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Posts posted by Sighed

  1. On 5/16/2020 at 5:27 AM, etherian said:

    got vs 2005
    but extender-h5 
    the solution must be open with

    Visual Studio 14
    VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
    MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
    so is vs 2015 ?
    and minimal is vs 2010 ?
    im bit dizzy 

    You can use VS 2015 IDE, but you need to compile it with 2005 platform toolset. So basically you have all the good stuff  that come with new IDEs, but you tell the compiler to use older VS2005 compiler and linker rules.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/9/2019 at 4:21 PM, steve said:

    Hello, i need help with this code, i decide to create this AI,  All works good, except, when chaos start walk myself::AddMoveToDesire( 95904, -110652, -3344, 5000 );

    the character starts follow him on camera action, my question is, exists any method to paralyze character or something???


    can anyone help me? thanks


    class 1 doctor_chaos1 : citizen
      int     social = 1;
      EventHandler TALKED( i0, i1, quest_id, talker )
        if( myself::GetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1 ) < 0 )
          myself::ShowPage( talker, "doctor_chaos_01.htm" );
          myself::SetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1, 1 );
        if( myself::GetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1 ) == 0 )
          myself::ShowPage( talker, "doctor_chaos_01.htm" );
          myself::SetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1, 1 );
        if( myself::GetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1 ) == 1 )
          myself::Say( "How dare you trespass into my territory! Have you no fear?" );
          myself::ShowPage( talker, "doctor_chaos_02.htm" );
          myself::SetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1, 2 );
        if( myself::GetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1 ) == 2 )
          myself::ShowPage( talker, "doctor_chaos_03.htm" );
          myself::SetMemoStateEx( talker, 9999, 1, 0 );
          myself::AddTimerEx( 1, 1000 );
      EventHandler TIMER_FIRED_EX( timer_id, talker )
        if( timer_id == 1 )
          myself::SpecialCamera( myself.sm, 1, 200, 0, 15, 7000, 7000, 0, 0, 1,
                                 0 );
          myself::Say( "Fools! Why haven't you fled yet? Prepare to learn a lesson!" );
          myself::AddTimerEx( 2, 3000 );
        if( timer_id == 2 )
          myself::ChangeMoveType( 0 );
          myself::AddMoveToDesire( 95904, -110652, -3344, 5000 );
          myself::AddTimerEx( 3, 5500 );
        if( timer_id == 3 )
          myself::CreateOnePrivateEx( 1025512, "dr_chaos_gigantic_golem", 0, 0,
                                      myself::FloatToInt( 96030 ),
                                      myself::FloatToInt( -110777 ),
                                      myself::FloatToInt( -3312 ), 0,
                                      myself.sm.id, 0, 0 );
          myself::AddEffectActionDesire( dr_chaos_gigantic_golem, social, 0, 0 );


    Why don't you add a function that passes that to another timer_id that does nothing and then the timer is reset again ? 


    What are you trying to accomplish anyway ? 

  3. On 3/20/2020 at 9:09 PM, LineageLover said:

    Thank you for your help but I found a way to do it without editing Ai.obj.

    As learning skills require 2 quests - subclass(id=235) and  More Than Meets the Eye(id=136) i changed {[quest_num]=136} to {[quest_num]=235} inside npcdata for master_transformation npc. 


    I hope it makes sense.



    Topic lock request.

  4. 1 hour ago, Nightw0lf said:

    the same way you understood that this is touched you can find what is touched too.

    dates of files beign edited yes? compare them with official share, or just take official share and remove the key validation if you have trouble doing that post in help section the code you stuck with

    There is an easy way just using the keygen provided for that 2nd key that is required by a lot of modules. The hard way as i did is remove all that part from the code, you make a clean up in the process too. since all those functions won't be needed anymore.

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/27/2020 at 3:23 AM, ericvini said:

    I cannot compile the files here. Could anyone upload a clear ILExt.dll with the key removed? This one appears to have been touched. Thanks


    ps: the keygen doesnt work to me for some reason. I d like to upgrade my VM Hardware, so i m looking at a clear version to replace the one I bought years ago.

    Have you tried reading, what the errors when compiling say ? Maybe wrong setup ? It's a good way to start researching and/or learning now with all this coronavirus thing, i mean, take baby steps. Crawl before you walk.

  6. On 3/14/2020 at 8:40 AM, etherian said:

    hey why so much cabaret\catfight discussion about this

    ill rather use last nextdev b4 touching any other old c4

    i do not agree with anyone since i used to be with a very old crew back at c1/c2/c3 times

    and everything was rly different since L2 was 32 bit exec

    C4 was the jump to 64 bits and the doom / decay of lineage 2 ... 

    we all rejected many new things like sub class 

    so i wont argue anything cause most of the ''new things'' are boring 

    we used to play with 2 potions haste and swift, mages used haste and acumen potion

    it was tattoo era  before everything changed


    laters ppl...  imo it is a shame to read such things from old players like you 2 guys


    i may say only 1 thing over all


                                    i respect Russian developers 


    cause they did for free what noone did in code/fixes for YEARS 



    so cyaaa!
    Xerxes  from Omen of Disgrace

    The community is broken. I'm surprised after this long time Lineage 2 private server aren't dead yet.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Personally i stick to 2008 R2. Mostly because of its interface, more recent windows server distributions are too bloated for me, also i prefer the bare minimum when i work with an OS. So unless they prove me that there is a real performance and safety benefit, i will stick to the old stuff. As for the OS availability by hosting companies, i get it with non OS and make sure they allow me to connect through KVM over IP. I hope this helps you.

  8. On 3/1/2019 at 3:52 AM, katia666 said:

    Any have a IA.obj DECOMPILER and COMPILER? for latest Vanganth files?


    i try with l2tooks but it freeze in "processing Mrkeeper"

    There isn't any, just use normal c4 compiler/decompiler, in case you use some special ai handlers that dont exist on retail c4 but do exist in the extender just use a different handler and then replace it once the AI has been compiled


    Well, i searching how to config some thingks likes:


    [Npc Drop Global]
    ; without rb
    ; by npc level

    i dont find the web creator, and nothing to how to config some things in config on l2patch...


    if anyone used and know how to config...


    The description of the paramaters explains itself mate, if you can't read English you have a problem.


    Could not connect:


    Failed to load 'Texture L2Font-es.SmallFont-es': Failed to find object 'Texture L2Font-es.SmallFont-es'

    History: UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture L2Font-es.SmallFont-es NULL) <- UCanvas::UCanvas <- UViewport::UViewport <- UWindowsClient::NewViewport <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
    I DID download the file and I DID put it in the system folder.
    Thought I couldn't understand why do we have to download separate file when we already have to download the system itself. Couldn't the extra file be in the system already? As you can see above, it brings some problems.


    To me it looks like a custom L2Font, and that means it goes into systextures.

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