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Posts posted by BigGreen

  1. because that way u inform us too about the servers quality a bit better than say things like "die gm die"

    if the server is bad, tell us the reason and go search for the next one


    Well I did explain for two types of Human. The ones that can READ and UNDERSTAND and for the ones that Have A WERY LOW IQ ! At least say thanks for the effort.

  2. Well if I just can find some Pro DEV's that can code every idea that came up that will be so damn cool. But every1 today is mostly for money.

    Since I never find some1 to listen to my ideas I decide to make this post and if there is some1 out there looking for unique features he can search @ this post and choose what he likes mostly.

  3. Update my last EpicBoss cool idea.


    So let's start with Zaken. Every one know that Zaken can be find on a boat.

    My idea is that Zaken can be find out in boats that are traveling across the towns. The raid will be spawn random on a boat.


    How to you can enter the boat ?


    Easy, the party leader will need to Hunt Raids to earn " Ticket boat". The party leader must owns one ticket to enter along with his party members in a boat by talking with the "Ticket Seller" NPC.

  4. i just like the interlude one...is the best l2 period :X....after that...l2 id dead :P..but anyway on topic:why you renamw s grade to t grade?

    about armors and weapons...dyn on interlude are awesome :X


    and abour raid boss....is to low that 1 % of armors or  weapons drop:|...it will be nice at 30 40 %


    Well, S-Grade can be still used, but since the new "T-grade" gear will be hard to earn yeah I prefer to keep S-grade alive.

    The drop rate must be low, since there many RaidBosses to hunt. If you put the drop rate high ppl will get bored fast and EMO quit.

  5. So, as you guys get bored of many servers that have the same "custom features", I want to share with you guys my few unique ideas for a server. I do prefer Interlude high rate, so there you.


    Custom Nobless Quest:

    - You need to kill Barakiel and the party that did the last HIT or the higher damage will be ported on a Custom Zone where they can find a NPC and get instant nobless. Why do I prefer that ? Because the number of nobless players will be the same and you wont have to get bored during the quest. Also it will always be a masss PVP @ Barakiel.

    New Custom Penalty:

    - You can earn it at level 78 and I prefer to call it "T-Grade". So at level 78 you can were T-grade.

    Custom Armors and Weapons:

    - Well that depends on what Texture the community will choose (honest I love Dusk weapons).

    How can you obtain T-Grade gear:

    - Every RaidBoss level 75 + Will have a rate of 1% to drop 1 Weapon and 1 random Armor Part (robe/light/heavy). That can keep the players active all day longer.


    That's so far and I have many others great and unique ideas for Siege, Epic Bosses, Farm Zones and Events.


    Thanks share your ideas here.

  6. Well, I do miss the old L2gold. I mean there was no server such as L2gold it was created perfectly. I mean it was high rate, but if you put the lost time spend it to earn max gear, you realize that its the same as low  rate server even harder. Ghost did manage to edit the server so you can't get bored, that why it was a successfully server.


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