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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. Just doin' my job! BTW It's good to see another greek trying to use photoshop :P
  2. I think I get you now! Well,adjust the direction of the gradient and put blending mode to overlay or decrease the opacity and everything will look just fine ;) *Note:Gradient must be black/white to have this result :P
  3. Right click on the desired layer and some options will be appeared.Click the "Blending Options" one and a window will pop up!Find the "Gradient Overlay" option and play with the settings!
  4. It's kinda funny but it's easy meng!I mean,it's not that hard to create the snowballs and the rest can be done by my bro too.
  5. Or just use a gradient map throught FX or layer's blending options. This will make it much easier.
  6. That's the way an april foolsday prank should be :P
  7. Aπό την buffer λέω.Επίσης θα έπρεπε να κάνεις πιο επεξηγηματικό τον τρόπο με τον οποίο παίζει ο Doombringer! Όταν βρεις χρόνο πάντα!
  8. Agree.Go go rozdex's topic!
  9. Better than your old ones for sure. keep it up with that style!
  10. Φτιάξε τα buffs όμως!Ίσως η μπάρα να βοήθαγε κιόλας!
  11. I mean,they even have prices and features ready!Oh meng it's gonna be harsh if so! And believe me,it's way more serious than raule's banishment <3 :P
  12. In fact,they seem to be quite organized for a "joke"!=S
  13. Φίλε ωραίος οδηγός και εκτίμω το χρόνο σου αλλά υπάρχουν λαθάκια τα οποία πρέπει να αποδεχτείς και φτιάξεις!
  14. Somebody got punk'd!BTW why posting it twice?
  15. Do you mean that it would be good to delete the inactive sections? Have to agree.
  16. Theme:Devil Jin Text:MasterDisaster Sub-Text:Death from Above
  17. Well he told us that the purpose of this code was learning,means that he made it 'coz Erol would be tought by that!
  18. And I am happy 'coz I help'd on that! BTW You are damn right!
  19. In that case you are right.For example if it was a skill bots would be useless :P
  20. I will set the following example in order to make it as much representative as possible: I am a leader of a clan and I have a siege today!The siege is really easy 'coz the opponent clan is inactive/noobish! I make a bunch of bots,invite them in the clan and leave them online somewhere hidden.Once I'll win the siege they will all get awarded and I will have a bugged award!
  21. Κοίτα τα sizes εξαρτόνται από το τι σου αρέσει εσένα. Τα πιο συχνά είναι: 400x200 400x350 380x150 Για άβαταρς: 100x100 150x150 200x200(max) 75x75 Έλα μην το παρακάνεις!Google it!
  22. Eίδες τι μαθαίνει κανείς?Επίσης μπορεί να δημιουργήσει και πρόβλημα στο photoshop όπως το να crashάρει απότομα!
  23. @Vorfin: Θα μπορούσες να κάνεις αναζήτηση ξέρεις.
  24. Λάθος τομέας.Anyway,πήγαινε στο photoshop στο brush tool!Eκεί που σου δείχνει όλα τα brushes που έχεις έχει ένα κουμπάκι.Πάτα το και κάπου λέει "Load Brushes"! Σε περίπτωση που δεν το κατάλαβες μίλα στο μσν! Ναι αλλά όταν το κλείσεις και μετά το ξανανοίξεις δεν θα υπάρχουν!
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