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About Peanuts

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  1. Well i downlaoded the file edit that u told me :x, anyone has a link to download the already edited file?
  2. I cant find any .ini file in my system edit: I found it , says only "user" and doesn't says ini, but when i open it it shows... nothing
  3. excrement, where to download that gracia final l2edit? because I had one for interlude-kamael for to make my enchant glow patch, but after I made it my antivirus knew the program as a virus so I deleted it, and sedooki , is that the unlimited zoom file? or some random patch you're giving me
  4. Need this for Gracia Final, anyone has it?
  5. UP jesus this is maxcheaters noone has a zoom file? -.-'
  6. If some1 has it plz give me a link or paste it on my msn borgotanch_1@hotmail.com
  7. I need it for Gracia final :x
  8. Can some1 give me a link from where to download it please? trying to find it since months -.-', or add me at msn borgotanch_1@hotmail.com and paste, thanks
  9. borgotanch_1@hotmail.com playing L2InC, (ig names Peanuts/Diarrhea)
  10. Can't find it, any more direct link for the zoom patch?
  11. If some1 has it, please add me on borgotanch_1@hotmail.com and paste plz, or send me a link to download,ty
  12. Sup, im looking for a zoom modified file, that one that has a huge fucking zoom, if some1 has it please add me at borgotanch_1@hotmail.com , or give me a link to download cuz I can't find it, thanks.
  13. I think you're confused, this is a market place trade, for all the servers, either way I already got one
  14. Offering +21 ica bow and 15k fa if the bow is +25.. if its more ++ , we'll make a deal
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