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About FireFly

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    3D Graphics, Coding, Playing, Fishing, etc...

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  1. There are times, when you want to play alone, or you don't have those old friends you played with because they're not playing the game anymore. Still if you want to play, you need a party, and for that, this is one of the solutions. Not to mention how time consuming MMORPG games can be.
  2. Thank you for your recommendation, and your words. There are some functions that I am not allowed to talk about until the server comes live, however there are some that I can talk about. - A premium function, which allows players to buy two different kind of premium packs which will add a premium membership to your character for a certain amount of time: 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 days to be exact. One of these packs gives the following bonuses for the time being: x2 xp, x2 sp, x2 drop, x2 spoil. If you're in a party with at least one people who does not have premium, the drop multiplier goes back to 1,5x, but will add the drop multiplier to the whole party. Once there is at least 2 or more premium members in the party, the drop multiplier will go up to 2x again. The second premium function allows players, to buy the autoloot ability, while others still have to loot items from the ground. Even if you are in a party, you will get autoloot, if all the party members has autoloot. Both these functions has a new button in the admin menu, and you can see every information about a certain player, for example: If the player has a premium membership. The amount of time he has left if his membership. The type of the premium pack, the player has used in order to get premium membership. On client side, the players can write in a .premium and .autoloot command which will show them the time left on their premium memberships. - A delevel function, that literally just hides the skill, if your character level goes under the level that you can learn the given skill, the skill will be hidden, until you regain the needed levels for it. Meaning, you will keep even your enchanted skills, and never lose them. - Fixed crystallize button, originally not showing up, when the create item skill is learned, needed relogin in order it to show up. - Anyone can use any type of dyes without any restriction. - The ability to turn on/off the experience gained by the player, but other things still gain experience through the player's kills, for example: pets.
  3. We are done with the previous project, and awaiting new clients. Requirements: - English is a MUST! - Thorough, and very detailed explanation about your idea, plan, etc... - Pay per function done. - Not going back on your words, and changing things in midst of developing!
  4. He is not registered on the forum, anyway, we are working on a project right now for someone that has found us on this forum, after it's done we are free for new projects or any kind of coding work.
  5. Hello there! Me and my friend are offering coding support for your server, basically you can "hire" us to fix something on your server. Reflect damage, pvp damages, adding new buffs to the game, removing buffs from the game, basically anything you can imagine, we can even fix the "geodata" on your server, so not just the characters, but even every mob, pet, summon doesn't get stuck, doesn't teleport through walls, they will follow the path, like a real AI, and will go around the walls whilst chasing you. If anyone's interested, here we are. Our prices are pretty low, but of course it depends on your needs. P.S: L2J only... for now.
  6. My free reference: Auto augment script for all three major chronicles. New script: Multipurpose supporter script. Can be used on Bishop, Shillien Elder, Elven Elder, Warcryer, Overlord. - Buffing party members by name each with their own unique bufflist that you can give. It will ONLY buff the missing buffs, so if you get a cancel it will instantly rebuff the missing buff(s) on you! - Party heal. - Self heal - Party recharge - Follow given player - Assist given player ( put debuffs on mobs: stigma, windshackle etc... you can give the debuffs you want to put on mobs, even multiple debuffs at once ) - Give noblesse to every party member. - Remove 1 or 2 zerk if needed. - You can define the health, and mana limits the script will let party members drop below, before it starts to recharge/heal. - It will remove EVERY debuffs from all of the party members that YOU give to the script in a list. - Evey each one of the settings can be turned off or on, to suit the user's needs. - Works with all three major chronicles. Script can be extended for custom requests. This script is being continously improved, when I have added something, you will get the updated version for free. Price: 12€. New script: Assisting spoiler. - Spoils assist target until it has been successfully spoiled. - It will sweep every mob in it's surroundings, if it has items in it to sweep, even if the mob that died is not the main target. - Follows party leader given by name. - Accepts party invites from given names. - Assists given name in combat. - Works with all three major chronicles. Script can be extended for custom requests. Price: 8€. New script: Multipurpose supporter script. Anti Aggro/Anti Mirage/Target Lock Script. - Retarget the previous target as soon as possible, it may even bypass aggression on some of the less good servers. - Works with all three major chronicles. Script can be extended for custom requests. Price: 6€. Auto Enchant Script. - Auto enchant infinite type of items with one setup. ( meaning you can enchant a full set without touching the script ) - Stop enchanting at given enchant level. - Use blessed or crystal scroll from given enchant level. - Cancels trade requests, party requests, clan requests. - Restocks items from any kind of custom shops with a very easy one-time setup that I will help in! - Works with all three major chronicles. Price: 8€. Auto Skill enchant script ( 8€. 1x sold ): - Automatically enchants skills as fast as possible ( this is usually fast as lightning ) - Uses mastery books from given skill level. - Stops on given level if set. - Works with all three major chronicles. Price: 8€. DeadlyBackstab. - Move behind your target as precisely as it is possible in the game ( it will be the back of your target, even if you skill from the front ) - Works with all three major chronicles. - Can be easily combined with anti-mirage and anti-backstab scripts. ( for an extra 4€ ) Price: 8€. Auto Attribute Script. - Define 6 items at once to attribute the given elements on them. - Stops at given level if set. - Fast as lightning! - Works with all three major chronicles. Price: 8€. Anti-Backstab script. - Instantly turn to the target, as soon as someone casts a skill with lethal chance on you. Price: 2€.
  7. Anyone knows any hack for this server? i dont believe everything is patched there must be a way to hack with somethin i know u guys can do a hack for that server Dragon-network......
  8. If anyone ( especially maxt0r :wink: ) can do a new help.html that will be f*****g great ^^ i dont know is this a hard work or something but if u have a little freetime plz make a new NON patched help.html for dragon-network servers
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