage II venezuela -> Rates XP 1000 A 500 SP 1000 -> Gm Shop in all Towns -> NPC Buffer in all towns -> Gatekeeper in all Towns-> Subclass free -> Nobless quest -> Olimpy ( 18:00 as 00:00 ) -> Sieges ( 15 em 15 dias ) -> Quest free job lvl20 lvl40 lvl76 -> Enchant Max: +20 (Armor, weapons, Jewell) -> Enchant Safe: +5 Max 20 -> Normal Scroll =60% -> blesses scroll=75% -> Dynasty Weapon -> A lot Of Fun !! -> auto Create Account Web: http://l2venezuela.servegame.com/ Server Hosted in U.S Processador: CORE i7 Sistema Operacional: Windows 2003 Server R2 - Standard Edition Memoria: 8 GB Ip: 5 Ips Trafic: unlimited Internet: 100MB/s
  13. new website www.l2-extinction.com.nu
  14. New Update Keep Justo One Armor and One Weapon Working in Another Webpage!
  15. What we have on the server. Protections against PHX - (Especially against OverEnchant). Flood Protector fully configurable. L2Walker Protection. Retail Potions (can be used along with portions Skills and Scrolls). Retail Doors ClanHall (or confirmation before opening Feichi) Retail Olympiad (Operation = the L2OFF) Retail Bluff (Effect = L2Off) Retail Weight (weight of bag-controlled CON) Newbie Tutorial. Added many Custons (folder config / custom /) Banking System. ClanHall Sieges (Bandit Stronghold, Beast Farm, Devastated Castle, Fortress of Resistance, FortressofTheDead). Remote Master Classes eg (leveling to level 20 a window appears to choose their class). All events updated (TVT, CTF and DM Event). Mod PVP and PK Color / Reward. Auto Annoucements. What we have in the Server Armor Dynasty, Epic Dark Knight, Titanium Jewelry Boss Special Cloaks Weapon Dynasty, Icarus, Epic, Dual AIO Tickets Ornamental Baeder NPCs Custom Shop NPC, GM SHOP, NPC Buffer, Argument NPC, NPC Ranking Webpage:l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  16. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Demoniac Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: http://www.l2extinction.tk/
  17. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Enchants: 85 % For All Easy Farm To get Your Custom Amor and Weapon Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Mob's Weapon's Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: www.l2extinction.tk
  18. -.- everyone !
  19. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Enchants: 85 % For All Easy Farm To get Your Custom Amor and Weapon Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Mob's Weapon's Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: www.l2extinction.tk
  20. Now Is Online Again !
  21. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Enchants: 85 % For All Easy Farm To get Your Custom Amor and Weapon Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Demoniac Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  22. Of course, the link is Fine man !
  23. Yeah ! and enchant rate is 85 %
  24. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Enchants: 85 % For All Easy Farm To get Your Custom Amor and Weapon Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Demoniac Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: l2extinctionpvp.es.tl
  25. Server Rate RateXp = 10000. RateSp = 10000. RatePartyXp = 2. RatePartySp = 2. RateDropAdena = 20000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 20. RateDropSpoil = 10. RateDropManor = 1 Safe = +10 Max = +35 Armor Titanium Joyas Boss Especial, Cloaks, Tattoos, Epic Mask, demon mask etc... Weapon Demoniac Feactures Custom Pvp and PK Color TvT Event ! Web: http://www.l2extinctionpvp.es.tl/Home.htm
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