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Everything posted by sakisd

  1. i am not sure about this before you can make a multisell you must go to Mutisell.java find this : case -200: // Clan Reputation Score add above case -200 case 65436 //pcbang points and then fix the multisell like that <item id="1"> <ingredient id="65436" count="as many as you want " /> <production id="3439" count="1" /> </item> But i say again i am not sure about this plz someone correct me if i am wrong!!!!!!!
  2. dokimase na xanaperaseis ta npc i alliws kane update sto leei o gameserver
  3. bigboss sorry that i ask but you have any news about this errors????
  4. trye this one http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=138561.0
  5. hi guys i trye to fix dual tofa for gracia epilogue but i get error when i trye to encrypt file i search forum i found a post that someone has the same problem but they dont post the solution can any one help me ?? 0 99999 1 1 6 1 0 LineageWeapons.apprentices_spellbook_m00_wp LineageWeapons.apprentices_spellbook_m00_wp LineageWeaponsTex.apprentices_spellbook_t00_wp LineageWeaponsTex.apprentices_spellbook_t00_wp 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00 icon.weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 icon.weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 -1 693 51 0 0 0 1 7 3 2 LineageWeapons.apprentices_spellbook_m00_wp LineageWeapons.apprentices_spellbook_m00_wp 1 1 2 LineageWeaponsTex.apprentices_spellbook_t00_wp LineageWeaponsTex.apprentices_spellbook_t00_wp 4 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8 ItemSound.sword_great_4 ItemSound.sword_mid_2 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4 ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword 10 236 99 8 3 8 0 0 0 0 325 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 5.00000000 -0.50000000 0.00000000 5.00000000 -0.50000000 0.00000000 0.60000002 0.60000002 0.60000002 0.60000002 LineageWeapons.rangesample LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.20000005 0.69999999 0.69999999 1.20000005 0.69999999 0.69999999 13.00000000 -0.50000000 0.00000000 13.00000000 -0.50000000 0.00000000 4 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 this is my weapongrp but i am getting an error
  6. hmmm now i have a error when someone create new char : deleteMe() java.lang.NullPointerException at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.deleteMe(L 2PcInstance.java:11762) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.logout(L2P cInstance.java:1472) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.logout(L2P cInstance.java:1458) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.CharacterCreate.initNe wChar(CharacterCreate.java:297) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.CharacterCreate.runImp l(CharacterCreate.java:184) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run (L2GameClientPacket.java:93) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) a liltle bit of help ????
  7. guys i think i find the problem every char that log in game 1 st time must use .killstreak command and write the killstreak he want if he use it and he log out you dont have any error if he dont then you get the error because he dont write his killstreak if you see ta datatable killstreak have 3 colum killstreak 1,2,3 i belive that this : (268480346,** NOT SPECIFIED **,** NOT SPECIFIED **,** NOT SPECIFIED **): is killstreak 1, killstreak2 killstreak 3.
  8. hi all exw auto to scriptaki gia na kanoun oi caln leader antalagh festival adena me reputation points import sys from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SystemMessage qn = "9995_ReputationManager" #NPC BRICE = 9995 #ITEMS EUROS = 6673 #HTML HTMLEXPLAIN = "<html><body>Brice:<BR>Wow ! You have some Event Coins for me ? You can exchange them for Clan Reputation points. But be careful, I'll take 3 Coins, 3 for 5000 Clan Reputation Points. Do you really want to continue ?<BR><a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9995_ReputationManager 1\">Yes, I need Clan Reputation points</a></body></html>" HTMLNOLEADER = "<html><body>Brice:<BR>Hey, you're not a clan leader at all. Go away from me, liar !</body></html>" HTMLCLANLVL = "<html><body>Brice:<BR>Hum, it seems your clan is not strong enough to receive my benediction. Come back when your clan level is lv5.</body></html>" HTMLNOGOLD = "<html><body>Brice:<BR>What do you want to do ? Do you want to receive my benediction for free ? Bring me back some Coins, and maybe, I will trade with you.</body></html>" HTMLOK = "<html><body>Brice:<BR>Thanks to you for this present, I give you Clan Reputation Points. Please, come again if you have any Coins to exchange.</body></html>" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr) : JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent (self,event,st) : htmltext = "<html><body>I have no task right for you now.</body></html>" if event == "1" : if st.getPlayer().getClan() == None or st.getPlayer().isClanLeader() == 0 : # player is not in clan or is not clan leader htmltext = HTMLNOLEADER st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext else : if st.getPlayer().getClan().getLevel() < 5 : # player's clan is under lv5 htmltext = HTMLCLANLVL st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext else : if st.getQuestItemsCount(EUROS) == 3: # player have some EUROS, the script take all of them st.getPlayer().sendPacket(SystemMessage(1777).addNumber( st.getQuestItemsCount(EUROS)+ 5000 )) st.getPlayer().getClan().setReputationScore( st.getPlayer().getClan().getReputationScore() + st.getQuestItemsCount(EUROS)+ 5000 , True) st.takeItems(EUROS, st.getQuestItemsCount(EUROS)) htmltext = HTMLOK st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext else : # player haven't EUROS htmltext = HTMLNOGOLD st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext return htmltext def onTalk(self,npc,player) : st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return "<html><body>I have nothing to say to you.</body></html>" npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId == BRICE : # first click, default script text after the first in /html/default/ folder st.set("cond","0") htmltext = HTMLEXPLAIN return htmltext QUEST = Quest(9995,qn,"ReputationManager") QUEST.addStartNpc(BRICE) QUEST.addTalkId(BRICE) alla otan milaw sto npc exw auto sto gameserver console : File "__init__.py", line 46, in onEvent AttributeError: setReputationScore at org.python.core.Py.AttributeError(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyInstance.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.python.pycode.serializable._pyx1280312495656.onEvent$3(__init__.p y:46) at org.python.pycode.serializable._pyx1280312495656.call_function(__init __.py) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject._jcallexc(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyObject._jcall(Unknown Source) at org.python.proxies.main$Quest$427.onEvent(Unknown Source) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.onAdvEvent(Quest.java:674) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.notifyEvent(Quest.java:405 ) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.processQue stEvent(L2PcInstance.java:1823) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer. runImpl(RequestBypassToServer.java:238) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run (L2GameClientPacket.java:93) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Mporei Kaneis na helparei???
  9. ok but i use l2j server and i have the same error with the guy that he use l2jfree
  10. i have only 1 error when a player log out server i have this error : com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement@1e9346: INSERT INTO killstreak_data VALUES (268480346,** NOT SPECIFIED **,** NOT SPECIFIED **,** NOT SPECIFIED **) L2PcInstanceData.onExit(): Culdnt save killstreak data. java.sql.SQLException: No value specified for parameter 2 at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1075) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:989) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:984) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:929) at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.checkAllParametersSet(PreparedStatem ent.java:2549) at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.fillSendPacket(PreparedStatement.jav a:2525) at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.fillSendPacket(PreparedStatement.jav a:2451) at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute(PreparedStatement.java:1303) at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyPreparedStatement.execute(NewProxyPr eparedStatement.java:989) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.instancestore.L2PcInsta nceData.onExit(L2PcInstanceData.java:129) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.deleteMe(L 2PcInstance.java:11762) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.logout(L2P cInstance.java:1472) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.logout(L2P cInstance.java:1458) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestRestart.runImpl (RequestRestart.java:124) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run (L2GameClientPacket.java:93) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) any fix for this????
  11. ok to problima li8ike exa kanei kapio la8os sto AbstractNpcInfo.java ty for help kapios na to kanei lock!!!! ty
  12. auto peresa teleuteo kai meta eginan etsi ta npc 1. Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/datatables/FakePcsTable.java 2. =================================================================== 3. --- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/datatables/FakePcsTable.java (revision 0) 4. +++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/datatables/FakePcsTable.java (revision 0) 5. @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ 6. +package com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables; 7. + 8. +import java.sql.Connection; 9. +import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 10. +import java.sql.ResultSet; 11. +import java.sql.SQLException; 12. +import java.util.logging.Logger; 13. + 14. +import javolution.util.FastMap; 15. + 16. +import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory; 17. +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.FakePc; 18. + 19. +/** 20. + * 21. + * @author BiTi 22. + */ 23. +public class FakePcsTable 24. +{ 25. + /** The logger<br> */ 26. + private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(FakePcsTable.class.getName()); 27. + 28. + private FastMap<Integer, FakePc> _fakePcs = new FastMap<Integer, FakePc>(); 29. + 30. + private FakePcsTable() 31. + { 32. + Connection con = null; 33. + 34. + try 35. + { 36. + con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); 37. + 38. + PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM `fake_pcs`"); 39. + ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(); 40. + 41. + FakePc fpc = null; 42. + 43. + while (rset.next()) 44. + { 45. + fpc = new FakePc(); 46. + 47. + int npcId = rset.getInt("npc_id"); 48. + fpc.race = rset.getInt("race"); 49. + fpc.sex = rset.getInt("sex"); 50. + fpc.clazz = rset.getInt("class"); 51. + fpc.title = rset.getString("title"); 52. + fpc.titleColor = rset.getInt("title_color"); 53. + fpc.name = rset.getString("name"); 54. + fpc.nameColor = rset.getInt("name_color"); 55. + fpc.hairStyle = rset.getInt("hair_style"); 56. + fpc.hairColor = rset.getInt("hair_color"); 57. + fpc.face = rset.getInt("face"); 58. + fpc.mount = rset.getByte("mount"); 59. + fpc.team = rset.getByte("team"); 60. + fpc.hero = rset.getByte("hero"); 61. + fpc.pdUnder = rset.getInt("pd_under"); 62. + fpc.pdUnderAug = rset.getInt("pd_under_aug"); 63. + fpc.pdHead = rset.getInt("pd_head"); 64. + fpc.pdHeadAug = rset.getInt("pd_head_aug"); 65. + fpc.pdRHand = rset.getInt("pd_rhand"); 66. + fpc.pdRHandAug = rset.getInt("pd_rhand_aug"); 67. + fpc.pdLHand = rset.getInt("pd_lhand"); 68. + fpc.pdLHandAug = rset.getInt("pd_lhand_aug"); 69. + fpc.pdGloves = rset.getInt("pd_gloves"); 70. + fpc.pdGlovesAug = rset.getInt("pd_gloves_aug"); 71. + fpc.pdChest = rset.getInt("pd_chest"); 72. + fpc.pdChestAug = rset.getInt("pd_chest_aug"); 73. + fpc.pdLegs = rset.getInt("pd_legs"); 74. + fpc.pdLegsAug = rset.getInt("pd_legs_aug"); 75. + fpc.pdFeet = rset.getInt("pd_feet"); 76. + fpc.pdFeetAug = rset.getInt("pd_feet_aug"); 77. + fpc.pdBack = rset.getInt("pd_back"); 78. + fpc.pdBackAug = rset.getInt("pd_back_aug"); 79. + fpc.pdLRHand = rset.getInt("pd_lrhand"); 80. + fpc.pdLRHandAug = rset.getInt("pd_lrhand_aug"); 81. + fpc.pdHair = rset.getInt("pd_hair"); 82. + fpc.pdHairAug = rset.getInt("pd_hair_aug"); 83. + fpc.pdHair2 = rset.getInt("pd_hair2"); 84. + fpc.pdHair2Aug = rset.getInt("pd_hair2_aug"); 85. + fpc.pdRBracelet = rset.getInt("pd_rbracelet"); 86. + fpc.pdRBraceletAug = rset.getInt("pd_rbracelet_aug"); 87. + fpc.pdLBracelet = rset.getInt("pd_lbracelet"); 88. + fpc.pdLBraceletAug = rset.getInt("pd_lbracelet_aug"); 89. + fpc.pdDeco1 = rset.getInt("pd_deco1"); 90. + fpc.pdDeco1Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco1_aug"); 91. + fpc.pdDeco2 = rset.getInt("pd_deco2"); 92. + fpc.pdDeco2Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco2_aug"); 93. + fpc.pdDeco3 = rset.getInt("pd_deco3"); 94. + fpc.pdDeco3Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco3_aug"); 95. + fpc.pdDeco4 = rset.getInt("pd_deco4"); 96. + fpc.pdDeco4Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco4_aug"); 97. + fpc.pdDeco5 = rset.getInt("pd_deco5"); 98. + fpc.pdDeco5Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco5_aug"); 99. + fpc.pdDeco6 = rset.getInt("pd_deco6"); 100. + fpc.pdDeco6Aug = rset.getInt("pd_deco6_aug"); 101. + fpc.enchantEffect = rset.getByte("enchant_effect"); 102. + fpc.pvpFlag = rset.getInt("pvp_flag"); 103. + fpc.karma = rset.getInt("karma"); 104. + fpc.fishing = rset.getByte("fishing"); 105. + fpc.fishingX = rset.getInt("fishing_x"); 106. + fpc.fishingY = rset.getInt("fishing_y"); 107. + fpc.fishingZ = rset.getInt("fishing_z"); 108. + fpc.invisible = rset.getByte("invisible"); 109. + _fakePcs.put(npcId, fpc); 110. + } 111. + 112. + rset.close(); 113. + stmt.close(); 114. + } 115. + catch (SQLException e) 116. + { 117. + _log.warning("AccessFakePcsTable: Error loading from database:"); 118. + } 119. + finally 120. + { 121. + try 122. + { 123. + con.close(); 124. + } 125. + catch (Exception e) 126. + { 127. + 128. + } 129. + } 130. + } 131. + 132. + public FakePc getFakePc(int npcId) 133. + { 134. + return _fakePcs.get(npcId); 135. + } 136. + 137. + public static FakePcsTable getInstance() 138. + { 139. + return SingletonHolder._instance; 140. + } 141. + 142. + @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") 143. + private static class SingletonHolder 144. + { 145. + protected static final FakePcsTable _instance = new FakePcsTable(); 146. + } 147. +} 148. Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/FakePc.java 149. =================================================================== 150. --- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/FakePc.java (revision 0) 151. +++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/FakePc.java (revision 0) 152. @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ 153. +package com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor; 154. + 155. +public class FakePc 156. +{ 157. + public int race; 158. + public int sex; 159. + public int clazz; 160. + public String title; 161. + public int titleColor; 162. + public String name; 163. + public int nameColor; 164. + public int hairStyle; 165. + public int hairColor; 166. + public int face; 167. + public byte mount; 168. + public byte team; 169. + public byte hero; 170. + public int pdUnder; 171. + public int pdUnderAug; 172. + public int pdHead; 173. + public int pdHeadAug; 174. + public int pdRHand; 175. + public int pdRHandAug; 176. + public int pdLHand; 177. + public int pdLHandAug; 178. + public int pdGloves; 179. + public int pdGlovesAug; 180. + public int pdChest; 181. + public int pdChestAug; 182. + public int pdLegs; 183. + public int pdLegsAug; 184. + public int pdFeet; 185. + public int pdFeetAug; 186. + public int pdBack; 187. + public int pdBackAug; 188. + public int pdLRHand; 189. + public int pdLRHandAug; 190. + public int pdHair; 191. + public int pdHairAug; 192. + public int pdHair2; 193. + public int pdHair2Aug; 194. + public int pdRBracelet; 195. + public int pdRBraceletAug; 196. + public int pdLBracelet; 197. + public int pdLBraceletAug; 198. + public int pdDeco1; 199. + public int pdDeco1Aug; 200. + public int pdDeco2; 201. + public int pdDeco2Aug; 202. + public int pdDeco3; 203. + public int pdDeco3Aug; 204. + public int pdDeco4; 205. + public int pdDeco4Aug; 206. + public int pdDeco5; 207. + public int pdDeco5Aug; 208. + public int pdDeco6; 209. + public int pdDeco6Aug; 210. + public byte enchantEffect; 211. + public int pvpFlag; 212. + public int karma; 213. + public byte fishing; 214. + public int fishingX; 215. + public int fishingY; 216. + public int fishingZ; 217. + public byte invisible; 218. +} 219. Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java 220. =================================================================== 221. --- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java (revision 3836) 222. +++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java (working copy) 223. @@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ 224. package com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets; 225. 226. import com.l2jserver.Config; 227. +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable; 228. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ClanTable; 229. +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.FakePcsTable; 230. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; 231. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.TownManager; 232. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Clan; 233. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Transformation; 234. +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.FakePc; 235. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; 236. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Decoy; 237. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; 238. @@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ 239. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; 240. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.Inventory; 241. import com.l2jserver.gameserver.skills.AbnormalEffect; 242. +import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.chars.L2PcTemplate; 243. 244. /** 245. * This class ... 246. @@ -143,60 +147,225 @@ 247. @Override 248. protected void writeImpl() 249. { 250. - writeC(0x0c); 251. - writeD(_npc.getObjectId()); 252. - writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id 253. - writeD(_isAttackable ? 1 : 0); 254. - writeD(_x); 255. - writeD(_y); 256. - writeD(_z); 257. - writeD(_heading); 258. - writeD(0x00); 259. - writeD(_mAtkSpd); 260. - writeD(_pAtkSpd); 261. - writeD(_runSpd); 262. - writeD(_walkSpd); 263. - writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed 264. - writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed 265. - writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed 266. - writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed 267. - writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed 268. - writeD(_walkSpd); // fly run speed 269. - writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); 270. - writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); 271. - writeF(_collisionRadius); 272. - writeF(_collisionHeight); 273. - writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon 274. - writeD(_chest); 275. - writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon 276. - writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? 277. - writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); 278. - writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); 279. - writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); 280. - writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned 281. - writeS(_name); 282. - writeS(_title); 283. - writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default 284. - writeD(0x00); //pvp flag 285. - writeD(0x00); // karma 286. - 287. - writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 288. - writeD(_clanId); //clan id 289. - writeD(_clanCrest); //crest id 290. - writeD(_allyId); // ally id 291. - writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest 292. - writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2 293. - writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client 294. - 295. - writeF(_collisionRadius); 296. - writeF(_collisionHeight); 297. - writeD(_enchantEffect); // C4 298. - writeD(_npc.isFlying() ? 1 : 0); // C6 299. - writeD(0x00); 300. - writeD(0x00);// CT1.5 Pet form and skills 301. - writeC(0x01); 302. - writeC(0x01); 303. - writeD(_npc.getSpecialEffect()); 304. + FakePc fpc = FakePcsTable.getInstance().getFakePc(_npc.getNpcId()); 305. + if (fpc != null) 306. + { 307. + writeC(0x31); 308. + writeD(_x); 309. + writeD(_y); 310. + writeD(_z); 311. + writeD(0x00); 312. + writeD(_npc.getObjectId()); 313. + writeS(fpc.name); 314. + writeD(fpc.race); 315. + writeD(fpc.sex); 316. + writeD(fpc.clazz); 317. + 318. + writeD(fpc.pdUnder); 319. + writeD(fpc.pdHead); 320. + writeD(fpc.pdRHand); 321. + writeD(fpc.pdLHand); 322. + writeD(fpc.pdGloves); 323. + writeD(fpc.pdChest); 324. + writeD(fpc.pdLegs); 325. + writeD(fpc.pdFeet); 326. + writeD(fpc.pdBack); 327. + writeD(fpc.pdLRHand); 328. + writeD(fpc.pdHair); 329. + writeD(fpc.pdHair2); 330. + 331. + writeD(fpc.pdRBracelet); 332. + writeD(fpc.pdLBracelet); 333. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco1); 334. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco2); 335. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco3); 336. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco4); 337. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco5); 338. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco6); 339. + writeD(0x00); // belt 340. + 341. + writeD(fpc.pdUnderAug); 342. + writeD(fpc.pdHeadAug); 343. + writeD(fpc.pdRHandAug); 344. + writeD(fpc.pdLHandAug); 345. + writeD(fpc.pdGlovesAug); 346. + writeD(fpc.pdChestAug); 347. + writeD(fpc.pdLegsAug); 348. + writeD(fpc.pdFeetAug); 349. + writeD(fpc.pdBackAug); 350. + writeD(fpc.pdLRHandAug); 351. + writeD(fpc.pdHairAug); 352. + writeD(fpc.pdHair2Aug); 353. + 354. + writeD(fpc.pdRBraceletAug); 355. + writeD(fpc.pdLBraceletAug); 356. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco1Aug); 357. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco2Aug); 358. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco3); 359. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco4); 360. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco5); 361. + writeD(fpc.pdDeco6); 362. + writeD(0x00); // belt 363. + 364. + writeD(0x00); 365. + writeD(0x00); 366. + 367. + writeD(fpc.pvpFlag); 368. + writeD(fpc.karma); 369. + 370. + writeD(_mAtkSpd); 371. + writeD(_pAtkSpd); 372. + 373. + writeD(fpc.pvpFlag); 374. + writeD(fpc.karma); 375. + 376. + writeD(_runSpd); 377. + writeD(_walkSpd); 378. + writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed 379. + writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed 380. + writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed 381. + writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed 382. + writeD(_runSpd); 383. + writeD(_walkSpd); 384. + writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); // _activeChar.getProperMultiplier() 385. + writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); // _activeChar.getAttackSpeedMultiplier() 386. + 387. + // TODO: add handling of mount collision 388. + L2PcTemplate pctmpl = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(fpc.clazz); 389. + writeF(fpc.sex == 0 ? pctmpl.fCollisionRadius : pctmpl.fCollisionRadius_female); 390. + writeF(fpc.sex == 0 ? pctmpl.fCollisionHeight : pctmpl.fCollisionHeight_female); 391. + 392. + writeD(fpc.hairStyle); 393. + writeD(fpc.hairColor); 394. + writeD(fpc.face); 395. + 396. + writeS(fpc.title); 397. + 398. + writeD(0x00); // clan id 399. + writeD(0x00); // clan crest id 400. + writeD(0x00); // ally id 401. + writeD(0x00); // ally crest id 402. + // In UserInfo leader rights and siege flags, but here found nothing?? 403. + // Therefore RelationChanged packet with that info is required 404. + writeD(0); 405. + 406. + writeC(0x01); // standing = 1 sitting = 0 407. + writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); // running = 1 walking = 0 408. + writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); 409. + writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); 410. + 411. + writeC(fpc.invisible); // invisible = 1 visible =0 412. + 413. + writeC(fpc.mount); // 1 on strider 2 on wyvern 3 on Great Wolf 0 no mount 414. + writeC(0x00); // 1 - sellshop 415. + 416. + writeH(0x00); // cubic count 417. + //for (int id : allCubics) 418. + // writeH(id); 419. + 420. + writeC(0x00); // find party members 421. + 422. + writeD(0x00); // abnormal effect 423. + 424. + writeC(0x00); // isFlying() ? 2 : 0 425. + writeH(0x00); //getRecomHave(): Blue value for name (0 = white, 255 = pure blue) 426. + writeD(1000000); // getMountNpcId() + 1000000 427. + 428. + writeD(fpc.clazz); 429. + writeD(0x00); // ? 430. + writeC(fpc.enchantEffect); 431. + writeC(fpc.team); //team circle around feet 1= Blue, 2 = red 432. + 433. + writeD(0x00); // getClanCrestLargeId() 434. + writeC(0x00); // isNoble(): Symbol on char menu ctrl+I 435. + writeC(fpc.hero); // Hero Aura 436. + 437. + writeC(fpc.fishing); //0x01: Fishing Mode (Cant be undone by setting back to 0) 438. + writeD(fpc.fishingX); 439. + writeD(fpc.fishingY); 440. + writeD(fpc.fishingZ); 441. + 442. + writeD(fpc.nameColor); 443. + 444. + writeD(_heading); 445. + 446. + writeD(0x00); // pledge class 447. + writeD(0x00); // pledge type 448. + 449. + writeD(fpc.titleColor); 450. + 451. + writeD(0x00); // cursed weapon level 452. + 453. + writeD(0x00); // reputation score 454. + 455. + writeD(0x00); // transformation id 456. + 457. + writeD(0x00); // agathion id 458. + 459. + writeD(0x01); // T2 ? 460. + 461. + writeD(0x00); // special effect 462. + writeD(0x00); // ? 463. + writeD(0x00); // ? 464. + writeD(0x00); // ? 465. + } 466. + else 467. + { 468. + writeC(0x0c); 469. + writeD(_npc.getObjectId()); 470. + writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id 471. + writeD(_isAttackable ? 1 : 0); 472. + writeD(_x); 473. + writeD(_y); 474. + writeD(_z); 475. + writeD(_heading); 476. + writeD(0x00); 477. + writeD(_mAtkSpd); 478. + writeD(_pAtkSpd); 479. + writeD(_runSpd); 480. + writeD(_walkSpd); 481. + writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed 482. + writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed 483. + writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed 484. + writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed 485. + writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed 486. + writeD(_walkSpd); // fly run speed 487. + writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); 488. + writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); 489. + writeF(_collisionRadius); 490. + writeF(_collisionHeight); 491. + writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon 492. + writeD(_chest); 493. + writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon 494. + writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ?? 495. + writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); 496. + writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); 497. + writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); 498. + writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned 499. + writeS(_name); 500. + writeS(_title); 501. + writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default 502. + writeD(0x00); //pvp flag 503. + writeD(0x00); // karma 504. + 505. + writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2 506. + writeD(_clanId); //clan id 507. + writeD(_clanCrest); //crest id 508. + writeD(_allyId); // ally id 509. + writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest 510. + writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2 511. + writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client 512. + 513. + writeF(_collisionRadius); 514. + writeF(_collisionHeight); 515. + writeD(_enchantEffect); // C4 516. + writeD(_npc.isFlying() ? 1 : 0); // C6 517. + writeD(0x00); 518. + writeD(0x00);// CT1.5 Pet form and skills 519. + writeC(0x01); 520. + writeC(0x01); 521. + writeD(_npc.getSpecialEffect()); 522. + } 523. } 524. } 525.
  13. exw kanei compile l2j epilogue last revision kai dokimasa kai me clean system alla tpt auto egine meta apo kapia patch pou perasa ston server opote mallon kati exei piraxtei ston core kai den xerw ti!!!! to periergo einai oti den exw kai kanena kokkino x sto eclipse gia na to brw pou sto diatano einai!!!!!
  14. kalispera exw 1 server kai meta apo kapia patch pou perasa den mou emfanizete panw apo ta npc px: gatekepper to onoma kai to title oute to name sta mobs ss: stin db einai olla ta name apo ta npc mallon peiraxa kati ston core kai den xerw ti mporei kapios dev na mou pei pos to ftiaxnw auto??? gia na min xanakanw compile kai ftou kai apo tin arxi !!!!!! :D ty!!! :) :)
  15. bale anebasmena stat se autous pou xereis na ftiaxneis trelo p attack trelo attack speed kai trela p def kai m def baltou dex 60 polli hp kai 8a eisai gg ektos kai oi char ston server sou bgazoun trela stat tote den ginete tpt pare esy 1 bow bale super haste araxe stin farm sou kai kilare opoin pernei karma :P
  16. Big Boss Seriously YOU ROCK MAN!!!!!! I think YOU ARE ON FIRE !!!!! :D :D you make the best shares in mxc!!! TY MAN!!!
  17. re file exeis balei ston client ta systextures apo ta opla?
  18. kleise ton server sou allaxe ta stat pou 8es apo to navicat kai eisai gg
  19. briskeis to id tou mob pou 8es na tou bgaleis ta skill kai pas sto navicat sto table npc skills kai to briskeis afereis ta skill pou den 8es kai eisai gg
  20. an katalaba kala o server sou einai se allo pc kai 8es na mpeneis apo deutero diko sou sta config tou server kai tou login server4 8a baleis tin ip apo to pc pou einai o server 8a pas enarxh=>ektelesh=>8a grapseis cmd ,meta grafeis ipconfig i ip pou sou bgazei einai kai i ip pou 8a baleis sto internal sta config tou server, tou login server kai sto system sou (gia na mpeneis esy kai tin no-ip sou gia na mpenoun alloi apo to internet)
  21. pata to magiko koumpi http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=search
  22. i think it is possible to change from navicat at table armors have a colum time change it to -1 but first you have to close your server
  23. exartate apo ti allages ekanes kai pou dld ama allaxes kai core side kai db side tote 8eloun build kai ta 2
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