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Everything posted by zeusgz

  1. www.play4life.com.ar System http://play4life.com.ar/launcher/AutoUpdater%20Play4Life.rar Account (register needed and confirm mail) http://play4life.com.ar/cuentas.html Rates: XP/ SP: x200 Adena/ Spoil: x200 Drop: x7 Raid Jewels Drop: x1 Manor: x2 Fishing: x2 NPC: GK GM Shop B Grade to S80 (Adena only) Npc Buffer. NPC Top PvP/PK Hero Manager S84 Armors/Jewels/weapons Trader Server Info Ancient Adena Manager (Merchant, Blacksmiths of mammon and AA Trader Functions) Special Trader System: Balanced class Mages/warrios , Pasive Armor and Weapon Mastery non acumulative. Some 3rd class Skill restrictions. Class Manager Sub-Class, Stuck, can be add and managed subclass in Grand Masters/Magisters/Prefects, Base class+3, min Sub-Class Lvl 75 Max 85. Casting Speed and Atk Speed NO LIMITS AutoLearn - Skill AutoLoot No Clan Penalty Mods: Play4Life Assistant, book with some functions, GK, Buff, Scheme Buffer (obtain after character creation) Hero Instance, exclusive instance for hero characters 85+, with diferent level and stages and final boss, Play4Life Box reward after kill the boss. Seed Of Destruction Instance, new gracia instance 100% retail like, 75+ instance with final boss Tiat, after kill him 10th times, tiat drop random vesper or icarus weapons, and Play4Life Premium Box. 2 Weeks Olympiad System
  2. si www.foro.nrggames.com seccion Lineage II it's server with no donation armor, weapons and jewel, so these are event items rewards for no donation server, rates x30 :P
  3. Thanks but this work correctly? path diff is compatible with rev 3692 ? xD
  4. Am Edit it already in main post, thanks!
  5. ok, site is in main post, thanks! Sorry bad english grammar!
  6. Sorry, am edit de title. Site work, Forum, work, and Server work... http://nrgl2.nrggames.com/ server is from Argentina, Datacenter IDEAR - NRGGames Network Link 100mb
  7. NRG Lineage II Server Epilogue x30 Web: http://nrgl2.nrggames.com/ System: www.nrgl2.nrggames.com/system.rar Rates Experience Rate: x30 Party Exp Rate: 1.5 Party SP Rate: 2.0 Drop Spoil: x1 Safe Enchant: +4 Max Enchant: +20 Enchant Rate: 65% Blessed Enchant Rate: 75% Features: - SubClass Retail Without Quest Base +3 (NO Acumulative) - Noblesse Retail With Quest (Barakiel Spawn every 2hr in RaidBoss Event) - Olimpiads Retail - SubClass Skilss - MasterWorks Items - Kamaloka - AI Epic Boss Retail - Geodata Full - Mail System - Clan y Aliance Crest NPC System (All towns with Castle) - PvP Item Reward system (Anti Farm PvP System, permanent ban if you attempt ilegal farm pvp, included in server rules, and abuse report in our forum) - Auto Class Change at lvl 20, 40 y 76 NPC Custom: - NPC Buffer Custom + Scheme System (Buff, Song, Dances, Special, duration 1hr, NO Blessing of noblesse) - NPC Helper Shop (Armor, Weapons, jewels Items C to S, Consumables, all items with retail adena price, except quest items, pets and accesories) - NPC Gatekeeper Global - NPC Dynasty Shop - NPC Vesper Shop - NPC Item Manager S80 y S84 - NPC Event Manager Every monster drop NRGL2 Adena with drop rate 20%, you can use this for obtain adena, with righ clicking, or save it for buy event items in event manager. NRGL2 Adena Rate: 1kk = 60% 2kk = 20% 5kk = 10 % 10kk = 5% 50kk = 4% 100kk = 1% Events: - TvT Event cada 1hr - Raid Boss Event every 4hr (Items reward only if attack RaidBoss with party) - Party Event S80 "Gracia Continent Heroes" every 6hr (Only party with level 78, Party Instance Event type) - Party Event S84 "Beleth" every 12hr (Only party with level 84, Party Instance event type) - GM Events PvP, Raid Boss, Quest, Clan Event Items Rewards Event - Castle Sieges - Clan Hall Asediables - Top Clan Level - Top Heroes - Top Nobles - Top PvP - Top PK - Top Bug Reporter - Top Abuse Report Items Rewards Event list Rewards: - Castle Sieges - Aden: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Goddad: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Giran: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Rune: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Oren: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Schuttgart: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Gludio: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Innadril: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Dion: - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Clan Hall Asediables - Bandit Stronghold - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Devastated Castle - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Wild Beast Reserve - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Fortress of the Dead - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Rainbow Springs Chateau - Reward Leader: - Reward Clan Members: - Top Clan Level - Top Heroes - Top Nobles - Top PvP - Top PK - Top Bug Reporter - Top Abuse Report After server start, players have some time for participate in the event. Dedicated Server: Quad Core Xeon 8Gb Ram - Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 - NRGGames Hosting Sponsor NRGGames Staff.
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