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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. Kinda failed stroke attempt.I would stroke it for you but it won't be animated so QQ!
  2. I ain't pro.I am MasterDisaster.
  3. You are a total idiot ahahahaha. Ctrl+a => 1px stroke!
  4. V2 has no stroke ffs hahahaha!
  5. ες γιού εξ!
  6. Έχω λίστα με 100 ταλέντα έτοιμα να αποδώσουν στο 100% αλλά ρίαλ λάιφ.Να σου γράψω μερικές εγγυήσεις που αξίζουν ακόμα και σε φίφα και προ?
  7. Stroke it dummy.
  8. Και δεν είναι ακόμα στο 100%!
  9. Delete or get ready to feel ma rage.
  10. Ρε,όταν οι άλλοι έχουν κόμπλεξ που δεν "ΈΙΧΑΝ-ΈΧΟΥΝ-ΚΑΙ ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΈΧΟΥΝ" τέτοιος παίκτες αυτά γίνονται.Και δε μιλάω μόνο για Ριέρα!
  11. άουτς Α ρε πρασινοφρουροί όλοι σας,με τα πρασινο-μαυρο-κίτρινα γυαλιά. . .Τι ζωάρες είστε ώρες ώρες δε λέγεται.
  12. read it once more.
  13. FIX the post ffs.
  14. Όπα ρε μπαγλαμά εσύ!
  15. Δηλαδή?
  16. Then I'd suggest you to get PES from trackers or warez webs 'coz you CAN'T MISS CREATION CENTRE OF FIFA!
  17. FIFA was shit and PES was far better.All that till FIFA 08 @ PS3 version.Then EA Sports Canada made up their minds and moved on next generation like PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. It was a good effort.FIFA 09 was even better and FIFA 10 was the first game to bring the 360 degrees revolution.FIFA World Cup 2010:South Africa still is the most completed football simulation game on the gameplay side and FIFA 11 is going to rock the shit out of you.
  18. Bullshit.FIFA got much better reviews and critics from funs or officials. You also have to know that it's only Greece where PES' sales were higher than FIFA's ones.However,that difference stopped last year when fifa almost kicked PES' ass. I played both FIFA and PES 11 and I have to say that I was impressed from FIFA and totally depressed from PES.It actually brought me headache. FIFA had some minor but annoying bugs on demo.Hope that they will be fixed for good. FIFA's ownage noobs.
  19. Ρε μαλακισμένο θα συζητήσεις σαν άνθρωπος μια φορά?
  20. Νο need for them to take into deep consideration what I say and no need for me to take into deep consideration what you think about our statements.I can say whatever I want to,whenever I want to.Elsewhere,vote for Papadopoulos' grandsons.
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