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Ave last won the day on September 14 2024

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About Ave

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    Come on, give it to me...

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  1. Another project for epic server! Thank You for using my support guys!
  2. ONLY TILL END OF THIS YEAR get Yourself UPDATER + LOGO (- 65%!) for 70 euro IN TOTAL! PROMO CODE ONLY FOR MXC USERS: EndOf2024 Support Your server, promote with high quality designs and message me at: - Discord: ave7309 - Skype: mrave20 Take care, Ave
  3. Another EPIC PROJECT - L2Eigis. LAUNCHER / UPDATER for new season! Thank You for using my support guys
  4. LOGO + LAUNCHER. Thank You for using my support!
  5. I already explain it to You - I can finish the job, send You the files, or if You don't like that, I can refund 50%, because I did start the work. The flood made it impossible for me to deliver on time, but I did start the work. You asking me to send You 150% of Your payment. That's not possible. Flood wasn't by my doing, I'm not guilty here. I'm trying to be reasonable with You - deliverying the files (You are not willing to send me missing details for updater) or refunding 50%. Telling me to shup to, calling me an idiot and sending threats won't speed anything up. GOT BACK TO WORK! Deliverying past commissions, taking new ones! CASE RESOLVED AND CLOSED - files were delivered. Thank You for using my support and sorry for such long delivery. @Celestine
  6. As I informed You - and Celestine, my city got flooded. I will be finishing all the works asap. Please understand.
  7. Go, go guys, only few days left
  8. ANOTHER LOGO DESIGN FOR ANOTHER EPIC PROJECT Thank You for using my support
  9. Another EPIC CUSTOM UPDATER for upcoming project. Want one? Need one? Contact me at: - Discord: ave7309 - Skype: mrave20
  10. Contact me on Discord or Skype: https://maxcheaters.com/topic/243848-⚜-custom-updater-launcher-⚜/
  11. Unsimple, do Your customer knows, You simply stole logo that was made by me for other project? You simply changed the name: My design for the original project: It was made by me in vector, I have all the files. I know how this community works - with leaks and leeches, but the fact You did such thing for 4,5k work is the lowest lows I've seen here. I wont judge or speak about other stuff from this dispute, it's not my business and I'm not an admin. I always liked Your work, but I wouldn't do such thing for 45 euro project, not speaking 4,5k euro project. Such a shame. @Sayhas
  12. ANOTHER LOGO DESIGN FOR ANOTHER EPIC PROJECT Thank You for using my support
  13. Haven't I done 2 launchers for You before...? For Imbadon project I mean. If I did, why would I be a scammer and why would I scamm You, huh? Anyway, send me message on Discord or Skype. You paid with PayPal or credit card? I'm 100% sure it was resolved, like always if I don't deliver. Send me a messge - from account on Discord or Skype, where You have post the conversation - in Your previous post. I've checked Your account name "elison" on my Discord - You are not on my contact list and You are not on a blocked list. Waiting for Your message.
  14. For upcoming changes, You should consider making those 3 tabs (or whatever more You will have with new games) more visible and standing out, because right it looks like all topics hidden under those 3 tabs.
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