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About nounours

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  1. ok thanks
  2. Someone knows how to move, delete the + (see on the red circle in the image) int the client grand crusade ? https://imgur.com/b4xAFNb
  3. I can enter my login but i see the server still down...
  4. Link for pack & update dll dead, re-upload it please, thank you.
  5. Hello, we are glad to inform you that our open beta will start Tomorrow 18:00 GMT + 1. All informations for connection will be available today. Be ready and call your friend !
  6. After 2 weeks of silence, we are very near the opening of our Open Beta, be ready ! (1/2 days) It's the time to call all your friend, clan mates etc... Thank you for your support !
  7. The server is currently in development, we will start beta soon. We can't really give you an estimation for the moment, only when we will start beta. Thank you for all supporting us.
  8. Thank you for your support, we are currently doing poll about dualboxing, let us know your opinion about this subject :) Beta starting soon, so be ready and check forum everytime. Help us to promote our server posting, advertising in your clan forum etc... to make a great server.
  9. Yes it is a secret you dont need to know. I can only say that extender is very good. For now just perfect. No, we have cisco firewall, if we will need something better we will buy it for ddos. Its not you'r bizness. So what ? If we want we can get better machine. For now this machine can handle 2000 player's with out any problem. Kasha-malaga or something else. Now, let us in peace and go work on your server, and we will see what low rate server is the best.
  10. Lineage 2 Memories Website: www.l2memories.eu Forum: www.l2memories.eu/forum * Our server run with L2Off, not like all other server with L2j. * We are using best files for low rate servers, without any bugs and exploits. * We can handle ~4000 Players online. * Back to the feature ! * Backup every 4 hours ! Server Features: * Retail like server. * Rates: 7x * Perfect L2Off Interlude extender. * Offline shop. * Spawn Protection. * Cursed weapon fully working. * Herbs system working just perfect. * Olympiad working. * Castle siege fully working with no lag. * Buggless geodata. * Uptime 99.99% with an autorestarter if there is any unexpected problem. * DDOS , synflood and hack protected. * Active and experimented staff with more than 3 year in lineage 2 server management. * There is no overpower problems concerning a specific class. * Small Donations (Accessory, character & account related). * Join us now for a new gaming experience. * And much more. Server Hardware: * Quad-Core 2.80GHz * 24 GB DDR3 RAM * 1 GBit OnBoard * (Machine paid for one year) Staff: * Zero - Project Owner & Admin. * Diego - Admin & Developer. * Join US to revive the old school memories ! Beta starting soon so be ready to play !
  11. Good, bug fixed but now i have a new bug with NPC Server, i have this error: http://img228.imageshack.us/i/l2offnpcbug.png/ Thank you :)
  12. Well, a big thank to share this, but i have some problem. I got lot of different error but it's almost working. When i connect ingame, my character start in the sky and go down and after few secondes, he is stopped like this and i can't move: http://img853.imageshack.us/i/l2offspawn.png And i got this error in the l2server windows: http://img825.imageshack.us/i/l2offproblem.png And l2npc server give lot of error too (npc dont load). Thank you in advance & thank again !:)
  13. Hello, I currently own a dedicated server that I don't use (my project is ended). However it is paid for another 6 months, and I want to learn some money to switch to another project that require another things. So i rent/share him for money. Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore RAM 24 GB DDR3 RAM Hard discs 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD NIC 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit Backup Space 100 GB Traffic Unlimited If you are interrested add me at: sniper_59113[ANTI]hotmail.fr Replace [ANTI] by @ See you soon.
  14. Hello, I am looking for change the login port in client (interlude) to be able to run differant login server on my dedicated server. Thank you.
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