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  1. Yeah ipwner "your script" for sure!You are so newbie to this game. You can download for free at l2 tower forum from a guy named pvpsuite and that guy shares many other scripts for enchant/enchant skill/augment/pvps. It just auto enchant without clicking!i love the new generation "hackers" have no idea about what they doing.About the server the damages are ok i hit with archer 3-6k to mages 2-4k to fighters and a mage hits 1+ without mc .some debuffs need some fix to land rate but even if they find a way to fix them you would cry always about smth.like a guy on forum was crying cuz he couldnt kill an overlord to oly with TH.
  2. trustful guy and he really does the work!
  3. since its l2j nothing can be like retail.on retail enchant rates are different too, should he change that too?!np cuz you cant enchant! l2j "pro" players get real
  4. i still cant log to your site/forum.could you fix this?there are many that have the same problem
  5. totally agree!do not add spell/battle force to buffer.
  6. since im playing with a clan i dont really care about solo pvp players coz they dont offer something to server.only organised pvps by clans offers action to server.anyway looking forward for your updates!
  7. i would suggest you to delete this pvp/pk zone (P.I) because it is used since 1940 and this area is the worst!just let the regular farm zones to take place for pvps.And make noblesse useful.i mean the auto noblesse system when you die because never ending pvps is boring and there is no fun so make it without auto noblesse.
  8. fresh start as the others said!i played to your server from the opening and i already have items but it's better to wipe it because 1 month passed..it's not that difficult to make items again..
  9. your login to server is not working..same for account register at your site
  10. same and boring sh1ts everywhere!don't create servers if you have no imagination
  11. respawn time of bosses its ok!dont listen to kids that they want full gear in 15 mins or they emo quit.just do your own job 8)
  12. you need to have java knowledge to make that!search for a guide and learn
  13. maxStack is about how many times you want to share this item!since you put only 1 item (itemId=7569) for share you just need to put how many times you want to share it at maxStack.so delete {1, 1, 1} cuz this is equal for 3 items and add only one value! it would be like private final int[] maxStack = { 9999 } in this way you share your item 9999 times.Try this one and if you have problem message me to give you the whole code...or you can find it at l2j server forum..
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