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Everything posted by dezel78000

  1. how many differnt systems did you try this on? it may work on yours but can it crash others. before posting an update like this for ppl to download, i would test it out to the best you can before giving to ppl.
  2. sorry but you nude patch is wrong, there are no texture files
  3. dude keep up the awsome work, you just might be what this forum has been looking for!!
  4. if you know what you are doing you can change any dat file to work for any client, trust me i have done it....
  5. the reason no one is playing anything above interlude, cuz not many ppl know what they are doing for final...
  6. can you plz let us know how you made it? plz plz plz ;D
  7. thx you very much, only wish other people were as helpful as you guys :)
  8. in the db they are set to L2Monster from L2Npc, i had to do that so they would atk back. the no hp bar shows up when you click on them in their name title.
  9. can someone tell me how to make a monster larger or smaller insize? thx
  10. I am using gracia final version 343, my problem is this..... when i make a new monster some will show no hp bar. it only happens to a few. if anyone know hows to fix this plz tell me. thx :)
  11. i'm not sure if this will work but i will give it a try, it is just nice to see someppl out there that give a damn about other ppl and still trys to help them out. thx you for your time in helping me.
  12. well back to the real question, if anyone like to know how to do this plz post here :)
  13. this is the section on moding and making new files, so i have the right spot. and to be corrected, modding is when you chance a file, i'm looking in making a new one so i'm not modding anything.
  14. where can i find this file? can you give me some steps plz :)
  15. i have worked with the new pets, the steam beatle and the lion, all i can get them to do is show the summon light when you summon them, that is all, what am i doing wrong?
  16. i have search and searched but can't find how to make echo crys step by step, i have limited down to 5 files that you have to use. if someone knows how to do it, can you plz tell me here. thxs
  17. can someone help me out plz, what i would like to do is make an item than when you click on it, it shows a bar above your head than goes down like a timer and when the timer runs out, you get a random gift.
  18. I was on this one server where they had a npc and you could go up to it and pay it to put a hit out on some one, than the server would say who has a hit out on them, when someone kill that person they would get what ever was paid. if someone has heard of this or has the files plz help me out and tell me.... thx u
  19. you think the weapons are great, why don't you give us the new texture's for the skills from aion???????????? cuz you can't...lol anyone can do items and junk
  20. interlude sucks, anyone says other wise are loosers..lol
  21. pictures would be great.....
  22. heres a question for ya, where are the guys nude pic's, it would be good to have both so the woman can enjoy this as well, good job on the share thou, 2 thumbs up :)
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