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Everything posted by wooleystyle

  1. I know they are but if you see someone selling 1.7kkk like I lost, then think twice - cos whatever he says I know no one would have bought them after being warned. So expect another post under a different username soon.
  2. Just like to add this has been reported so anyone you see selling an AM/1.7kkk/TSS Set, be a bit skeptical because I've wrote a support form and they are very strict on banning both the scammers and the account which the items end up being on. Not saying everyones a scammer that sells these type of items, just be cautious.
  3. I'd just like to add I've reported this to RPG Admins, they will both ban and remove the items from any account which they end up on - I don't want to get an innocent person banned, so just don't bother purchasing them
  4. Scammer. I had both AM and 1.7kkk scammed earlier in this thread. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196078.0 Now this one post person amazingly has 1.7kkk and an AM. Coinsidence?
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/?d9vey5e5i3nmacc Chat log on MSN incase he denies it, pointless reporting it to admins on here because nothing will be done. I have nothing to hide, passwords have been changed back even though its too late
  6. Char no longer for sale scammed by WhiteWidow http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=78947 All char was stripped and given to his alt before I realised.
  7. Screen of Items/Adena/Char
  8. Noblesse Doomcryer - Level 80.91 75 Tank - UD Cert 75 SWS - Celestial Cert Full Major Arcana Set - 2 Pieces Full Element (Water/Fire) Arcana Mace Hydroblast Nuke Aug (No SA/Ele) Imperial Crusader Shield Full TTS Set Top Great Wolf equip 70 Fenrir 81 Fenrir Masterwork S Duals Assasin Bamboo Hat ??? 1.9kkk Adena - 2 Euro/100kk Lots more on the char, lots of mats/stuff - to much to list Can sell the char as a package or seperately Payment via Paypal only Never used this site to sell but have used other sites before - fast delivery
  9. WTB Adena or MSS on Arion All trades will be done in small increments via Paypal, verified only. Leave a message here or PM me.
  10. Website Forum Server Rates: EXP: 7x SP: 8x Adena: 1x Chance - 8x Amount SealStones: 1x Chance - 5x Amount Materials: 1x Chance - 7x Amount KeyMaterials/Recipes/Spellbooks/Full drops: 7x Chance - 1x Amount All Other Items: 1x Chance - 1x Amount Additional rates: Spoil amount/chance x5 Quest item amount/chance x5 GameServer Specs: 2x Intel Dual Core Xeon 5150, 2.66 GHz 16 GB DDR2 RAM dedicated 100Mbit full duplex port 2x 72 GB Raptors L2Off Interlude files. Configured to be as retail like as possible. 100% working debuff bar. Command Channel fully operational. Excellent Geodata. 100% working interlude skills, ALL OF THEM. Interlude Clan system. Siegable Clan Halls, 100%. Working academy system. Interlude stats on raidbosses. Interlude stats on monsters. No Staff corruption. Retail Olympiad. Retail SSQ. No Dual Boxing allowed. Anti bot system. Demonic Sword Zariche 100% working. Blood Sword Akamanah 100% working. Raid Curses work like they should. No customs whatsoever. Augmentation working. Irc Network: irc.deltaanime.net Channel: #L2-Earth
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