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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. why you destroy the topic?
  2. Preview : Prices Via PayPal: css/html:10 Euro php: 20 euro PM ME FOR MORE INFOS OR FOR THE TRADE P.S1: You won't purchase the 1st preview edition you will purchase an edition with no Protections P.S2: Im Really honestly not a scammer HF
  3. If you want a balanced server join l2 tns and my clan ^^ more infos -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=171516.0
  4. offtopic: im msn
  5. We are currently playing l2 tns ceriel server x100 (enter lvl 85) The Client used is freya. safe 5 max 20 75% success
  6. learn epilogue via freya jeez >.<
  7. Since DS went in epilogue and im paying freya :D i created my own clan :) Some infos about the clan: We are currently playing l2 tns ceriel server x100 (enter lvl 85) The Client used is freya... server's site: http://l2tns.com/ Server community: 400 at the morning 800 at nights The Crew: Leader: Moreno aka DieMachinee (me) SubLeader: JoshMercury 2nd SubLeader Zoe 3rd Subleader - 4th Subleader - 5th Subleader - 6th SubLeader - Members: Recruiting... How to apply? Visit our clans forum and make an application: Make Application Here! In order to make an application you should check the server - be active and have a good gear.... Im Currently looking for 3 Sub leader experienced in the game and active P.S: We are going 4-6 raids per day for clan skills and PvP ~Friendly Itachi
  8. HELL NO!
  9. like rampage soon?:P
  10. My fav and btw whats that project?
  11. Just look at ds crest DW xD i loled so hard xD
  12. Im in
  13. ofc he is not the chosen on is Macintair :D
  14. failest comment ever
  15. I will logging later 2night /care
  16. Having nothing more to do so i will apply too noob xD Real Name : Giorgos Ingame Name : Not in yet Age : 16 Class : Not in yet Subclasses : Not in yet Previous clans u were into : Havoc - Scumbags etc etc etc The reason why u want to join our team : To brake your ballz The reason why we should accept you : dont know.. in msn for more infos xD
  17. I hope that the noobs that still playing interlude(Anya) will finally leave this shit :D
  18. Well me and one friend join yesterday l2tns which has been updated to Freya we saw new cool staff like 3 attributes in armors and 4 in weapon (not sure about the weapons) also the new skills are just amazing and the new glossy armors (3 new :P Vorpal - Elegia and another one don't remember XD) makes the game-play fun to play. My opinion is that the new client will be a great addon to the l2 empire. So what you think about the new client will be better than the previous will be better than Interlude will be ok just tell me your thoughts. ~Itachi friendly
  19. How you made these effects? can i have psd ? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  20. and you need to stop spam Btw thnx for your replies All appreciated
  21. @K4rMaArr0ws But sometimes if you see a clan w/o crest you will probably say that its underdevelopment or something like that..
  22. lol thank you ;D Appreciated if you face an problem or have any question feel free to pm me ;)
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