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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. go create your sig i just fisnished mine and i w8 yours to post
  2. anyway he aprooved and still in battle. waiting for other judges Raule want to judge :P ?
  3. question xTheViolator .....
  4. i agree 100% but he wanted.... thnx for participating
  5. So i will please MD - Sofaki - Goddess be the judges if someone of them dont agree make a post to tell to another. Theme: Game Characters Text: Up to you End time: I will anounce this when judges reply (Please Judges make a post that agree) thnx kobeshoot: xTheViolator:
  6. so you want flame? make a topic with gfx batlle with me and we talk ;) (afraid or? ;) )
  7. im not gonna continue this fight with a NEWBIE :)
  8. wtf with you? you are the pro? come on make us an awful sig his sigs is way better than yours so shut up!
  9. if you continue doing these you will be full of newbie sigs xD
  10. 1)Rate 6/10 2)tell me how to improve: when you add the render hold down shift 3)tell me what you like: the bg is the best part in the sig 4)what dont you like: fix the render 5)DONT TELL ME TO READ TUTORIALS i am already doing it: Don't Do it fedon
  11. Hello MxC here is my newest sig theme = transformers text = KB If you want psd pm me because i see that these days all are suspects in ripping..
  12. bro i love your gfx abilities but i dont like these styles T_T sorry.
  13. karma abused. -Reported LOOK HIS POSTS!
  14. gogo read more tuts you are becoming better
  15. I'll give a try maybe later..
  16. I thought it was my best i love it :(
  17. http://i39.tinypic.com/358zcxu.png
  18. Rate - COmment my signature down :) V1 v2 (added colour balance)
  19. is this contest still working?
  20. bumb! w8ing guys noone can make one crest?
  21. Hello MxC how about this sig?
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