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About DrRePLaY

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  1. very very nice :)
  2. geia sas exw ena provlima me to mysql mou... otan paw na kanw execute tikarei to prepare configuration kai to write configuration file kai meta kolaei kai m leei dn antapokrinete.. gt ginetai auto???
  3. geia sas exw ena provlima me to mysql mou... otan paw na kanw execute tikarei to prepare configuration kai to write configuration file kai meta kolaei kai m leei dn antapokrinete.. gt ginetai auto???
  4. i have all ready done this simmo... but when i check my ports for l2 are offline :S gameover i know this site clever boy but nothing helped me !
  5. geia sas tha ithela na vrw mia buffer me screme exw psaksei pantou alla tpt help! (l2j interlude!)
  6. hello!... i want some help to open my ports... i got gennet oxygen router and i cant open my ports... when i try to see if my ports are on or offiline it give me offline!!
  7. C00l :D nic share !!!
  8. geia sas guys eimai edo opws vlepete kai thelo ligo help...!! Thelo ena l2Jfree pack epsaxna epsaxna alla tpt :/ ...Episeis thelo ena Guide me photo i video an einai dunaton Plz Help..!!!!!!!! ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
  9. NiCe MaN ThnX Me evgaLEs Apo tOn KoPo Na PSaXno xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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