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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. What the? Can someone translate that? I catch nothing from this :S
  2. Well pro like that... I dont think he is going to buy dedicated machine ^^. I think he is going to host it at home. So if so, your answer is 0$ per month. ^^
  3. Well i didnt want to create own topic (I dont need +1 posts >.>). So i bumped GrisoM's lol its same shit isnt it? If you think I'm spamming, otherwise i would create my topic (1post) and bump like 10 times (10posts) ^^ Anyway L2Java is new or...? 400+ Online I see.
  4. You dont need to give me those servers... You meant they can get bots to feed in oly if noblesse is less then 1k Stars? Well make a GOD DAMN PROTECTION eh? You said on your language: You can get wep +18 in 3minutes? So? I spent some adenas getting on +25 but still. I mean at least announce the event right and not on your language only! If you said sorry it means u are guilty so... Next time make 1vs1 or 2vs2 event Oo. And hmm I WONT shut up cause i actually PLAY your tarded server without protection. :D :D :D
  5. In Last l2 part there will be like 14124Armors cause in Gracia Final Vesper is not custom remember its regular armor (I think so, isnt it?) Anyway yeah, wow just sucks :D Its gameplay is maybe good but huh, the graphics? Its like some homeless tards running wearing some clothes from garbage (Armors - rofl).
  6. Not a bug and yeah, take some time and you'll have 255 recs :) Means you need to log-in / log-out 255 times :O ^^
  7. He opened topic again. Close one of them. And what client is it say on other post (I see now but he should edit the other topic) PS I might try it.
  8. Another Spanish or whatever server (Votar)(Entrar)? I'm -beep-ing sick of them (Cause they speak ONLY spanish on global/hero chat). Anyway what client is it? Gracia FinaL? Interlude? Edit tittle to [ClientName L2J] Hebigames Community
  9. Listen, i double - cause i find servers, i triple posted - cause i have to bump. Dont teach my about that you little spammer ^^ What you just did pls tell me? Did you suggested servers? - NO Did you said something about previously posted servers? - NO You spam too, so dont QQ me about spamming! PS And yeah, they are nice.
  10. LoL if you ask the poster then ok but if you ask the chronicle of www.lineage2.com then LOL :D www.lineage2.ro
  11. Hahahahahahahahaha! LoLed so hard at this one! Anyway i like the pics but I'm gracia hater so i dont want to look it anymore :P
  12. Raule you suck :D Mine is better ^^ Ehm, lock to avoid spam :P
  13. As usual, hero/global chat = non-english. Also there was a nice "Corruption Event" called "Are you faster then 2 fullbuffed daggers with dash?", GM droped ++ weapons, and ofc 2 daggers with dash got all. + He didnt announce it will be that kind of event, i mean he probably did but on this fucking language! Sh1t i just dont like when ppl are not speaking English in Global/Hero, and when they talk about something (They have PMs omg) Not 1vs1 event? 2vs2 eveny? NO, drop wep on the floor. Oo Noblesse (Cardine's Letter) - 1000 Omen Stars = 100mobs which have high resist to all the sh1ts like bows,daggers etc. ( I mean its a highrate for god sake!)
  14. I doubt there is NEW hellbound server. Anyway wrong section, it belongs to [Request] Servers. Theres topic in here with some hellbounds... Check if one of them is new.
  15. Loling Stones, im feel sorry for ya :D And for all 4 years ^^ Crit. Dmg. I mean everyone have their own (retarded) opinions, so you have one also :P . By the way i remember i played with Haste once on L2ShadowsReborn... I think its cause i had lower speed and i crited a lot so i took haste i guess.
  16. Actually i didnt, cause u didnt quote mine or cyperex reply. But now i know.
  17. Rune. I saw i replied and said Aden. xD Well Aden, yes, its biggest and beautiful but cause every1 is saying Aden i'll say rune :)
  18. Cause u can play hellbound with Gracia Part 2 :D Ultra ^^
  19. You didnt quote the text so i dont know with who you agree here, but never mind.
  20. LoLed so much, i knew there will be posts like that xD
  21. I might join but what server will our group (Clan) play? Lets say i like this kind of servers (Interlude Highrate PvP Servers) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=109842.0
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