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Everything posted by general656

  1. re file euxaristo alla kalitera 8a fenotan apo windowsXp para apo windows2000
  2. ou realy ? i have play this server~
  3. hi
  4. hello guy
  5. good luck my friend
  6. do one bott and pt with your player and ofter bot invite and koof player and ofter do king pf pt one player with bot and ofter the bot is out of your pt and you are pt with the koof-noob Thanx
  7. This character have DC set , homu +3 , sub and nobless and some items a yeah and he is elf and 79lvl
  8. a yeah and he is with dc robe
  9. Hi men and laddys :D i sell my player to l2dragon he is 79lvl and have nobless he is to x15 dragon and you will look i sell hem 50€ thanx!
  10. where can i download hmm ... ... crime new York? i don't remember the name srry if remember somoene the name sey to me.
  11. hello world! :P
  12. te paidia edw einai to eliniko i to akgliko ti milousate agklika??!
  13. ko nikos edwse 7 euro kai xerete axaxax
  14. Request unban Bikso96 bannedun ban and say me what i do.
  15. ela bikso geraaa
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=47217.0
  17. I pio palia ka i deuteri pio palia ine off
  18. pianune re file pianune ektos aptin pio palia version
  19. bikso edw giati banm 5 meres re pedia?
  20. ama kleei kapoios gia gomena tote ase ase
  21. SOBARA EISTAI OLOI POLH XAZI!!TI EI8ELA KAI MPIKA STO MAX CHEATERS RE ELEOS RE ELEOS!!kalitera na mekanis ban o ADMIN para na blepw oles autes tis malakies!!
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